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Pedagooogy 3000 More tools, Emotional and 13 Intelligences Noemi Paymal.

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Presentation on theme: "Pedagooogy 3000 More tools, Emotional and 13 Intelligences Noemi Paymal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedagooogy 3000 More tools, Emotional and 13 Intelligences Noemi Paymal


3 A holistic education attends, develops and combines harmoniously and simultaneously the following 10 areas: 1.Physical 2.Emotional 3.Social 4.Multicultural 5.Ecological 6.Ethical 7.Aesthetical - creative - recycling 8.Articulated Cognitive 9.Psychic - intuitive 10.Inner development.

4 1. Cerebro reptil 2. El cerebro emocional Sistema límbico, tálamo, hipotálamo, hipocampo… El más primitivo de nuestro cerebro. Se encarga de los instintos básicos de supervivencia. 3. El cerebro racional Amígdala Corteza cerebral

5 Survival 1. Reptil Brain 2. Limbic Brain 3. Logical Brain Frontal Lobes Ability of “projection” 4th brain Emotional Right H. Left H.

6 Emotional Intelligence


8 EI > IQ Dr. Daniel Goleman

9 Peace Culture Non Violent Communication

10 22/10/08 13 Multiples Intelligence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11 22/10/08 1. 1.Linguistic 2. 2.Logical-Mathematic 3. 3.Visual-Space 4. 4.Corporal-Kinesthetic 5. 5.Musical 6. 6.Interpersonal 7. 7.Intrapersonal 8. 8.Ecology 9. 9.Transcendent or spiritual.

12 22/10/08 10. Energetic or intuitive 12. Practical 13. Co-creative 9. Trascendente.

13 Howard Gardner Thomas Armstrong 9 intelligences

14 1. Linguistic

15 2. Logical-Mathematic

16 3. Visual-Space

17 4. Corporal-Kinesthetic

18 5. Musical

19 6. Interpersonal Ethic

20 7. Intrapersonal

21 8. Ecology

22 9. Trascendent or spiritual

23 10. Energetic o intuitive Intelligence

24 11. Emocional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)

25 12. Practical Intelligence (Paulo Freire, Asiri, Pedagooogia 3000 Kilpatrick, Dewey…)

26 13. Co-creative Intelligence Multi-dimentional Co-creador of a new world Socio.Multi.Education Walter Maverino, Unipaz, Pedagooogia 3000, Asiri Síntesis de las anteriores, ética, visión, ejercicios que ejerciten el 4to cerebro (lóbulo frontal)…

27 GOM Games Outside Movement


29 IPPP I Integral P Protagonist P Practical P Protagonist

30 giras3000@gmail.comVideos

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