Journey 2001 Performance Reporting Under Title 1-B of the Workforce Investment Act Candice Graham-Young USDOL ETA Office of Workforce Security Performance.

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2 Journey 2001 Performance Reporting Under Title 1-B of the Workforce Investment Act Candice Graham-Young USDOL ETA Office of Workforce Security Performance Accountability Team Richard West Consultant Social Policy Research Associates

3 Journey 2001

4 Financial Status Report (FSR) Includes information about expenditures and program income reported on an accrual basis cumulative by fiscal year of appropriation States submit reports on a web site 45 days after the quarter using software provided by DOL A final financial report is required 90 days after the expiration of a funding period or the termination of grant support Cumulative report

5 Journey 2001 WIA Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) Submitted electronically from States for all program year exiters and exiters with new outcome information on an annual basis Contains participant characteristics, activities and outcomes information Used to prepare quarterly and annual participant reports

6 Reduced reporting burden: –Items to be collected only at the intensive/training services level include: Limited English, single parent UI receipt and WPRS referral (combined) –Low income and public assistance items dropped for dislocated worker –Reading and math test scores dropped –Education status simplified –Partner program participation optional Journey 2001 Changes from April FRN

7 Reporting for core services aligned with Wagner- Peyser Occupations to be reported using SOC, CIP or O*Net 3.0 codes –DOT, OES allowed for a transition period –CIP allowed for occupation of training program Option to submit a sample of records –Sampling specifications must be met –Still need to collect data for everyone Journey 2001 Changes from April FRN, Continued

8 Journey 2001 WIASRD Requirements Commensurate with the Level of Services Received Adults and dislocated workers: depends on intensity of service Information and self-service only: No data required, no record submitted Core services only: Limited demographic information, some service information, all outcome information Intensive and training services: additional characteristics and services information Youth: depends on age at registration Multiple programs: all relevant items WIA strikes a delicate balance between cost of gathering and reporting data and the need to know

9 Journey 2001 WIASRD Highlights Revised document format Simple identification of when item required Order related to when the item is required Major groups of items are characteristics, services, and outcomes One record for each person served in the state Report all WIA Title I-B services Exit defined across WIA programs and partner- funded services (when reported)

10 Journey 2001 WIASRD Highlights, Continued Ethnicity (Hispanic) separated from race –Should be asked before race Separate items for each racial group –Must allow multiple yes responses A variety of post-program data collection points to support the performance measures Strategies for supplemental data For everyone not in the wage records Only if not in wage records and employment known Not at all

11 Journey 2001 Quarterly Summary Report Performance information for management purposes. Used for budgeting and GPRA Includes information about statewide outcomes on the key indicators of performance and customer satisfaction Captures numbers of participants and exiters Submitted electronically 45 days after the quarter Cumulative statewide performance

12 WIA Exit Two ways of determining exit exit –‘Hard’ exit: Individual has a date of case closure, completion or known exit –‘Soft’ exit: Individual receives no services for 90- days and not scheduled for future services In both cases the exit date is the date of the last service –At the beginning of the 90-day period Journey 2001

13 WIA Exit WIA ParticipationNo services Last Service End of 90-day period WIA Exit Date Journey 2001

14 When Outcomes Occur Q1Q2Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3 PY 2000PY 2001 Entered Employ. Exit EE Retention RTN Credential 12 Mo Youth Diploma      =When Measured   12 Mo. Retention Journey 2001

15 Timeframes for Data

16 Timing for # of Exiters Q4Q3Q2Q1 PY 2000 Exit Group for PY 2000 1Q Lag Q3 report Q1 PY 2001 report Q2 Rpt Q2 Report Due Feb. 14 Report 1st Q Exiters in Q2 Report Q3 Report Due May.14 1Q Lag Report 1st Q & 2nd Q Exiters in Q3 Report Report all 4 Qs Exiters in PY 2001 Q1 Report 1Q Lag Q2Q1 PY 2001 PY 2001 Q1 Report Due Nov. 14 Journey 2001

17 Timing for Entered Employment Q1Q2 Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3 PY 1999PY 2000 Exit Group for 2000 Perf. Employment Quarters2Q Lag Exiters in Q2 Report Q2 Report Due Feb. 14 2Q LagEmploy. Qs Q4 Report Due Aug. 14 Report 2nd & 3rd Q Exiters in Q2 Report Report all 4 Qs in Q4 Report Journey 2001

18 Timing for Retention Q1Q2Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3 PY 1999PY 2000 Exit Group for PY 2000 Exiters Employment Quarters Q2 Report Due Feb. 14 2Q Lag Retention Not Available for PY 2000 Q2 Report Q3 Report Due May. 14 2Q LagEmp. Report Retention for Q2 PY99 Exiters in Q3 Report Journey 2001

19 Quarterly Report Form

20 Journey 2001 Annual Report Basis for awarding incentives or applying sanctions Includes information about negotiated levels, state and local outcomes on the key indicators of performance, customer satisfaction and state measures Numerators and denominators allow for aggregation of data Submitted electronically For ease of use, a tabular format is encouraged for reporting key performance data

21 Journey 2001 Required Items for the Annual Report Local performance Status of state evaluations Comparison of results of those who received training and those who did not Outcomes for special populations Other outcomes listed in the Act… Training-related employment Wages at entry into employment Cost of activities Cost relative to impact of activities 12 month employment retention and earnings

22 Journey 2001 Annual Report Format Varies Annual Report to Stakeholders What our customers have to say about us TAX PAYERS appreciate increased efficiency JOB SEEKERS reaping the benefits from newly integrated services EMPLOYERS obtaining qualified employees Annual reports are designed to communicate program results to Congress and other stakeholders

23 Journey 2001 State Flexibility Though certain information mandated by the legislation must be contained in the report, the approach the State uses to tell its story is up to the State States are encouraged to design reports that make extensive use of graphics and other communication devices States may want to include “success stories” Use the Annual Report to highlight your successes

24 Journey 2001 Management Information Systems: Where are you? Are you collecting and storing electronically data beyond what is required under WIA? Are you using State or locally defined performance measures? Does your information and reporting system contain the formulas for calculating performance? Are States sharing UI and other performance data with local programs and other partners? Do you have data sharing agreements in place?

25 Journey 2001 Management Information Systems: Where are you? Are you collecting data and success stories now in order to prepare your first annual report? Do you plan to only report bare minimum elements in the Annual Report or do you plan to include other information to tell your State’s story?

26 Journey 2001 Coming Attractions… A TEGL with quarterly report definitions and data submission instructions Training A TEGL with edits and submission instructions for the WIASRD and Annual Report Technical assistance A Field Memorandum to Regional Offices with specific instructions for reporting

27 Journey 2001 ETA Performance Accountability Task Force Consultant services providedby… Consultant services provided by… Mr Rich West Social Policy Research Associates Phone Fax 202.693.3031202.693.3229 Mr. Bill Rabung, Team Leader Ms. Jacqui Shoholm Mr. Brad Sickles Ms. Candice Graham-Young

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