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1. To contribute towards a balanced CAS programme:

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2 1. To contribute towards a balanced CAS programme:

3 During your camp week, you will have the opportunity to take part in different creative or active activities.

4 2. To set the scene for the service strand of the DP CAS programme Each camp will have a significant service aspect.

5 In addition, the service work must respect the rights, dignity and autonomy of all those involved.

6 3. To establish real and meaningful links to communities within our host country. Enabling you to ‘think globally, act locally’.

7 Interaction with many of these minority groups is only possible when meaningful links are established to the remote communities within which they live.

8 4. To create links to DP subject groups, and encourage you to select the camp which is of most relevance to your interests and future study/career plans.

9 There will be at least 4 camps to choose from: 3 of these camps will be organised in association with Indier Camps, China. The 4th camp will be organised in association with NatureWize, Guizhou, China.



12 This year, we will continue with to focus on environmental education. The primary teachers of Ludi Primary School have asked us to help them establish and develop their own environmental club, such as Roots and Shoots. This camp is therefore particularly suited to students with an interest in environmental issues, and/or teaching.

13 We are currently working with Indier Camps, China to create three distinct camp programmes. Each camp will be in a different location within China. Each camp will have a unique service project, thereby allowing you to choose the type of work that is most closely related to your interests and/or future career choices.

14 The Conghua camp offers students a unique opportunity to work with the local people within our very own province. During this camp you will complete a road and bridge- building project. This camp will be particularly suited to students with an interest in design technology, engineering or construction.

15 On the Pingyi camp, you will visit the Yimeng Mountain area. During this camp you help to decorate a village primary school, which was established by an old soldier of the red army. The school now lacks funds for maintenance and decoration. This camp will be particularly suited to students with an interest in art and/or design technology.

16 On the Rongshui camp you will stay in the Miao Autonomous Country. You will assist with the harvesting and farm work in the local village. By doing this, you will reduce the pressure on local families, meaning that their children can remain in school. This camp will be particularly suited to students with an interest in humanities. In addition, it is suited to those who will enjoy working outdoors whilst learning about harvesting and food production.

17  Payment: no further payment is required for any of these camps.  Fund raising: money or resources to the value of 750RMB.  Duration: 5 days or 6 days  Numbers: Approximately 15 students per camp.  Travel arrangements: Guizhou and Pingyi: by airplane Conghua: by bus Rongshui: by overnight train and return by airplane

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