Wannik MIPs program for Year 8 and 9 Koorie students Deb Hull What, when and how?

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1 Wannik MIPs program for Year 8 and 9 Koorie students Deb Hull What, when and how?

2 Wannik MIPs accountabilities Extension of existing MIPs program Funding is provided on a per student basis, $200 per Koorie enrolment in Year 8 and 9 (as per CASES21) All Koorie students Wannik Strategy: Raising expectations, raising aspirations Need to promote the link between school retention/ achievement and choice of post school outcomes Many Koorie students are not completing Year 9, need pathways support earlier

3 While the student is in Year 8 or 9 “All Koorie students in Years 8 and 9 in Government schools must have current individual pathway plans and associated support to enable a successful transition to the post-compulsory years and through these to further education, training or secure employment.”

4 MIPs 2010 – student-focused “Career Action Plan” –Reviewed annually or more often –Explicitly linked to any other plans – ILPs, KELPs, etc. Careers counselling prior to subject or course selection Access to targeted student support programs, case management if required

5 MIPs 2010 – school-wide “All Government secondary schools must...use the Student Mapping Tool to map the progress of Koorie students and the effectiveness of school-based interventions being used to support Koorie students at risk of early leaving.” Planned and systematic system of support programs and interventions, using proven strategies Work with YTSI, Regional Youth Commitments, LLENs and Youth Connections providers

6 If the student is leaving school Obtain intended destinations of all Koorie students in Years 8 and 9 at time of exit Obtain contact details (with student consent) Conduct exit interview including –Counselling of options –Referral to other providers, support agencies, etc –Provision of all relevant documentation to support the student’s transition Comply with Departmental policy re students under the school leaving age and must contact their regional office in all instances of this occurring

7 After the student has left school Follow up all Year 8 and 9 Koorie students one month after exit If student is disengaged, continue to offer MIPs support and liaison with other providers or services Follow up monthly until six months after exit Report those who remain disengaged after six months to the regional office Comply with usual MIPs requirements re students who exit after commencing Year 10

8 Wannik MIPs reporting Number of Koorie students in Year 8 & 9 Number of these students with a current MIPs plan Number who exited the school in calendar year Number followed up one month later (should be ALL) –Number in education –Number not engaged in education training or employment Number followed up monthly for six months –Number referred by your school to a local provider or agency for assistance with re-engaging in education, training or full time employment –Number successfully re-engaged

9 Effective MIPs for Koorie students Who is already out there providing effective transition support to Koorie young people? Help us find them –Schools –Employment agencies –Employers –LLENs –Other organisations or agencies

10 Workshop Questions 6.How do you manage, record and report the data associated with MIPs for Year 8 and 9 students? 7.How do you provide a meaningful Wannik MIPs program in a school with very few Koorie enrolments? 8.What are the key messages about Wannik MIPs that you want your non-Indigenous students to understand? How do you convey them? 9.How do you implement Wannik MIPs without conveying the expectation that Koorie students will be early school leavers? 10.What does a MIPs/Careers room that is welcoming to Koorie students look like?

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