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Mary has 4 biscuits, Joseph has 5. How many do they have all together? + - x.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary has 4 biscuits, Joseph has 5. How many do they have all together? + - x."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary has 4 biscuits, Joseph has 5. How many do they have all together? + - x

2 It costs £25 per night to stay in a hotel. I want to stay for 4 nights, how much will I pay? + - x

3 I have 25 sweets. I share them out between me and my 4 friends. How many will we have each? + - x

4 I have 1 dog, 3 cats and 4 rabbits. How many pets do I have in total? + - x

5 Paul has £40. He gives £10 to his sister. How much does he have left? + - x

6 I have £45. I give £3.50 to my Mum and spend £2.99. How much do I have left? + - x

7 It costs £9.99 for the CD I want. I buy one for me and 1 for each of my friends. How much have I spent? + - x

8 I save 10p every day for 2 weeks. How much will I have at the end of the 2 weeks? + - x

9 I am on holiday for 3 weeks. How many days is this? + - x

10 I have £30 to last me 3 weeks. How much do have do spend each week? + - x

11 Train prices HullYorkLeeds AdultSingle £12.50£15.60£10.25 Return £23.75£28.50£19.30 ChildSingle £8.50£10.80£8.25 Return £14.90£17.90£14.75 How much will it cost for one adult and one child to go to Hull?

12 Train prices HullYorkLeeds AdultSingle £12.50£15.60£10.25 Return £23.75£28.50£19.30 ChildSingle £8.50£10.80£8.25 Return £14.90£17.90£14.75 What is the total cost for a return journey to York for 1 adult and 2 children?

13 Train prices HullYorkLeeds AdultSingle £12.50£15.60£10.25 Return £23.75£28.50£19.30 ChildSingle £8.50£10.80£8.25 Return £14.90£17.90£14.75 How much will it cost for a family of 2 adults and 3 children to travel to Hull and back?

14 Train prices HullYorkLeeds AdultSingle £12.50£15.60£10.25 Return £23.75£28.50£19.30 ChildSingle £8.50£10.80£8.25 Return £14.90£17.90£14.75 How much more does it cost for 2 adults to make a single journey to Hull than to Leeds?

15 LO: To use a calculator to solve word problems.

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