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Balloting July 2011  A ballot is a type of vote, by which members of the Lodge express their approval or disapproval for a certain motion, a certain.

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2 Balloting July 2011

3  A ballot is a type of vote, by which members of the Lodge express their approval or disapproval for a certain motion, a certain candidate, or a selection of candidates.  The Masonic Lodge uses two types of ballots:  Paper Ballots – Election of Officers and Penal Matters  The Ballot Box – Symbolic degrees, Membership, and Reinstatement  Balloting is a moral obligation.  Balloting must be cast in secrecy.  Ballots must be cast with fairness and impartiality.  A Master Mason has the absolute right to vote as he pleases within the views of his own conscience.  Balloting to reinstate member suspended for N.P.D. requires three-quarters majority. Introduction

4 Rules for Balloting Using Paper Ballots  Slips of white paper are used for each elected position of the Lodge.  Each member present writes his choice on a slip of paper.  Members may vote for any Master Mason of the Lodge in good standing.  Paper ballots are returned to the Secretary for tabulation.  An individual with 50 percent or more of the ballots is elected.  Balloting continues until a 50%-plus majority is attained. Election of Officers

5 Balloting Using Paper Ballots Penal Matters  Vote will be by Secret Written Ballot.  All members present must vote unless excused by vote of the Lodge.  Majority controls.  First Ballot – Guilty or Not Guilty  Second Ballot (if needed) --Type of Penalty  Reprimand  Suspension (requires second vote - definite or indefinite)  Expulsion

6  White balls are for approval; black cubes are for disapproval.  Must be done at a Stated Communication in a Lodge of Master Masons or by special permission of the Grand Lodge.  All members of the Lodge present at the time of voting must cast their ballot unless excused by a vote of the Lodge.  A single collective ballot may be taken on petitions for the degrees, membership, and waiver of jurisdiction, but no more than for five of each.  Collective ballots may not be mixed (e.g. degrees and dual membership).  If a black cube appears during collective balloting, a separate ballot must be spread for each individual petition. Rules for Balloting on Petitions Using the Ballot Box

7  When voting on individual petitions, the ballot must be clear. If one or more black cubes appear, there must be a second ballot.  A negative vote on the second ballot is final and the Petitioner must wait six months before he can resubmit.  If second ballot is clear, it is as if the first ballot never took place. It is null and void.  Under no other circumstances can a second ballot be taken.  Once cast, a negative vote is final and cannot be recalled to provide a clear petition.  When a Brother has been initiated or passed and has not stood proficient within 6 months, a new investigation and ballot is required but the Brother may continue his degree work pending reinvestigation and balloting.  Prior to balloting on a membership petition, member must leave Lodge room.  Worshipful Master should take steps to ensure a fair and full ballot. Balloting Using The Ballot Box

8  Senior Deacon presents the ballot box to the WM, SW, JW, Treasurer and Secretary in turn for balloting at their respective stations.  After these ballots are cast, Senior Deacon places ballot box on the Altar.  WM asks members to form lines North and South of the Altar for balloting.  Senior Deacon controls balloting and is the last to cast his ballot.  Members approach the ballot box, one at a time, salute, and cast their ballots.  After casting his ballot, each member takes three small steps backward, turns and returns to his seat.  After casting his ballot, Senior Deacon delivers ballot box to JW, SW, and WM for Inspection. Balloting Process

9  WM asks JW, and SW how they find the ballot (clear or dark).  WM returns ballots back to their proper place in the ballot box and announces result of balloting.  WM declares ballot closed and raps one time with his gavel. Rules for Balloting

10 ...... Summary  The balloting process within the Masonic Lodge is inviolably secret.  Except for the Holy Bible, the ballot is considered the most sacred thing in the Lodge.  Every Mason owes to every petitioner a fair ballot, free from prejudice and discrimination.  As a Mason and upright man, be true to your obligations, and never allow personal spite or feelings to influence your behavior at the ballot box.

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