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1© 2009 IBM Corporation The Epistle of James Practical Christian Living Christ Baptist Church Fall 2014.

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1 1© 2009 IBM Corporation The Epistle of James Practical Christian Living Christ Baptist Church Fall 2014

2 2 Prayer of Faith The Epistle of James 5:13-20 James 5:13-16 What kind of suffering does James refer to in vs 13? 1.What were the specific circumstances surrounding the prayer offered for the sick (v 14-16)? 2.What is the “Prayer of faith”(v15)? 3.What part should modern medicine have in healing our illnesses? Why? Matt 9:12 Mark 2:17 Luke 4:23 Eph 5:19 Heb 13:15 1 John 5:14-15 Psalms 32

3 3 Prayer of Faith The Epistle of James 5:13-20 James 5:16-18 4.What damage can be done if sin is confessed beyond the circle of its influence(v16)? 5.Why is it impossible to separate the Word of God and prayer (v 17,18)? 6.What is the difference between the “much praying” mentioned in Matt 6:7 and being persistent in prayer? Matt 6:7 1 John 1:9

4 4 Prayer of Faith The Epistle of James 5:13-20 James 5:19-20 7.What does it mean to backslide (v19,20)? – Personal question: How have you struggled with this in your own life? 8.In many Christian churches today, confronting a Christian brother/sister is the last thing to be done, if it is done at all. Why do you think this is the case? (v19,20) Eccl 9:18 Heb 2:1 Matt18:15

5 5 Prayer of Faith The Epistle of James 5:13-20 9.What problems do you encounter when trying to establish & maintain a regular prayer time? 10.What have you learned from this book that you can take with you as you continue to grow in Christ? Challenges: Are you spiritually defeated or discouraged? Make a list of the fellow Christians from whom you could solicit prayer support. Make sure you contact these people and share your situation and needs with them. Think of those professing believers who according to what we learned in James, may not actually be saved? 1 Peter 5:7 Phil 4:6-7 Psalm 27:13-14

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