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What’s an ADP Goal Got to Do with It? Division for Diversity and Inclusion: 2013/14 Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB Vice President for.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s an ADP Goal Got to Do with It? Division for Diversity and Inclusion: 2013/14 Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB Vice President for."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s an ADP Goal Got to Do with It? Division for Diversity and Inclusion: 2013/14 Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

2 Inclusive Excellence An overarching and enduring commitment of MSU “Focuses on purposeful intellectual & social development through using resources that enhance learning with attention to cultural differences while engaging all diversity in a welcoming community.”


4  It makes perfect business sense to market your product to growing markets.  It is illegal to discriminate against people based upon their race, age, sex, ability, creed, orientation or national origin.  Socio-economic status and education are positively related to productive citizenship, better lifestyles and better communities.  YOU  YOU are the difference in the MSU experience whenever you interact or work to serve others...including your co-workers.



7  Oct. 2005 Former President Nietzel’s initial Presidential Report promotes goals for “Being Inclusive”  Establishes President’s Commission for Diversity (PCD)  Recruiting Diverse Faculty & Students  Promotes MSU “Looking More Like the World”  In 2006 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) evaluation report Identifies two 1995 diversity shortcomings:  Diversity Among Faculty & Staff  Diversity Among Students & Within Curriculum  In 2006 PCD recommends strategies for recruiting diverse faculty, staff & students  On 7/19/2007 Board of Governors (BOG) added promoting ethnic diversity as priority

8  8/8/2007 BOG directs President to include theme of increasing university diversity.  2010 President Job Description includes item #8 that candidates promote diversity initiatives internally & externally; and ensure engagement by underrepresented groups in university programs.  DEVELOPMENTS:  Diversity Outreach & Recruitment Coordinators created 2008  Interim Chief Diversity Officer established by BOG in 2010  Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion hired 10/1/2011  Diversity Goal in Long-Range Plan  Key Performance Indicator on Diversity  Market Research- Phase IV: Diversity

9 Division for Diversity & Inclusion – since 2011 Campus-wide Initiatives (Abbreviated)  Accreditation Leadership and Support  ADP Diversity Goal  Climate Study  Collaborative Diversity Conference  Disability Resource Center  Diverse Perspectives Info-letter  Diversity Landmarks  Faculty Diversity Hiring Initiative  Multicultural Programs  Multicultural Scholarships ACCESS CLIMATE DIVERSITY IN/OUT OF CLASS LEARNING LEADERSHIP I M P A C T I N G




13  How does the way I think about others affect my work performance?  What level of success do I expect for people who are different from me in my work environment?  Can I do something that allows me to work with diverse others?  What skills do I need to nurture so I can develop and function effectively in a pluralistic workforce?  How do I become creative with trying out diverse experiences?  What history can I learn about others in my workplace?  What can I do to start a discussion about diversity?  How can I help others value difference where I work?

14 Workplace Dynamics + Learning Experiences from Interactions Position Requirements + Annual Goals Employee Attainment of Goals + Unplanned Outcomes Supervisor Characteristics + Learning Style Employee Characteristics + Learning Style

15  S – Specific (or Significant).  M – Measurable (or Meaningful).  A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).  R – Relevant (or Rewarding).  T – Time-bound (or Trackable).  (A thought) Diversity goals should identify the result of something you did that made MSU a better place for yourself and others who are not like you.

16  Create Alumni, Employer, and Student Surveys  Establish and implement focus groups – i.e. KAG  Conduct service interviews with diverse students  Compile and compare studies on ______  Increase percentage of students who ____  Decrease the time it takes walk-ins to _____  Improve process statistics for diverse groups by _____

17  Identify services selected or elected by ___  Track staff/___ ratios and recommend ____  Compare/contrast enrollment trends for ___  Increase percentage of ___ who ___ within the current year  _____ the diversity of _____ by ____

18  Collect _____ samples for ______  Develop a portfolio for ____ by _____  Initiate a capstone project for __ employees  Conduct workplace observations of ____ for _____  Complete review of _____ by ____  Evaluation performance of _____ for ___  Conduct a case study for ___  Prepare ____ for licensure examinations by ____

19 2011- 2016 Long Range Plan Diversity Goals or Initiatives  University  Cost Center/Division  Department  Supervisor HR Appraisal and Development Plan Website  ADP Diversity and Inclusion Guide  ADP Diversity and Inclusion Talking Points  ADP Review Course for Supervisors

20 Ongoing Professional and Personal Development Opportunities  University Sponsored Events  Division for Diversity and Inclusion  Citizenship and Service Learning  Public Affairs  Human Resources  My Learning Connection

21 For doing your part to advance Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB

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