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The guide through minorities in Poland and in Warsaw.

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1 The guide through minorities in Poland and in Warsaw

2 1619 2012

3 The structure of population at the turn of XIXth and XXth cent. 1 Germans 2 Poles 3 Jews 4 Ukrainians 1 2 2 3 1 2 4 3 GermanyRussia Austria- Hungary

4 Poland - a homogenous country

5 The Polish and the Czech Cieszyn The border before 1918 The border after 1918 the devision line between the Czech and the Polish Cieszyn

6 The decline of the number of minorities in Poland

7 The no of minorities in the country POLAND Germans 59,77% Belorussians 19,05% Ukrainians 12,10%

8 The biggest minorities in Warsaw: Russians 19,07% Romanies 18,61% Ukrainians 18,20% Vietnamese 15,32% Belorussians 10,81% Germans 8,16% Jews 6,07%

9 The no of minorities in the country and in the capital POLAND WARSAW


11 The Romany minority -100% unemployment -Lack of education -Poor living conditions -‘difficult culture’


13 Education among minorities

14 The rate of unemployment

15 ‘twist your tongue’ przepiórka zaszczyt ściana trzcina rzeczoznawca chrzciny strzyżenie dwadzieścia Zebrzydowice W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w Trzcinie. 

16 the number of employees with the time-limited work contract source :Eurostat ‘be careful when looking for a job’

17 Education !!! Foreign students on Polish universities in the academic years 1998/1999 - 2010/2011 according to continents source: Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse w 2010 r., GUS, Warszawa 2011

18 What minorities do the Polish marry most often? MALE incommers FEMALE incommers

19 famous Poles with foreign origin Adam Mickiewicz – he is claimed to by Poles, Bialorussians and Lithuanians. Julian Tuwim - Polish poet (Jewish origin) Jan Brzechwa – Polish poet (Jewish origin) Fryderyk Chopin – the world famous composer (French origin) Maria Skłodowska Curie – the world famous scientist (French origin) Zygmunt III Waza – the king who established Warsaw to be the capital of Poland (Swedish origin)

20 Emil Albert Fryderyk Wedel (1841– 1919) A bussinessman of German origin, he started in Poland a factory of chocolate and sweets, famous in the country and abroad.

21 Ewa Farna (born in 1993 in Trzyniec/the Czech Republic) A famous singer living in the Czech Republic She sings both in Polish and in Czech her alnums:„Měls mě vůbec rád”/”Sam na sam”„Měls mě vůbec rád „Ticho”/”Cicho” „Virtualni” „EWAkuacja” She gives concerts in Poland, the Czech Rep. and Slovakia

22 Conrado Moreno born in 1981 in Madrid A well- known tv presenter

23 Louis-Philippe Loncke A traveller, nature explorer and amatour of adventures He travelled round Poland (from the Tatra Mountains in the south to the Baltic Sea in the north in 28 days) „I hope to come back here”

24 A quote for today: Love meeting new people; everyone has a story to tell. We should all listen sometimes.

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