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Agenda What is Science Olympiad? How can I sign up for SO? How can we all make this happen? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20142.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda What is Science Olympiad? How can I sign up for SO? How can we all make this happen? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20142."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda What is Science Olympiad? How can I sign up for SO? How can we all make this happen? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20142

3 What is Science Olympiad? Science Olympiad is a nationally organized competition dedicated to improving science interest and education in  Science  Engineering  Inquiry Three levels of competition – Level B Regional : Feb 8 th 2014, San Diego, CA Rancho Bernardo High School & Bernardo Heights Middle School State, and National  23 different events of 50 minutes each 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20143

4 SO Events Events categorized under Life, Personal and Social Science Earth and Space Science Physical Science and Chemistry Technology and Engineering Inquiry and Nature of Science Some building, some testing, some a combination of both. More info at the Regional SO website 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20144

5 SO Events Build Events: Boomilever Helicopters Rotor Egg Drop Simple Machines Sounds of Music Vehicle or Scrambler 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20145

6 SO Events Can’t Judge a Powder Crime Busters Disease Detectives Dynamic Planet Entomology Environmental Chemistry Experimental Design Green Generation Heredity Invasive Species Meteorology Metric Mastery Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Rocks & Minerals Shock Value Water Quality Write It Do It 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20146 Test Events May be

7 SO at Ocean Air Just getting started… lets learn together… Ocean Air 2013 Very first time participating 2 nd Shock Value 6 th Shock Value 7 th Disease Detectives 10 th Heredity 16 th Sounds of Music 17 th Meteorology 18 th Rotor Egg Drop 18 th Metric Mastery 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20147

8 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20148 No Sounds fun Yes

9 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 20149 Sounds fun Yes No My parents want me to No Yes

10 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201410 Sounds fun No My parents want me to No Yes Don’t sign up

11 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201411 Sounds fun No My parents want me to No Yes Don’t sign up

12 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201412 Sounds fun Yes No My parents want me to No Yes I have free time that I can dedicate to SO Yes No Don’t sign up

13 Should I do SO? 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201413 Sounds fun Yes No My parents want me to No Yes Sign up!!! No I have free time that I can dedicate to SO Don’t sign up

14 Signing Up Three step application process Online form (at SO link on To be submitted by Paper form (at SO link on www. Turn in at the office by Suggested donation ($&100 - 125 to Ocean Air PTA) Check to be made payable to Ocean Air PTSA and must be received along with the paper application form. 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201414

15 Program Contribution Ocean Air SO gets no direct financial support from the school Science Olympiad is completely funded by participants Money is used for Reusable and/or common materials (e.g. books, field guides, chemicals, etc.) Copying and printing Office supplies T-shirts Awards Competition day food Competition registration fees 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201415

16 How are events assigned? Schedules chosen to maximize student choices under these constraints:  Must evenly cover all 23(?) events  No conflicting test times on competition day  No conflicting practice times There is no perfect solution to this scheduling problem. We will try our very bestest to accommodate every student’s choices and schedules. Some minimal event assignment changes after 3 weeks 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201416

17 SO Practice Students must participate in 2 or 3 events Coaching sessions are once per week for each event Usually 1 - 2 hours - at coach’s discretion Usually at coach’s home but Ocean Air could accommodate some events depending on coaching times. Students must be available at event practice time  The more open slots for practice that you list, the more options you will have for events  If you only have a few time slots available, maybe only your last choice events practice in the few open time slots you listed  If insufficient time slots are listed, you may not be able to participate in SO due to the logistical impossibilities of assigning you to enough events 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201417

18 SO Practice Weekly Training  Oct, 2013 – Feb, 2014 Plan to spend about 6 hours per week Attendance/focus at all trainings is a must  Team event – others rely on your participation Completion of work assigned by coach(es) Prior subject knowledge is NOT required – but must be willing to learn Adherence to Ocean Air rules 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201418

19 SO team - Regionals Team size  2 teams of 15 students each for the Regional  Limited to 15 students for State and National Team selection  Performance assessment by the coaches  Participation and attendance  Focus and teamwork  Seniority and parent coaching 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201419

20 Parent Volunteers Cannot do it without YOU  Lead coaches (or assistant coaches)— this is our most urgent need! Please consider volunteering!  Competition day coordinators & other positions needed later It’s rewarding and fun! 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201420

21 Coaches SO Coaches Obtain teaching tools from teacher and previous coaches Find resources on SO and other web sites, library, and experts in the field Develop a plan or curriculum Meet weekly with students Communicate progresses and issues with Organizing Committee and parents Focus on teaching, team building, and competition It’s rewarding and fun! 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201421

22 Useful Links – click on Science Olympiad link – San Diego Regional website – National SO web site – Wiki site for SO events 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201422

23 Thank you for attending...questions? Email us at Stacie Waters Holly Haritha Doppalapudi Seetha Janakiraman Kristin Mullin 5/16/2013Ocean Air Science Olympiad 201423

24 OA School and Ms. Waters Communicate with regional and state SO organizers Assign students to event teams based on their interests and openings Be a resource for coaches in getting materials, tools, and event info Reserve Rec Center rooms if necessary Provide Science Lab as an alternative meeting place Communicate with Organizing Committee, coaches, and students Coach 1 event if necessary Organizing Committee Identify SO coaches Participate in Volunteer Fair when school re-opens in Fall Organize SO kick-off meeting (early Sep) Form standards and assist teacher in selecting competing team members Assist teacher in organizing participant and coach information Communicate with coaches, parents, and students on committee decisions Build and maintain a Google account Track budget and expenses Meet monthly to touch base SO Coaches Obtain teaching tools from teacher and previous coaches Find resources on SO and other web sites, library, and experts in the field Develop a plan or curriculum Meet weekly with students Communicate progresses and issues with Organizing Committee and parents Focus on teaching, team building, and competition Parents Realize and support commitment your child has made to SO Help your child find resources but do not do it for your child Support coaches by sending students to weekly meetings on time Offer homes for meeting places and provide help as adult assistants Help with logistics on competition day Communicate issues with coaches and Organizing Committee Students Know the event rules Take initiatives for learning materials and finding new resources Respect and corporate with coaches and teammates Be prepared with materials and homework Remind parents meeting dates and arrive meetings on time Communicate issues with teacher and coaches

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