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CHAPTER 30-SECTION 2 The Kennedy White House. Section 2 Objectives  1. Discuss how President Kennedy’s image conflicted with reality.  2. Identify why.

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1 CHAPTER 30-SECTION 2 The Kennedy White House

2 Section 2 Objectives  1. Discuss how President Kennedy’s image conflicted with reality.  2. Identify why Kennedy had difficulty getting legislation passed.  3. Explain how the Kennedy administration tried to help poor Americans.  4. Describe how Americans responded to the death of the president.

3 The Kennedy Charisma  John F. Kennedy had a youthful appearance compared to former president Dwight D. Eisenhower who was older in appearance.  Kennedy was always shown in many outdoor activities such as; sailing, playing football, or swimming. He was a graduate of Harvard University. He won a Pulitzer Prize for his biography Profiles in Courage.

4 The first family  Jacqueline “Jackie” Kennedy: young attractive wife of the president. In the polls she was ranked as one of the most admired in Americans. She was popular beyond the United States borders.  “ unofficial Minister of Culture”: she brought an appreciation of the fine arts to the Kennedy administration. She later hosted a nationally televised tour of the White House.  The Kennedy Children: Americans were interested in the young Kennedy family. They enjoyed the young Caroline and John Jr. antics and photographs of the children. These were the first young children since the Theodore Roosevelt administration.

5 Background: Jacqueline Kennedy  Jackie Kennedy came from a privileged upbringing. The daughter of wealthy stockbroker, she attended exclusive private schools as a child and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris before receiving a degree from George Washington University. In 1951 she won a Vogue magazine talent contest. The publication offered her a job, but she chose instead to travel in Europe. She then worked as a society photographer in Washington, D. C. A short time later she met John F. Kennedy, who was serving as a congress member. They were married in 1953.

6 Effects on Youth  Youth were inspired to participate in government and volunteer time to the Peace Corp and other endeavors.  Kennedy’s Advisors:  Special Counsel Theodore Sorensen: speechwriter. Many thought who wrote Profiles in Courage. ( recently died) Attorney General: Robert Kennedy: law school graduate had never practiced law. Tough and a good advisor.

7 Domestic Frontier  New Frontier: managing the economy was a domestic challenge. He was dealing with rising unemployment and inflation. The administration worked hard to reach an agreement with the steel industry. He canceled government contracts with the steel industry trying to keep prices from inflating and manage the economy  Kennedy and Congress: Kennedy wanted to lower taxes and Congress didn’t agree. Congress blocked his efforts at passing domestic programs such as paying the medical bills for seniors and federal aid for education.

8 Helping the Disadvantaged  Area Redevelopment Act: May, 1961, provide financial assistance for the economically disadvantaged regions. Eisenhower had vetoed before.  Michael Harrington: 1962 social activist published The Other America. This raised Kennedy interest in poverty. The shattered the notion of prosperity for all in the 1950s. Racism was still an issue of the time and needed to end segregation.

9 Tragedy in Dallas  Kennedy was planning ahead for the 1964 campaign--- agenda antipoverty.  November 22, 1963—12:30 p.m.- Presidential motorcade was preceding through Dallas shots were fired and the President was slumped over. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as president. Millions watched the funeral of a young president.  Lee Harvey Oswald – was arrested for the shooting and shortly was shot by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. Many speculate if Oswald acted alone and the Warren Commission led by Chief Justice Earl Warren to investigate the assassination.

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