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RESILIENCE Resilient people are… healthier and live longer

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1 RESILIENCE Resilient people are… healthier and live longer
Created by: Donna anderson and tammy reynolds (information from RIRO Handbook) Resilient people are… healthier and live longer more successful in school and jobs are happier in relationships are less prone to depression

2 Resilience helps people…
Resilience helps people… deal with stress and adversity overcome childhood disadvantage reach out to new opportunities

3 We can learn to be resilient!
While outside help is essential in times of trouble, it is insufficient. Along with food and shelter, children need love and trust,hope and autonomy. Along with safe havens, they need safe relationships that can foster friendships and commitment. They need loving support and self-confidence, the faith in themselves and their world, all of which builds resilience. How parents and caregivers respond to situations, and how they help a child to respond, separates those adults who promote resilience in their children from those who destroy resilience or send confusing messages that both promote and inhibit resilience. We can learn to be resilient! “With resilience, children can triumph over trauma; without it, trauma (adversity) triumphs.”

4 RESILIENCE IS…… “My ability to engage in creative problem solving, have the ability to see other points of view and to challenge my own views, and my ability to move on with daily life despite obstacles.”

5 Why do we all respond differently to adversity?
ABC Model Why do people have different reactions to adversity or stress? Adversity (the situation or event) Beliefs (our explanation about why the situation happened) Consequences (the feelings and behaviours our belief causes) Why do we all respond differently to adversity? Not the adversity that causes our reaction, it’s our belief, what we think about the situation, that leads to the consequences, how we feel and what we go on to do about it.

6 Thinking skills that promote resilience can be learned!
Thinking and Resilience Thinking skills that promote resilience can be learned! The way we think about daily stress and challenges directly affects our resilience. A resilient perspective is based on accurate and flexible thinking. We can become more resilient by changing how we think about challenges and adversity.

7 Thinking habits that affect our resilience…
“Our research has demonstrated that the number-one roadblock to resilience is not genetics, not childhood experiences, not a lack of opportunity or wealth. The principal obstacle to tapping into our inner strength lies with our explanatory (thinking) style.” How people explain their successes and failures influences whether they persevere or give up when faced with adversity. People develop thinking habits, preferred ways of viewing the world (explanatory style or thinking style). Our thinking styles can help or hinder our ability to respond resiliently to inevitable bumps in the road. Our style can bias and colour our viewpoint, leading us to develop patterns of behaviour that are often self defeating. It causes us to react our of habit and jump to conclusions that may not be accurate. This, in turn, prevents us from using the kind of flexible thinking that promotes problem solving and positive change. Research shows that people unconsciously look for answers to 3 questions when trying to make sense of what happened to them. Personalization Permanence Pervasiveness Who caused the problem? Me/Not me How long will this problem last? Always/Not always How much of my life does this problem affect? Everything/Not everything

8 associated with optimism
Thinking Habits and Resilience Thinking Habits associated with depression Thinking Habits associated with agression associated with optimism “Me/Always/Everything” patterns are related to pessimistic thinking. This kind of thinking can lead to a loss of hope and to depression among people who habitually use it in response to adversity. People who take things personally often believe that negative situations are permanent. Understandably, they give up more easily because things seem so overwhelming. It’s hard to respond resiliently to daily stresses with “Me/Always/Everything” habits of thinking. When “not me” thinking is paired with “always” and “everything” thinking, people typically view situations as permanent and affecting many aspects of their lives. This thinking style can make people feel trapped and angry, or cause them to lash out at others. An extreme version of this pattern is sometimes seen in people who act out or engage in delinquent behaviour. “Not me/Not always/Not everything” thinking sees situations as temporary and not affecting all aspects of life. People who are optimistic continue with healthy lifestyle activities and relationships with other people.

9 Thinking Traps Our five senses take in far more information about our daily activities and associations than our brains can process, so we take “mental shortcuts” to simplify the information and make sense of it, especially at times of stress. These shortcuts are “automatic” and largely “unconscious”. They trap us into drawing conclusions prematurely, hence the name “thinking traps”

10 Common Thinking Traps & Explanatory Style Links Jumping to Conclusions
Thinking Traps Description Examples Jumping to Conclusions Making assumptions with little or no evidence to back them up (All thinking traps involve making assumptions.) Martha comes home, the house is quiet, and the living room is a mess even though her significant other was home all day. She thinks, “Well, looks like he’s gone out and left the mess for me.” He calls downstairs, “Martha, I’m in bed – got the flu.” Personalizing (“Me” thinking) Blaming oneself for problems for which one is not primarily responsible. “The kids are so hyper today. I’m just not cut out for this kind of work.” Externalizing (“Not Me” thinking) Blaming others for things for which they are not primarily responsible. “If she had pulled her weight, our team would have come out on top.” Mind Reading (Contributes to “Me”/”Not Me” and “Always/Everything” thinking Assuming we know what another person(s) is thinking. Expecting another person to know what we are thinking. “I just know that they are talking about me right now.” “If he really cared, he’d know that I’m too tired to go out tonight.”

11 (Contributes to “Me”/”Not Me” and “Always/Everything” thinking)
Emotional Reasoning (Contributes to “Me”/”Not Me” and “Always/Everything” thinking) Making an assumption about an experience based on feelings rather than facts. Linked to thoughts of “I should” or “they should”. Jan looks around at her untidy house and feels overwhelmed by the prospect of cleaning it: “I should be able to keep things orderly, but it’s hopeless. Why even try?” Overgeneralizing Making an assumption about someone (or a situation) based on only one or two experiences. Assuming the cause of a problem is due to a character flaw instead of a person’s behaviour. “People like her can’t be trusted.” “I am such a loser. I can’t do anything right” OR “S/He is such a jerk.” Magnifying/Minimizing Magnifying the negative aspects of a situation and minimizing the positive parts. Magnifying the positive aspects and ignoring the negative. James was laughing and playing during outside play, but told his mom, “My day was terrible. Ben only wanted to play with Zach.” Jenna’s oldest and best friend leaves a message saying she’s really upset with her. Jenna thinks, “We are such good friends; it can’t be anything serious. She’s probably just tired.” Catastrophizing (Contributes to “Always/Everything” thinking Exaggerating the likelihood that something bad will happen, or exaggerating how bad it will be. “Oh, no. I misplaced the report. Now it will be late. And my boss will be mad. And I’ll be fired. And I won’t be able to pay my bills. And…..”

12 KEY to RESILIENT THINKING HABITS: Accurate and Flexible Thinking
KEY to RESILIENT THINKING HABITS: Accurate and Flexible Thinking Challenging explanatory style increased resilience A “Not me/Not always/Not everything” style of thinking may be the most “optimistic”, it may not be the most accurate or realistic view of a situation. People who use this style in all situations run the risk of losing out on genuine relationships, since their cheerful outlook might ignore difficult issues that exist between themselves and others. The goal is to maintain a sense of realistic optimism by thinking as accurately and flexibly as possible about each situation we face.

13 Challenge Your Thinking Style
PROMOTE RESILIENCE: Challenge Your Thinking Style 1. Challenge your first response to a situation to check if you are jumping to conclusions or making assumptions. 2. When responding to a situation routinely ask yourself the following questions: Who is actually responsible? How much responsibility is really mine? (Most stresses are not 100% the fault of one person) Is this stress really going to last forever? Can I see an end to the stress? (Many stresses are temporary) Is this stress really going to affect everything in my life? What areas will not be affected? (It is much easier to “bounce back” when we see that a situation affects only part of our lives.)

14 (Underlying beliefs that can undermine our resilience)
Iceberg Beliefs (Underlying beliefs that can undermine our resilience) Some of our beliefs are difficult to identify because they are deeper and more complex. These beliefs operate at an unconscious level, lying like icebergs beneath the surface. But “iceberg beliefs” are powerful forces that can significantly undermine our resilience and our relationships. “Iceberg beliefs” can cause intense reactions that take us by surprise. Iceberg beliefs start forming in childhood and are often passed down from generation to generation. (“Never let them know you are hurting”, “The most important thing a woman can do is have a child”, “Things should always be fair”, “People should always be on time”, “Women should never show their anger” etc. Iceberg beliefs can make us: Over-experience certain emotions Can lead to relationship problems (root of personality clashes at work and other environments) Constructive Iceberg Beliefs Many values are based on “iceberg beliefs”, and they can motivate us to maintain positive relationships, resolve conflicts, and make use of opportunities that come our way. For example: “Giving people a chance to tell their side of the story is important” “Mistakes are part of the learning process” “Honesty is the best policy” “If you don’t succeed at first, try again”

15 Common Types of “Iceberg Beliefs”
Common Types of “Iceberg Beliefs” (Iceberg beliefs generally fall into three general categories: achievement, acceptance, and control) ACHIEVEMENT ACCEPTANCE CONTROL People with “achievement” icebergs see success as the most important thing in life. Mistakes are seen as failures. This tendency toward perfectionism can produce unrealistically high expectations of oneself and others. “A person’s life is measures by what he/she achieves.” “If you don’t do it right, it isn’t worth doing.” People in this category often feel anxious of their performance or are highly critical of others’ contributions. They can feel overwhelmed and immobilized and may use procrastination to avoid a sense of failure. “Acceptance” icebergs are found in people who have a strong need to be liked, accepted, praised, and included by others. “I always want people to think the best of me.” “People need to be appreciated for what they do. People in this category tend to make people “personalize,” or blame themselves for situations. They might think they said or did something to cause a friend’s bad mood. This need to gain others’ acceptance can lead people to say things they don’t believe or not say things they do believe to get approval. People with “control” icebergs tend to be uncomfortable when circumstances are out of their direct control, and have unrealistic expectations about the level of influence they have over themselves and the environment. “Only cowards buckle under pressure” “If I can’t make it happen, no one can” People in this category believe they are not doing enough, or that an unsuccessful event or encounter is a sign of personal failure. This may cause them to withdraw from others. People under the influence of control icebergs may experience feelings of exhaustion or depression.

16 Putting It Into Perspective
Putting It Into Perspective (Decatastraphising a situation) Stress is part of daily living. It can cause us to lose patience and perspective. The most important resiliency skill is “Calming Down”. We must be able to relax our mind and body enough to be able to go on with our day. Take a deep breath Ask yourself 3 questions: What’s the worst thing that could happen? What’s the best thing that could happen? What’s most likely to happen?

17 What else could I have done?
Generating Alternatives (Finding Options) When in stressful situations, clear thinking tends to shut down and out of habit we rely on old ways of coping. We need to find new ways to look at the situation. Generating alternatives is a resiliency skill that helps us do this. Questions to ask that help generate alternatives: Is this as bad as I think it is? Is there any other way I can look at this? What would happen if I did this? Who can I talk to about this? What steps can I take to make sure this problem doesn’t happen again? Would it make me feel better if I talk to him/her right now? What else could I have done?

18 Beliefs – Consequence Connections
Beliefs – Consequence Connections Beliefs Consequences (emotions) Violations of our rights Actual loss or loss of self-worth Future threat Violation of another’s rights Loss of standing with others Anger Sadness, depression Anxiety, fear Guilt embarrassment

19 People who manage stress best have three C’s in common:
Managing Stress People who manage stress best have three C’s in common: CONTROL CHALLENGE COMMITMENT A belief in their ability to take charge and influence outcomes A view of mistakes as opportunities for growth An active engagement in activities that give meaning to life

20 What can adults do to help children develop
resiliency abilities? Teach children strategies to calm themselves down under stress, control impulses and delay gratification. Help children plan for positive outcomes by analyzing the cause of the current problem. Guide children as they try to identify their own and others’ feelings, understand cause and effect, and reach out to ask for support from others when they need it. Promote development of children’s self-worth and encourage them to express an interest in life, take opportunities that are presented, and actively engage with others.

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