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Objective 25.01 Examine Oxy-fuel procedures.

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1 Objective 25.01 Examine Oxy-fuel procedures

2 Oxy-fuel Procedures Oxy-fuel combines pure oxygen which will not burn until combined with a combustible fuel gas such as acetylene, propylene, or propane Acetylene is the combustible fuel used by most agricultural mechanics

3 Oxy-fuel Procedures Heat from the oxy-fuel process is used to cut or weld and to heat for bending, shaping and tempering metal

4 Safety Use soapy water to check lines, valves, and soft plugs for leaks Acetylene pressure should NOT be more than 15 psi (pounds per square inch) The acetylene cylinder tank valve should be opened ¼ to ½ turn for use Oxygen and acetylene cylinders should be turned on and off quickly before attaching regulators to blow dust from openings

5 Safety When the oxyacetylene unit is NOT in use, the regulator adjusting screw should be screwed out all the way until loose Oxygen and acetylene tanks should be upright and chained when transported Caps should be screwed on Use only a spark lighter (torch lighter) to light a torch Do NOT use a cigarette lighter or matches to light a torch or check for leaks

6 Types of Flames When first lit, the flame has excess acetylene and is carbonizing flame Oxygen is added to produce a neutral flame used for heating, cutting, and welding Adding extra oxygen makes an oxidizing flame which is the hottest flame used for special applications.

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