Customs Administration of Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia the Republic of Macedonia Business & Customs Cooperation in Macedonia World.

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Presentation on theme: "Customs Administration of Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia the Republic of Macedonia Business & Customs Cooperation in Macedonia World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customs Administration of Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia the Republic of Macedonia Business & Customs Cooperation in Macedonia World Customs Forum 2010 Istanbul, October 2010 Vancho Kargov, DG

2 Macedonian Customs Administration Albania Greece Bulgaria Serbia Kosovo

3 Basis Establishment Business & Customs Advisory Council Convention of Harmonization and Simplification of the Customs Procedures (Revized Kyoto Convention), ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia in December 2008 Institutionalization The Advisory Council was established by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership and Memorandum for establishing an Advisory Council between the Customs Administration and the unions of economic operaters on January 30 th 2009

4 Economic Chamber of Macedonia Participating Parties Business & Customs Advisory Council Association of Economic Chambers Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia American chamber of commerce in Macedonia Association of Transporters’ Syndicates Economic Chamber's Freight Forwarders Group Association of Enterprises for Road International Transport Depending on the topics, other associations or guests are invited to participate on the meetings (representatives of the trade marks)

5 Promoting the partnership between the Customs Administration and the business community Basic Principles Business & Customs Advisory Council Ensuring high level of trade security and facilitation Modernization of the customs procedures Training and education

6 Reviewing relevant issues and problems in the customs area Basic Tasks Business & Customs Advisory Council Proposing measures for overcoming and resolving the problems Modernization of the customs procedures Preparation of a new customs regulations Presentation of new plans and ideas, and sharing views and opinions

7 Consultation, communication and exchange of information Methods of Cooperation Business & Customs Advisory Council Regular monthly meetings, and if needed, ad hoc meetings are conducted Adoption of decisions and conclusions, monitoring the realization Presentation of new plans and ideas, and sharing views and opinions

8 Methods of Cooperation Business & Customs Advisory Council Training and education on customs policies for the participants Cooperation and partnership in developing new projects Organizing regional conferences and presentations for economic operators

9 Official invitations for the meetings, draft agenda and written materials Organization Business & Customs Advisory Council Evidence of the adopted conclusions Date of the meeting Conclusion Measures for realization of the conclusions Competent party for realization Deadline for realization Progress in realization

10 Realization of the Conclusions Business & Customs Advisory Council Not realized 10% Permanent activities 15% Realization in progress 20% Realized 55%

11 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Prior discussions on drafts amendments and new regulation Customs law Tariff law Law on Customs administration Law on administrative fees Rulebook on fees for customs services Rulebook on distribution of the EUR 1 forms

12 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Projects Electronic single window and one stop shop for issuing export & import licenses and tariff quota Tariff law Electronic system for issuing inward processing licenses Ongoing development of new CDPS Promotion of the simplified procedures and other available simplifications for economic operators

13 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Trainings for customs officers and economic operators TIR certificates CEMT licenses Law on road traffic WCO professional standards CMR Electronic single window and one stop shop for issuing export & import licenses and tariff quota

14 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Trainings for customs officers and economic operators AEO Simplified procedures IPR protection Inward processing

15 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Increased mutual understanding and confidence Customs officers started to listen Adopted regulation that satisfied common interests Eliminated and reduced fees and customs duties Simplified customs procedures and waiting time

16 Results Business & Customs Advisory Council Established system for IPR protection Reduced black tobacco market Reduced undervaluation Increased IT awareness

17 Ongoing activities Business & Customs Advisory Council Organization of meetings and cooperation with the business community at the regional level Organizing trainings for all the participants in the customs operations Further promotion of the simplified procedures and AEO concept Initiatives for elimination of non - tariff barriers in the pre-customs procedure

18 Certificates for Gratitude Business & Customs Advisory Council Certificates of Gratitude were awarded to the members of the Advisory Council, recognizing their successful results in promoting and improving customs & business partnership

19 Based on electronic declaration Compatible with EU standards Interoperable with EU systems Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Development of New CDPS Access to the border inspection authorities risk-analysis criteria in the CDPS and 24/7 support by the customs authorities Under preparation technical specifications for interconnection with TARIC, EBTI, Quota, Surveillance and ECICS (IPA 2009)

20 New Computerized Transit System Interoperability Implementation Strategy of MCA has been drawn up with plans for the forthcoming projects Integrated Tariff Environment Automated export system Excise management and control system Automated import system Customs portal, and other systems Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Development of New CDPS

21 Can be found at, administrated by MCA Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM In production since November 2008

22 Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM Paperless management of export, import and transit licenses and quotas Basic Principals UNECE Recommendation 33 on Establishing a Single Window and Recommendation 34 on Single Window Data Harmonization and Standardization Decision of the European Commission on Electronic Customs Experience of the other countries in implementing SW Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

23 Organization Involved 16 Government agencies with defined responsibilities Created common data set of 80 harmonized and standardized data Retracted of the annexes to the requests Standardized 66 various licenses Introduced central Management of Common Data Amended 6 laws and adopted rulebook for administration of EXIM Food inspection Sanitary and health inspection Veterinary inspection Phyto-sanitary inspection Agricultural inspectorate Seed and seed material directorate Ministry of agriculture Biro for medicine Radiation directorate Bureau for metrology Ministry for economy Ministry for interior Ministry for culture Ministry for environment National bank Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM

24 E – submission and issuance of 66 different export, import and transit licenses and customs quotas, only once and at one place Functionalities Tracking the status of licenses Single frame for all required information for obtaining import, export or transit licenses Service availability 24 hours / 7 days a week Comprehensive exchange of standardized and harmonized data in future Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM

25 Government Authorities connected to system 16 Different types of licenses processed on daily basis 6 Registered users of the system 500 majority of which are forwarders, each representing number of Businesses Applications for licenses processed in 2009 35 000 Applications for tariff quotas processed in 2009 3 700 Time for obtaining an Export/Import license Max. 3 hours from on-line application Time for obtaining a tariff quota Max. 3 hours from on-line application FACTS Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM

26 Current development of new functionalities E-submissions and issuance of licenses for bilateral road transportation Interoperability with the new ICT systems of the Veterinary inspection Interoperability with the new CDPS New reports Plans E-submission and issuance of all types of licenses, not only export, import and transit licenses Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Macedonian single window for export and import licenses and quotas - EXIM

27 Electronic applications for inward processing licenses Electronic submission of application for licenses Acceptance and verification of application Automatic control of data validity in the application Processing of the application and exchange of information and documents with the applicants Issuance of the licenses Reports Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

28 Operational in MCA from January 2010 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT NOT VALID YET Plans - Validation of the electronic documents documents - Inclusion of the customs warehouse licenses, excise warehouse licenses, excise warehouse licenses, simplified warehouse licenses, simplified procedures licenses, procedures licenses, - requests for IPR protection - Connection with CDPS, EXIM and eDMS and eDMS The organisation of work has been regulated with User Manual on the application for processing requests for authorisations for inward processing Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Electronic applications for inward processing licenses

29 EDMS of MCA In production since 01.01.2010 Integrated Information System of MCA covers: - Human resource management module, - Material and financial operations module, - Electronic Document Management System EDMS EDMS Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

30 Archiving and processing electronic documents and electronic copies of paper documents/images Electronic signature and circulation of electronic documents Electronic monitoring of the status of the documents: Location Preparation HistoryDistribution Movement Archive Security Authenticity EDMS of MCA Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

31 Identified business processes (about 190) Fixed maximum time period for accomplishment of the business processes Identified standard types of documents Introduced digital signature Developed software and 30 rulebooks and manuals securing operability of the system Identified contact points and relations between business processes Organization of business processes EDMS of MCA Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

32 Assignment of the documents In preparation exchange of electronic documents with other Government agencies Received/sent and internal mail and documents, attachments and links Classifying Scanning Organizational structure Additional athoratizations Faces of the procedures Ad-hoc RecordingReceiving MarkingSending EDMS of MCA Functionalities – Distribution and processing electronic document Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

33 Internet portal EDMS of MCA Functionalities – Electronic exchange of documents with external partners Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

34 EDMS of MCA Functionalities – Electronic exchange of documents with external partners Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

35 Ongoing preparations for new EDMS Defining all evidences in MCA, types and characters of data Defining all forms for internal and external usage Harmonization of data and forms and elimination of duplications Defining administrators Development of the software Adoption of rulebooks and manuals Organization of business processes Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

36 Consolidation of the border inspections risk analyses systems In progress analyses on development consolidation of the border inspection risk analyses systems with CDPS of the Macedonian Customs administration Trade Facilitation (IT aspects) Trade Facilitation (IT aspects)

37 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia THANKYOU Istanbul, October 2010 Vancho Kargov, DG

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