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GRUNDTVIG – LLP Best practices: AFI PROFAMILIA BISTRITA - Romania Dipl. ec. Marcela Dumitrescu - Senior expert, educational projects on entrepreneurship.

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Presentation on theme: "GRUNDTVIG – LLP Best practices: AFI PROFAMILIA BISTRITA - Romania Dipl. ec. Marcela Dumitrescu - Senior expert, educational projects on entrepreneurship."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRUNDTVIG – LLP Best practices: AFI PROFAMILIA BISTRITA - Romania Dipl. ec. Marcela Dumitrescu - Senior expert, educational projects on entrepreneurship & social economy

2 AFI PROFAMILIA BISTRITA : a non-governmental, non-profit organization, registered in 1996 at the Court of Bistrita-Nasaud/ Romania. The PURPOSE of our actions is to reduce the number of disadvantaged (on ethnical, religious, gender, age, and financial situation criteria) persons – by activities of assistance, consulting, social protection and educational programs for vulnerable/abused women.

3 Between 1997 – 2011: we have implemented about 24 projects on assisting vulnerable women, all these projects including an educational project in their actions. As financing: ESF, the MATRA KAP program, United States of America Embassy, the Romanian Fund for Social Development. AFI PROFAMILIA BISTRITA has 8 partnership protocols closed with specific institutions/ authorities and has obtained all required official accreditations for assisting vulnerable groups.

4 Project "An integrated intervention to strengthen social entrepreneurship of vulnerable women" EFS, strategic, transnational Target group: 1. labor integration specialists 2. vulnerable women = final beneficiaries Results: 16 counties

5 Our proposed BEST PRACTICES from adult educational programs towards labor integration of vulnerable group (women violence victims) were selected; - from our activities: in more than 16 years, about 24 implemented projects in adults education; - respecting the demands/ objectives of Grundtvig project’. These best practices were chosen focusing on the European relevant experience from the implementation of transnational strategic project: "An integrated intervention to strengthen social entrepreneurship of vulnerable women“. These best practices: - are tested - are the result of the involvement of famous specialist - have an innovative character of the educational program - are multipliable and widely applicable

6 Nr.1: Holistic approach of the educational program aimed for employment of victims of violence women: - from the perspective of the educational program content : all social needs of the target group & the requirements / needs of the local labor market and design of the educational program on 7 occupations required ( 2 studies) - in terms of complex assistance of the target group: from recruitment, selection& information -to counseling, training, certification and starting a business /employment in social enterprises/ cooperatives - in terms of territorial coverage of vulnerable group.

7 Nr. 2 : Continuous support of the target group by a functional network of support structures: three resource centers / support The women, victims of violence are helped and assisted continuously the entire project ongoing (and a while after) by functional support structures: three support/resource centers / in Bistrita, Moldova, Timisoara plus a coordination center in Cluj. The resource support centers: with specialists in social economy ( trained in advance through an appropriate educational program, target group 1 in the project).

8 Nr. 3: Multidisciplinary working: - a diversity of legal entities directly involved in project implementation: from universities, NGOs a s o - participating NGOs have a variety of areas of action : women victims of violence, disadvantaged groups, family, children protection, social economy - implementation specialists have a considerable variety of backgrounds and educations : academics, trainers with - experience in inclusion, lawyers, economists, engineers, psychologists and sociologists.

9 Nr.4: Increasing the degree of motivation of the target group to participate in the educational program, by: - Change of mindset and increasing of self-esteem - Building entrepreneurial attitudes - Development of skills for everyday life. - Wide range of offered trainings, in particular 7occupations (+ the specialist in social economy) - recognition and certification of acquired skills through educational project (certificate recognized transnational, entrepreneur social economy ).

10 Nr.5 : Implementation in the applied educational program of modern methodologies on adult learning : - using in learning the previous experience gained of learners - empowerment of learners - the principles of andragogy - participatory approaches of the course - high practical learning activities (learning-by-doing) - the professional training = the means of personal and civic development.

11 Program educaţional 1 Modul 1 Economia socială Modul 2 Excluziune socială & Incluziune socială Modul 3 Antreprenoriatul social şi întreprinderile sociale Modul 4 Ocuparea forţei de muncă de către femei & antreprenoriatul în România Modul 5 Managementul şi marketingul întreprinderilor sociale Modul 6 Consiliere şi orientare profesională cu perspectiva de gen Modul 7 Comunicare şi conflict Program educaţional 2 Antreprenor în economia socială Disciplina 1 Economie socială/antreprenoriat, crearea unei întreprinderi sociale – Legislaţie aferentă Disciplina 2 Comunicarea eficientă a antreprenorului social Disciplina 3 Prelucrarea informaţiilor în întreprinderea sociala, operarea P.C. - T.I.C. Disciplina 4 Managementul antreprenorului social Disciplina 5 Marketing antreprenorial Disciplina 6 Finanţarea, gestiunea şi evidenţa contabilă a întreprinderii sociale Disciplina 7 Planul de afaceri al întreprinderii sociale Disciplina practică: Servicii de tip creşă, grădiniţă şi after school (îngrijirea şi educarea copiilor în cadrul unor unităţi de economie socială) Disciplina practică: Colectare, ambalare şi comercializare produse agroalimentare Disciplina practică: Colectare, procesare (congelare) şi distribuire fructe de pădure Disciplina practică: Producţie şi distribuire produse de artizanat Disciplina practică: Producţie şi distribuire produse alimentare tradiţionale Disciplina practică: Sere de legume şi flori Disciplina practică: Servicii suport de găzduire pentru turismul eco-activ Studii A 2.1. Studiu privind ocupaţiile în curs de dezvoltare în domeniul economiei sociale, inclusiv potenţialul de dezvoltare a acestora în agricultură, cu integrarea componentei egalităţii de gen pe piaţa muncii A.2.2. Studiu de cercetare a tipurilor de instrumente financiare de credit şi forme de finanţare a întreprinderilor în economia socială A 2.3 Studiu domenii de dezvoltare A 2.3 Anexa 1 - Plan de afaceri Bistrita-fructe de padure A 2.3 Anexa 2 - Plan de afaceri Bistrita-prod. traditionale A 2.3 Anexa 3 - Plan de afaceri Bistrita-produse artizanat A 2.3 Anexa 4 - Plan de afaceri Bistrita-afterschool A 2.3 Anexa 5 - Plan de afaceri Bistrita-ecoturism activ A 2.3 Anexa 6 - Plan de afaceri - after school Timisoara A 2.3 Anexa 7 - Plan de afaceri - Sere Murgeni A 2.3 Anexa 8 - Plan de afaceri - col,amb,com prod agroalim Murgeni A 2.4. Ghid intreprindere sociala

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