Testing Grambulary. Items  Matching – identify the the type of item from the list on your right. 1. Your dad is a (an) ______ A. male, B. female, C.firefighter.

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1 Testing Grambulary

2 Items  Matching – identify the the type of item from the list on your right. 1. Your dad is a (an) ______ A. male, B. female, C.firefighter 2. No ________ (comer) frijoles. No me gustan. 3. ¿Quién es el hombre mas alto de este cuento? 4. Escuchen y escriban todas las palabras que escuchas. 5. Listen to this description of the city. Draw a map showing the location of 5 landmarks. 6. Your professor is. (T/F) 7. Try to fill in the blanks with the missing word or phrases as you listen to the following. a. Dictation b. Gap filling c. Short Answer d. True/False e. Info. Transfer f. Partial dictation g. Multiple choice

3 Testing Grammar  Two tips for starting  Create specifications  Sample widely from the specs.  With a partner, thumb through the marked chapters in the textbook provided.  Write a list of all of the grammar points covered in the chapter.  Select three that you think would be important to test more thoroughly on a chapter test.

4 Testing Grammar  What are some of the kinds of items that can be used to test grammar?  Short Answer  Gap Filling  Multiple choice  Paraphrase  Completion  Multiple Choice  Grammar in production  Which of these are unique to grammar testing?

5 Testing Grammar, I mean assessing structure, I mean paraphrasing.  What is paraphrasing generally and in grammar testing in particular?  Read the first sentence below. Then express the same meaning by using the present perfect in the second sentence.  Hace cinco años que no le veo.  No ___________ en cinco años.  Ren rompió la ventana.  La ventana...........  Carlos leyó el libro.  El libro...............  Leigh organizó la fiesta.  La fiesta.............  Write one more with a partner.

6 Testing Grammar - Completion  Harder to write, Kind of requires extrapolation.  Read the following exchange between a clerk and a customer in a bookstore. Then complete the questions based on the information provided by the customer.  ¿Qué ______________?  Me gustan novelas de espías.  ¿Cuáles _______________?  Los de James Bond son mis preferidos.  Are these good items?  Why or why not?  Key is purpose and scoring  Correct #1 noun then verb, maybe a definition.  Correct #2 verb then a noun if necessary.

7 Give it a whirl  On your own… Write another item in this exchange.  Read the following exchange between a clerk and a customer in a bookstore. Then complete the questions based on the information provided by the customer.  ¿Qué ______________?  Me gustan novelas de espías.  ¿Cuáles _______________?  Los de James Bond son mis preferidos.

8 Testing Vocab.  Which of these options is most similar in meaning to brotar:  A. anunciar  B. hinchar  C. salir  D. inundar  ¿Qué hace esta niña?  Ella se ________ los cordones. What kind of vocab. knowledge does the first question test? And the second? Look at pages 180-182, What specifically does the first question test? What other kinds of recognition ?s are there? Look at pages 182-184, What two kinds of items does the second question combine What other kinds of productive vocab. questions are there?

9 Look at the same chapter...  With a partner:  Pick a word  Write an item testing receptive knowledge of the word.  Write one item testing productive knowledge of the same word.  After you write these items, critique them according to p. 154

10 Grammar Items  Go back to the specifications that you wrote previously.  Start writing an item for each of the kinds of grammar you listed.  This is not for a grade, for practice.  Try for quality as much as quantity.

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