Chapter 16: Health Care Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16: Health Care Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16: Health Care Communication

2 Communication Process
Sender: person who transmits message Message: information sender conveys Receiver: person who gets message Feedback: evaluation to ensure message was understood Channel: medium by which message is sent

3 Communication Process (cont’d)
Flow of communication between a medical assistant and a patient

4 Communication Modes Verbal Communication General recommendations
Always use a polite tone Always use proper English Speak respectfully Avoid using overly technical vocabulary

5 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Verbal Communication (cont’d) Factors Language Manner & tone Verbal encouragement Humor

6 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Verbal Communication (cont’d) Non-language sounds Sighs Sobs Laughs Grunts

7 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Verbal Communication (cont’d) Assertive communication Have empathy Describe feelings or the situation Clarify expectations Anticipate consequences

8 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Verbal Communication (cont’d) Active listening Give your full attention to the person speaking Don’t interrupt Pay attention to the speaker’s body language & nonverbal cues

9 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Nonverbal Communication Eye contact Shows interest in other person Lends sense of truthfulness to your message In other cultures, may have negative connotation

10 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Nonverbal Communication (cont’d) Kinesics or body movement Facial expressions Gestures Eye movement

11 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Nonverbal Communication (cont’d) Proxemics or personal space Larger when talking to a stranger Becomes smaller the better you know someone Typically larger between two men than between two women Differs from culture to culture

12 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Nonverbal Communication (cont’d) Touch Can create either positive or negative feelings Watch for nonverbal cues that show how the patient feels about being touched Maintain proper personal space, position, & posture Observe patient’s facial expressions & posture

13 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Written Communication Types Agendas for meetings Letters Messages Patient charts

14 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Written Communication (cont’d) Guidelines for writing Be concise Use language all parties will understand Use proper grammar Check spelling

15 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Written Communication (cont’d) Organizational strategies for writing Chronological Problem-oriented Comparison

16 Communication Modes (cont’d)
Written Communication (cont’d) Medical writing: things to pay attention to Spelling Capitalization Abbreviations & symbols Numbers

17 Communication With Patients
Patient Interviews General guidelines Listen actively Ask appropriate questions Record information accurately Protect patient’s privacy Be organized Avoid attending to distractions Let patient know who will see her next & when

18 Communication With Patients (cont’d)
Patient Interviews (cont’d) Basic interview techniques Reflecting Paraphrasing Clarification Open-ended questioning Summarizing Silences

19 Communication With Patients (cont’d)
Patient Interviews (cont’d) New patient interviews Patient’s medical & family history Brief review of body systems Patient’s social history Patient’s medications

20 Communication With Patients (cont’d)
Patient Interviews (cont’d) Established patient interviews Review patient’s chart for health problems Ask questions about current medical problems & changes in health Ask about known allergies Record patient information

21 Communication With Patients (cont’d)
Patient Education Assess Plan Implement Evaluate Document

22 Communication With Patients (cont’d)
Example of a pictogram that might be given to patients to help them understand medication administration

23 Recording and Reporting
Record patient information completely & precisely Record information only in secure & appropriate locations Record any action you take concerning a patient

24 Communication Challenges
Medical terminology unfamiliar to patient Distractions: pain, hunger, noisy environment Language barriers Hearing impairment Cognitive impairment Anger or upset Grief

25 Telephone Manners Answer phone promptly—by second ring, if possible
Identify yourself & your office to caller Speak politely Never put a caller on hold immediately after answering

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