"The root of Terrorism is very deep all over the world. They are even occupying the post of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Cabinet Ministers & Chief Minister."

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2 "The root of Terrorism is very deep all over the world. They are even occupying the post of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Cabinet Ministers & Chief Minister." Please Spare some time to See the Website: www.gujaratcarnage.com

3 Genocide of the Muslims, by the Government & Police in Gujrat: 1) 5,000 dead 2) 50,000 injured 3) 1,10,000 Refugee 4) 15,000 Houses destroyed 5) 14,000 Shops looted & burned 6) 1,000 Women&Girls Raped & burnt many on roads 7) 30 billion Rs/= worth of property looted or destroyed

4 Hindu terrorists in the process of burning and destroying of two-wheelers, furniture and residential premises in Ahmedabad on 28th February, 2002. A young Muslim lying in coma in a Hospital without any identification - a victim of the Hindu terrorists.

5 The body of a 50 year old housewife who was doused and burnt alive in her home at Gulmarg Society, Chamanpura, Ahmedaba A child of 9 years who was doused and burnt alive in his home at Gulmarg Society, Chamanpura, Ahmedabad

6 The body of a 35 year old housewife who was doused and burnt alive in her home at Gulmarg Society, Chamanpura, Ahmedabad. The body of a 23 year old Muslim lady who was gang- raped and there after beaten up and doused and burnt alive by Hindu terroristss in her home at Naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad.

7 The charred remains of a 40 year old Muslim man who was doused and burnt alive in his home at Naroda- Patia, Ahmedabad The charred remains of a Muslim family who were tied up,doused and burnt alive in their home by Hindu terrorists at naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad

8 The body of a young Muslim housewife who was brutlised and thereafter doused and burnt alive in her home at Naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad. The body of a young Muslim who was attacked with Acid and thereafter doused and burnt alive in his home at Gulmarg Society, Chamanapura, Ahmedabad

9 The charred remains of a 40 year Muslim lady who was doused and burnt alive at Naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad. The charred remains of a Muslim family who were tied up together and thereafter doused and burnt alive at Naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad.

10 The charred remains of a Muslim family along with the half burnt copies of the holy Quran in their home at Naroda-Patia, Ahmedabad The charred remains of a Muslim man who was doused and burnt alive at Gulmarg Society, Chamanpura, Ahmedabad

11 Contribute for the victims of the COMMUNAL EARTHQUAKE in Gujarat: The bank details of Islami Relief Committee are as follows: 1. Islami Relief Committee, Account no: 5039, Bombay Mercantile Co-op. bank, Relief road branch, Ahmedabad. 2. Islami Relief Committee, Account no: 9119, Bombay Mercantile Co-op bank, Khanpur branch, Ahmedabad 3. Islami Relief Committee, Account no: SBIC&I - 19, State Bank of India, Vasna branch, Ahmedabad May Allah reward all of you for your noble efforts. Ameen www.gujaratcarnage.com

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