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Sleep Tight and Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite..

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Presentation on theme: "Sleep Tight and Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleep Tight and Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite.



4 When Traveling: In hotel rooms, use luggage racks to hold your luggage. Bring your own protective mattress cover and sheets. Check the hotel mattress before sleeping. – Dried blood – Bed bug poop When you get home, unpack directly into the washing machine and inspect your luggage

5 Treatment Put clothing in the drier at high temperatures Put clothing in a deep freezer for a few days Chuck the mattress (life is too short) Reduce the clutter in your bedroom Clean your room like your life depended on it Ask Bryce for the proper insecticide.

6 Some Videos Heat Treatment Diatomaceous Earth How to Find Bed Bugs Infested with Bedbugs




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