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The ABCs of Potty Training

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1 The ABCs of Potty Training

2 Assess your childs Readiness skills Most people begin toilet training when their child is about 2 ½ years old –Some may be ready earlier –Some may not be ready until later –Girls are usually potty trained before boys Signs to watch for: –Imitating others bathroom habits –Holding themselves –Dancing around –Unable to focus on task at hand

3 Buy the right Equipment Invest in a child-sized potty or a special seat that attaches to your regular toilet –Make sure the child is secure and stable Before beginning... pick up an explanatory video or picture book to get the child interested

4 Create a routine Set the child on the potty Fully Clothed once a day –After breakfast –Before a bath This will allow the child to get used to the potty and accept it as part of a daily routine If child doesnt want to sit on it: –Dont force the issue –Dont restrain the child or pressure the child to sit

5 Ditch the Diaper Now set the child on the potty seat without a diaper and pants –Explain that this is how BIG people go potty (undressing before you sit down) Some choose to put their child in under ware for a day and closely monitor them Some choose to let the child walk around without anything on (no diaper/pull-up/under ware) –This allows the child to feel the sensation of actually having to go a3FO8WYS8T4&feature=related

6 Explain the process Show the child where the bowel movements go If they go potty in a diaper or under ware... –Bring to the potty –Empty into potty –Sit them down and explain this is where we go potty After you have done this, have the child flush the toilet to let the child see where it goes Show the child that they then should pull up pants and ALWAYS wash their hands when done

7 Foster Independence Encourage the child to use the potty whenever he feels the urge to go Assure the child that he can tell you when he needs to go and youll help him If possible, allow the child to run around without clothing on from the waist down and keep the potty nearby Remind the child occasionally that the potty is there if he needs it –The child may forget!

8 Grab some training pants Once training is underway, you should consider using some kind of training pants to the routine –Extra thick cloth –Disposable –Plastic Many prefer the extra thick cloth ones because the child will actually feel it when he pees or poops in them 1aHA

9 Handle setbacks gracefully Almost every child will have several accidents before becoming completely potty trained Dont get angry or punish your child... the child is in a learning stage and needs more time and guidance

10 Introduce night training Even though a child may be clean and dry all day long, it might take longer to master night training Use diapers or pull-ups for overnight use, and you may need a plastic mattress cover to minimize clean-up from overnight messes You can help cut down on wet nights by not letting the child drink too much before bedtime Ask the child to call you if he/she wakes up and needs to go potty You may also leave the potty close to his/her room or bed

11 Jump for Joy! Believe it or not, it is truly up to the child to master this skill... with the parents guidance! Dont force the issue Wait until the child is interested in and wanting to actually GO on the potty... it will make your job a lot easier! When you are done, you are done and wont have to worry about it - - - until the next child mp;categoryId=1717893936&lineupId=1747275579

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