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Drunkning i samband med apparatdykning - Drowning during scuba diving Hans Örnhagen Förbundsläkare Svenska sportdykarförbundet

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Presentation on theme: "Drunkning i samband med apparatdykning - Drowning during scuba diving Hans Örnhagen Förbundsläkare Svenska sportdykarförbundet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drunkning i samband med apparatdykning - Drowning during scuba diving Hans Örnhagen Förbundsläkare Svenska sportdykarförbundet HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

2 Google gave 7 790 000 hits when seaching for ”drowning while diving” in Mars 2014. After drowning, heart problems constitute the second most common cause of death among divers.

3 Recreational diving, also called sportsdiving or amateur diving, is either -Breathhold diving, also called apnea diving -Or SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) Sometimes difficult to distinguish in statistics and reports. ”Anyone dressed in black in water is a diver.”

4 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014 How dangerous is it to dive? Data on fatality risks from 1 out of every 211,864 dives ends in a fatality (DAN 2010) 1 out of every 126,626 marathon runners died of sudden cardiac arrest while running a marathon between 1975-2003 (National Safety Council) 1 out of every 116,666 skydives ended in a fatality in 2000 (United States Parachuting Association).

5 5 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

6 Number of fatalities during recreational scuba diving in some Nordic countries 6 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

7 From Divers Alert Network fatality statistics 2009. A total of 91 coroners reports after scuba diving fatality. HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

8 Diving Fatality Data ( In the ANZ survey in half the deaths (56%), critical events developed when the diver was either running low or was out-of-air (LOA, OOA). When equipment was tested following death, few victims had an ample air supply remaining. The DAN survey found 41% in this situation. HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

9 9 The authors conclusion regarding the most important factors contributing to 947 fatalities in recreational diving. (Denoble et al, UHM, dec 2008) Lack of breathing gas41% Separation from buddy57% Cardio vascular illness30% HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

10 10 Pre existing medical illness in 947 fatalities in recreational diving in USA 1992 -2003 (Denoble et al, UHM, dec 2008) Number% Cardio vascular illness25227 Diabetes 37 4 Astma 29 3 Other lung problem 28 3 Epilepsia 11 1 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

11 11 Data från Divers Alert Network USA, DAN 2006 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

12 Diving Fatality Data ( 90% died with their weight belt on. 56% were alone when they died. 50% did not inflate their buoyancy vest. 25% encountered their difficulty first on the surface, (50% actually died on the surface.) 10% were under training when they died. 10% were advised that they were medically unfit to dive. 5% were cave diving. 1% of “rescuers” became a victim. HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014



15 Two types of oxygen equipment for 100% oxygen breathing. Both contain 1000 NL of oxygen and have an outlet for a free-flow mask.

16 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014 From 2010 the European Resuscitation Council recommends ventilation to be started in water. (Soar J et al in Resuscitation. 2010;81:1400-33.) From Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, June 2013 ”Rescue of drowning victims and divers: is mechanical ventilation possible underwater? A pilot study” The answer is: No The reason is: The breathing valve is not built to deliver the pressure required for inflation of the immersed lung because the exhalation valve opens.

17 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014





22 HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014

23 This device will inflate your BCD before you are out of air or if you have not taken a breath in 30 sec. Profylaxis is always better than treatment ”Soon in a dive shop near you” HLR2014 - Om Drunkning Tylösand 3-4 juni 2014 DIVO® by Aventics GmbH Soon in a dive shop near you

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