Juan Verdades The Man Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie Lesson 19 Day 4

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1 Juan Verdades The Man Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie Lesson 19 Day 4

2 Question of the Day: *What is the difference between realistic literature and imaginative literature?

3 THEME The setting, character’s actions, and character’s motivations work together to reveal the theme of a story. The theme usually becomes clear at the end of a story. The theme can be stated directly, as in a fable, or indirectly, as in most folktales and other stories. To figure out an unstated theme, think about what the main character learns or how the problem in the story is revealed.

4 Monitoring Comprehension: Self-Correct
** Readers sometimes misread words, which causes the reader to not understand what they are reading. Sometimes readers may mispronounce a word. Other times a reader may think of the wrong word for a multiple-meaning word. **GOOD READERS pause to SELF-CORRECT and clear up their confusion or misunderstanding.



7 Robust Vocabulary Words

8 What might someone who is behaving anxiously say?
If you waited anxiously for something, you worried about how it would turn out. What might someone who is behaving anxiously say?

9 What sight do you think is magnificent?
Something magnificent is very beautiful and impressive. What sight do you think is magnificent?

10 If you are insisting on something, what are you saying?
insisted If you insisted on something, you said it very firmly and you refused to change your mind. If you are insisting on something, what are you saying?

11 What might be declared at a school assembly?
Something that has been declared has been announced in a clear way. What might be declared at a school assembly?

12 What is one skill you feel confident about?
confidently When you do something confidently, you are sure about what you are doing. What is one skill you feel confident about?

13 Would you comfort a friend who looked distressed? Why or why not?
Someone who is distressed feels very sad and helpless. Would you comfort a friend who looked distressed? Why or why not?

14 Is it ever right to gloat? Why or why not?
gloated If someone gloated, he or she bragged about something in a mean way. Is it ever right to gloat? Why or why not?

15 Decoding/Word Attack Spelling Words
The endings –s and –es from plural nouns and change verb tenses The ending –es is added to words that end in sh, ch, ss, s, x or z. The ending –es forms its own syllable when it follows a consonant. In words that end in consonant-plus-y, the y changes to i when adding –es. Although, the spelling changes, the vowel sound stays the same.

16 Spelling Words- Irregular Plural and Possessive Forms
babies’ baby’s child’s children classes’ class’s sheep feet elk fish fishes’ goose’s geese jeans mouse’s mice teeth women woman’s moose Challenge Words: crossroads family’s headquarters person’s people’s Spelling Words- Irregular Plural and Possessive Forms

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