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SWPBS: Beyond Classroom Management
Carl Cole & George Sugai OSEP Center on PBIS University of Connecticut January 18, 2008
PURPOSE: Review features & strategies of SWPBS
What is SWPBS (PBIS)? What’s needed to sustain SWPBS? What have we learned? What can your team do?
Problem Statement “We give schools strategies & systems for developing positive, effective, achieving, & caring school & classroom environments, but implementation is not accurate, consistent, or durable. Schools need more than training.”
SWPBS Logic Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments that are redesigned & supported to be effective, efficient, durable, & relevant for all students (Zins & Ponte, 1990)
Worry “Teaching” by Getting Tough
Runyon: “I hate this f____ing school, & you’re a dumbf_____.” Teacher: “That is disrespectful language. I’m sending you to the office so you’ll learn never to say those words again….starting now!”
Immediate & seductive solution….”Get Tough!”
Clamp down & increase monitoring Re-re-re-review rules Extend continuum & consistency of consequences Establish “bottom line” ...Predictable individual response
Reactive responses are predictable….
When we experience aversive situation, we select interventions that produce immediate relief Remove student Remove ourselves Modify physical environment Assign responsibility for change to student &/or others
When behavior doesn’t improve, we “Get Tougher!”
Zero tolerance policies Increased surveillance Increased suspension & expulsion In-service training by expert Alternative programming …..Predictable systems response!
Erroneous assumption that student…
Is inherently “bad” Will learn more appropriate behavior through increased use of “aversives” Will be better tomorrow…….
But….false sense of safety/security!
Fosters environments of control Triggers & reinforces antisocial behavior Shifts accountability away from school Devalues child-adult relationship Weakens relationship between academic & social behavior programming
Science of behavior has taught us that students….
Are NOT born with “bad behaviors” Do NOT learn when presented contingent aversive consequences ……..Do learn better ways of behaving by being taught directly & receiving positive feedback
SWPBS is about…. Improving classroom & school climate
Decreasing reactive management Maximizing academic achievement Improving support for students w/ EBD Integrating academic & behavior initiatives
2001 Surgeon General’s Report on Youth Violence: Recommendations
Change social context to break up antisocial networks Improve parent effectiveness Increase academic success Create positive school climates Teach & encourage individual social skills & competence
School-based Prevention & Youth Development Programming Coordinated Social Emotional & Academic Learning Greenberg et al. (2003) American Psychologist Teach children social skills directly in real context “Foster respectful, supportive relations among students, school staff, & parents” Support & reinforce positive academic & social behavior through comprehensive systems Invest in multiyear, multicomponent programs Combine classroom & school- & community-wide efforts Precorrect & continue prevention efforts
Characteristics of Safe School Center for Study & Prevention of Youth Violence
High academic expectations & performance High levels of parental & community involvement Effective leadership by administrators & teachers A few clearly understood & uniformly enforced, rules Social skills instruction, character education & good citizenship. After school – extended day programs
Lessons Learned: White House Conference on School Safety
Students, staff, & community must have means of communicating that is immediate, safe, & reliable Positive, respectful, predictable, & trusting student-teacher-family relationships are important High rates of academic & social success are important Positive, respectful, predictable, & trusting school environment/climate is important for all students Metal detectors, surveillance cameras, & security guards are insufficient deterrents
It’s not just about behavior!
STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Good Teaching Behavior Management Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems
Supporting Social Competence &
Basics: 4 PBS Elements Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior
Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE
Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings SAY: One of the most important organizing components of PBS is the establishment of a continuum of behavior support that considers all students and emphasizes prevention. This logic of this 3-tiered approach is derived from the public health approach to disease prevention. All students and staff should be exposed formally and in an on-going manner to primary prevention interventions. Primary prevention is provided to all students and focuses on giving students the necessary pro-social skills that prevents the establishment and occurrence of problem behavior. If done systemically and comprehensively, a majority of students are likely to be affected. Some students will be unresponsive or unsupported by primary prevention, and more specialized interventions will be required. One form of assistance is called secondary prevention, and is characterized by instruction that is more specific and more engaging. These interventions can be standardized to be applied similarly and efficiently across a small number of students. The goal of secondary prevention is to reduce/prevent the likelihood of problem behavior occurrences, and to enable these students to be supported by the school-wide PBS effort. If primary prevention is in place, a small proportion of students will require highly individualized and intensive interventions. The goal or tertiary level interventions is to reduce the intensity, complexity, and impact of the problem behaviors displayed by these students by providing supports that are (a) function-based, (b) contextually appropriate and person-centered, (c) strength-based and instructionally oriented, (d) continuously evaluated and enhanced, and (e) linked to the school-wide PBS approach. ~80% of Students
SWPBS Subsystems School-wide Classroom Family Non-classroom Student
School-wide 1. Common purpose & approach to discipline
2. Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation
Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged
Non-classroom Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff Scan, move, interact Precorrections & reminders Positive reinforcement
Classroom Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged
Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction Active supervision Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors Frequent precorrections for chronic errors Effective academic instruction & curriculum
Individual Student Behavioral competence at school & district levels
Function-based behavior support planning Team- & data-based decision making Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes Targeted social skills & self-management instruction Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations
Family Continuum of positive behavior support for all families
Frequent, regular positive contacts, communications, & acknowledgements Formal & active participation & involvement as equal partner Access to system of integrated school & community resources
Sample Teaming Matrix Initiative, Committee Purpose Outcome
Target Group Staff Involved SIP/SID Attendance Committee Increase attendance Increase % of students attending daily All students Eric, Ellen, Marlee Goal #2 Character Education Improve character Marlee, J.S., Ellen Goal #3 Safety Committee Improve safety Predictable response to threat/crisis Dangerous students Has not met School Spirit Committee Enhance school spirit Improve morale Discipline Committee Improve behavior Decrease office referrals Bullies, antisocial students, repeat offenders Ellen, Eric, Marlee, Otis DARE Committee Prevent drug use High/at-risk drug users Don EBS Work Group Implement 3-tier model Decrease office referrals, increase attendance, enhance academic engagement, improve grades Eric, Ellen, Marlee, Otis, Emma
Identify existing efforts by tier Specify outcome for each effort
CONTINUUM of SWPBS Tertiary Prevention Function-based support Audit Identify existing efforts by tier Specify outcome for each effort Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes Establish decision rules (RtI) ~5% ~15% Secondary Prevention Check in/out Primary Prevention Teach SW Expectations ~80% of Students
Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS: “Getting Started” Agreements Data-based Action Plan SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps. Evaluation Implementation
Team-led Process Behavioral Capacity Priority & Status Representation
Data-based Decision Making Administrator SAY: One of the most important steps is to establish or identify an existing group of individuals who can lead the establishment of a school-wide PBS approach. This team must be made of school staff who are respected, have effective communication skills and means, and can influence school policy, organization, and operations. An important factor in effective leadership teaming is ensuring that members of the team agree on how they will conduct business (e.g., agenda, problem solving, voting, etc.). The Conducting Leadership Team Meetings Checklist (see Appendix.1) can be used to assess for and establish agreements about how team meetings will be conducted. Communications
3-4 Year Commitment Top 3 School- Wide Initiatives 3-Tiered Prevention
Logic Agreements & Supports Coaching & Facilitation Administrative Participation Dedicated Resources & Time SAY: Although verbal behavior is a poor predictor of change in actual behavior, securing agreements and commitments from school staff establishes an understanding and priority for the school-wide PBS effort. Agreements must focus on a long term commitment to a prevention and action-based approach to system change. Administrator presence, and resources should be established before action plan implementation. If possible, frequent and regular external coaching or facilitation (prompting/reminding) should be arranged to keep school leadership teams on task and track. The “Team Implementation Checklist” can be used as a self-assessment tool by teams or a monitoring guide for facilitators. See Appendix 3.
Self-Assessment Efficient Systems of Data Management Existing
Discipline Data Data-based Action Plan Team-based Decision Making Multiple Systems Evidence- Based Practices SAY: Team should work from a specific action plan that specifies (a) what needs to be achieved, (b) what needs to be done, (c) who needs to do the work, (d) what resources are needed to achieve the desired outcome, (e) when the outcomes need to be achieved, (f) how progress will be monitored. Data must be collected to specify the above features of an action. A variety of data sources should be considered: The EBS Survey allows staff members to give their perception of what is in place and the degree to which it needs to be improved. (Appendix 4). 2. Office discipline referrals are collected in most schools and represent an excellent source of information to determine the general effectiveness of the school-wide discipline systems. (See Academic achievement data also can be used to identify which students might need behavioral supports. Other information also might be available to guide how the action plan is developed and implemented, for example, (a) attendance/tardy patterns, (b) bus citations, (c) staff/parent recommendations. The Team Implementation Checklist (Appendix 3) can be used as an implementation self-monitoring tool, especially, w/r to systems level elements of school-wide PBS.
Team Managed Staff Acknowledgements Effective Practices Implementation
Continuous Monitoring Administrator Participation Staff Training & Support SAY: School leadership teams and educational leaders should never implement an action plan until the people and resources are organized to support an initially successful implementation. As indicated previously, the effort must begin with agreements and commitments by a majority of the staff (>80%). However, maximizing accurate and consistent implementation of an action plan requires attention to these elements.
Relevant & Measurable Indicators Efficient Input, Storage, & Retrieval
Team-based Decision Making & Planning Evaluation Continuous Monitoring Effective Visual Displays Regular Review SAY: No implementation effort should be conducted without a means of assessing for progress toward action plan goals and objectives. All data mentioned previously that are used for action planning should be included in an on-going data monitoring system for measuring progress. One of the most relevant and commonly available school data-bases is office discipline referrals. To be effective, office discipline referrals must have elements that are clearly defined, have been agreed upon by all staff, and have routines for regularly review and decision making. For more information about the features of high quality office discipline referral systems, see and Appendix 9 for Office Discipline Referral Forms and Checklists.
Few positive SW expectations defined, taught, & encouraged
MATRIX Expectations SETTING All Settings Hallways Playgrounds
Cafeteria Library/ Computer Lab Assembly Bus Respect Ourselves Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk. Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Respect Others Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Respect Property Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs appropriately. Wipe your feet. Sit appropriately. TEACHING MATRIX Expectations
RAH – at Adams City High School (Respect – Achievement – Honor)
Classroom Hallway/ Commons Cafeteria Bathrooms Respect Be on time; attend regularly; follow class rules Keep location neat, keep to the right, use appropriate lang., monitor noise level, allow others to pass Put trash in cans, push in your chair, be courteous to all staff and students Keep area clean, put trash in cans, be mindful of others’ personal space, flush toilet Achievement Do your best on all assignments and assessments, take notes, ask questions Keep track of your belongings, monitor time to get to class Check space before you leave, keep track of personal belongings Be a good example to other students, leave the room better than you found it Honor Do your own work; tell the truth Be considerate of yours and others’ personal space Keep your own place in line, maintain personal boundaries Report any graffiti or vandalism
RAH – Athletics RAH Practice Competitions Eligibility Lettering
Team Travel Respect Listen to coaches directions; push yourself and encourage teammates to excel. Show positive sportsmanship; Solve problems in mature manner; Positive inter-actions with refs, umps, etc. Show up on time for every practice and competition. Show up on time for every practice and competition; Compete x%. Take care of your own possessions and litter; be where you are directed to be. Achievement Set example in the classroom and in the playing field as a true achiever. Set and reach for both individual and team goals; encourage your teammates. Earn passing grades; Attend school regularly; only excused absences Demonstrate academic excellence. Complete your assignments missed for team travel. Honor Demonstrate good sportsmanship and team spirit. Suit up in clean uniforms; Win with honor and integrity; Represent your school with good conduct. Show team pride in and out of the school. Stay out of trouble – set a good example for others. Suit up for any competitions you are not playing. Show team honor. Cheer for teammates. Remember you are acting on behalf of the school at all times and demonstrate team honor/pride.
School Behavioral Standards
E’ Ola Pono- to live the proper way School Behavioral Standards All Settings Walkways Playground Recess P.E. Cafeteria Restrooms Arrival/ Dismissal Assembly Field Trips Kuleana Be Responsible Be on time Be prepared w/ necessary supplies Be accountable for choices Respond to/complete tasks Keep area clean & litter free Plan ahead Walk directly to destination Take care of equipment/facilities Plan appropriate times for drinks/ restroom visits Have lunch card ready Be orderly in all lines Flush Turn off water Use restroom at designated times Use facilities for intended purposes Have money/pass ready Listen attentively Keep hands and feet to yourself Turn in paperwork/$ on time Wear appropriate footwear/clothing Bring home lunch Ho’ihi Respectful Use appropriate voice Listen to/follow directions of staff Respect self, others property Be polite/use manners Express appreciation Accept/respect differences in people Use quiet voices when classes are in session Be a good sport Include others in your play Use proper table manners Eat your own food Observe privacy of others Use polite words and actions Listen to JPO’s supervisors and bus driver Use quiet voice and polite words on bus Focus on program Sit quietly Clap at appropriate times Care for the field trip site Listen to speakers Laulima Cooperative Be helpful Participate with a positive attitude Be patient; share/ wait your turn Acknowledge others Play in designated areas only Keep movement flowing Share equipment and play space Follow rules/ procedures Wait patiently/ quietly Enter/exit vehicles in an orderly fashion Share bus seats Sit properly in designated area Enter/exit in an orderly fashion Remain seated unless asked to do otherwise Stay with your chaperone/group Malama Be Safe Immediately report dangerous situations Remain in designated areas Practice healthy behaviors/universal precautions Use appropriate footwear Follow safety rules in all areas Walk at all times Avoid rough, dangerous play Use equipment properly Wash hands Chew food well; don’t rush Use designated restroom Walk Wait in designated area Remain seated when riding the bus Watch out for traffic Use crosswalk only Be careful when approaching or leaving the stage area Use the buddy system Follow school/bus rules King Kaumualii on Kauai
Walkways Kuleana: Be Responsible Plan ahead
Walk directly to destination Ho’ihi: Be Respectful Walk quietly when classes are in session Laulima: Be Cooperative Keep movement flowing Share equipment and play space Malama: Be Safe Walk at all times Walkways King Kaumualii on Kauai
Playground / Recess / P.E.
Kuleana: Be Responsible Take care of equipment/facilities Plan appropriate times for drinks/restroom visits Ho’ihi: Be Respectful Be a good sport Laulima: Be Cooperative Follow rules/ procedures Malama: Be Safe Avoid rough, dangerous play Use equipment properly King Kaumualii on Kauai
Cafeteria Kuleana: Be Responsible Have lunch card ready
Be orderly in all lines Ho’ihi: Be Respectful Use proper table manners Eat your own food Laulima: Be Cooperative Wait patiently/ quietly Malama: Be Safe Walk at all times Wash hands Chew food well; don’t rush Cafeteria King Kaumualii on Kauai
Field Trips Kuleana: Be Responsible Turn in paperwork/$ on time
Wear appropriate footwear/clothing Bring home lunch Ho’ihi: Be Respectful Care for the field trip site Listen to speakers Laulima: Be Cooperative Stay with your chaperone/group Malama: Be Safe Use the buddy system Follow school/bus rules King Kaumualii on Kauai
Character Education Easy to change moral knowledge difficult to change moral conduct To change moral conduct... Adults must model moral behavior Students must experience academic success Students must be taught social skills for success
Acknowledge & Recognize
Acknowledging SW Expectations: Rationale
To learn, humans require regular & frequent feedback on their actions Humans experience frequent feedback from others, self, & environment Planned/unplanned Desirable/undesirable W/o formal feedback to encourage desired behavior, other forms of feedback shape undesired behaviors
“Good morning, class!” Teachers report that when students are greeted by an adult in morning, it takes less time to complete morning routines & get first lesson started.
Reinforcement Wisdom! “Knowing” or saying “know” does NOT mean “will do” Students “do more” when “doing works”…appropriate & inappropriate! Natural consequences are varied, unpredictable, undependable,…not always preventive
Basics Guidelines Know basics & be conceptually grounded Work as team
Use data to be strategic Self-assess for relevant/priority outcomes Formalize communications & acknowledgements Model Invest in local capacity Engage in smallest effort to maintain effect Integrate rather than add on
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