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* Heteroskedasticity * Serial correlation * Multicollinerity * Normality * Omitted variables.

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Presentation on theme: "* Heteroskedasticity * Serial correlation * Multicollinerity * Normality * Omitted variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 * Heteroskedasticity * Serial correlation * Multicollinerity * Normality * Omitted variables


3 Prototype

4 * Error learning  misal: belajar mengetik * Sampel yang beragam  rumahtangga dgn pendptn, perusahaan berbagai level * Adanya outlier * Omitting variables * Sebaran data tidak normal * incorrect data transformation (e.g., ratio or first difference transformations) and * incorrect functional form (e.g., linear versus log–linear models) *  lebih sering terjadi pada data cross section

5 * BLUE? * Linear Unbiased but not efficient  LU Homoscedastic? Which is the Homoscedastic?

6 *B*B agaimana estimasi yg diperoleh terkait varians yg tidak konstan? *-*- Signifikansi ? *-*- CI ? ** misleading …

7 * Nature of problem (functional form review ) * Periksa Grafik residual * Tes statistik



10 H0: residuals are homoskedastic H1: residuals are heteroskedastic


12 * Goldfeld-Quandt Test: the heteroscedastic variance, σ 2 i, is positively related to one of the explanatory variables in the regression model, ex:  *  σ 2 i would be larger, the larger the values of Xi * Weakness: * - depend on which c is arbitrary, * - for X > 1 Var, which X is correct to be ordered?


14 * Y = Income, * X = Consumption, * n = 30, * c = 4

15 * Y = Income, X = Consumption, n = 30, c = 4

16 * Breusch–Pagan–Godfrey Test * Weakness: - large sample needed  for small sample, depend much on normality assumption Ex:  So, H0:  residuals are Homoskedastic

17 ESS = SSR


19 * White’s General Heteroscedasticity Test. * Weakness: more variables will consume more df. H0: residuals are homoskedastic Or H0: , df = # parameter -1


21 Obtain residual, then estimate

22 * Find other references…

23 Reparameterize before analize !


25 * Practically, run OLS first, then run: *  consistent estimator  large sample needed




29 * Run the following (weighted) regression: * Compare with the unweighted Apa perbedaan kedua model ini?

30 * White suggests: * For RLB:



33 * Pelajari Gujarati, Basic Econometrics, 14 th edition, * Ch. 11, section 11.7

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