“Prayer in the name of Jesus is the only way to share in the mighty power which Jesus has received from the Father for His people... effective working.

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2 “Prayer in the name of Jesus is the only way to share in the mighty power which Jesus has received from the Father for His people... effective working first needs effective praying.” Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer, 142.

3 “To the use of Scriptures the early Christians added prayer as a prime necessity in all evangelistic enterprise.” Green, Evangelism in the Early Church, 235.

4 Introduction: Jeremiah 33:3 Two Prayer Focuses Revival and Awakening (1 Chron. 7:14) Great Commission (1 Tim. 2:1-8) Three Prayer Arenas Personal. Congregational, Kingdom Two Prayer Mobilization Approaches Corporate/Group Prayer, On-Site Prayer

5 Prayerwalking: A Biblical Perspective John 15;1 Thess 5:17; Micah 6:8; Ps 40  Prayer is about being, doing and telling as we walk with Jesus. 1 Tim 2:1-8; Acts 17:16f  Strategic Prayer for God’s Kingdom

6 What is Prayerwalking? A Lifestyle of Unceasing Prayer Walking while Praying Intentional Prayer toward the Great Commission Spiritual Warfare Prayer Vision-Oriented Prayer

7 Prayerwalking’s Purpose Intimacy with God through Relationship Gen 3; John 15:16a; Matt 6:9-13 Join God’s Redemptive Work John 15:16b; Rom 10:1-2; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Lk 19:10 Strategic Prayer Mark 2;1-20; Acts 4:23-33

8 Basic Prayer Foundations Sanctified Prayer Steadfast Prayer Specific, United Prayer Sensitive Prayer Spirit-Filled Prayer Surrendered Prayer Service-Centered Prayer

9 Divine Encounters Be prepared to Share Christ Acts 8:26-40 Gospel Tracts Use the Gospel plan in the back of the Prayerwalking Made Simple booklet

10 Preparing to Prayerwalk Personal Spiritual Preparation Strategic/Logistical Preparation

11 Taking the Prayerwalk Cover the Prayerwalk in Focused Prayer Select Date, Time and Location Provide Specific Training for the Prayerwalk Map Out Strategic Area Meet Together Before the Prayerwalk Utilize Field and Support Teams Meet after the Prayerwalk to Share Results Close in Specific prayer

12 Practical Tips Keep your eyes open Pray Biblical Prayers Pray aloud as much as possible Allow the Spirit to direct your prayers Pray conversationally Walk slowly Wear appropriate clothing Take local church contact information Pray toward the removal of spiritual blinders—people’s needs are primary Try not to do things that draw attention to yourself Look for witnessing opportunities Avoid excessive picture taking Keep water bottles on hand Focus praying on God and people

13 Three Ways to Focus Your Prayers Pray according to what you KNOW Pray according to what you SEE Pray as the Holy Spirit INSPIRES

14 Final Considerations Prayerwalk neighborhoods and stronghold areas Prayerwalk your school, college, university Take a prayer journey in another community, city, state or nation. Use the biblical prayer prompts in Prayerwalking booklet Prayerwalk anytime you are walking Prayerwalk as families Prayerwalk your work area

15 “Are we not getting weary of living in this world among so many who are going to hell? Is it not terrible to think that after all the church is doing, thousands are being lost every day? We ought to bestir ourselves for men’s souls, and we cannot do better for them than by praying for them. Let us, therefore, bestir ourselves in prayer.” Charles H. Spurgeon, The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life, 191


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