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Copyright or Copy Whats all the fuss about, anyway? All cited images in this show are used under the Fair Use interpretation of copyright law. All others.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright or Copy Whats all the fuss about, anyway? All cited images in this show are used under the Fair Use interpretation of copyright law. All others."— Presentation transcript:


2 Copyright or Copy Whats all the fuss about, anyway? All cited images in this show are used under the Fair Use interpretation of copyright law. All others are used by permission.

3 I am going to make my report (poster, PowerPoint, etc.) look so cool my teacher will give me an A! The Life of Albert Einstein

4 I need a picture for my report or for my PowerPoint. Ill just go online and RIGHT click to copy a good one. It is illegal to copy from a web page unless your use falls under FAIR USE of copyrighted materials.

5 Ok, then Ill just copy a picture out a the encyclopedia and paste it in. Copyright applies to printed material, posters, web sites, music, video, song lyrics, newspapers, and magazines. You must follow Fair Use with any of these.

6 Fair Use is a set of guidelines telling you when you as a student can copy without specific permission from the author, musician, or artist who created a work. It only applies to copying for instructional use. My report will be boring without some pictures! What in the world is Fair Use and how do I know if I am following it?

7 C Q I N No Biggy. Just remember these letters. Oh, Man. How will I ever remember all this Fair Use stuff? My report is doomed.

8 Im the C-QIN genie. I am here to help you remember how to follow the rules of Fair Use. C Q I N WHO are YOU?

9 C - Is your use for a C lass assignment? Q - Are you within Q uantity limits? I - Are you taking away the artists, musicians, or writers I ncome? N - Are you limiting the N umber of copies to one or two (for you and your teacher)? Here are the details! Just ask yourself these questions. C Q I N

10 C Q I N How do I know what the quantity limits are? You can find them on posters in the computer labs and the IMC or by looking online at copyrightchart.html

11 C Q I N One more thing. Always show that you followed Fair Use guidelines by putting a Fair Use notice on your report, PowerPoint show, or other project. And of course, you must include a bibliography in the correct form. All cited images in this report are used under the Fair Use interpretation of copyright laws. All others are used by permission. Yes. I got that, just like this PowerPoint show!

12 C Q I N This presentation brought to you by the Cumberland Valley Technology Department 2004 Thanks, genie. I can remember C-QUIN and get a good grade on my report!

13 Bibliography Agnew, Janet, Glen Gummess, and Mike Hudson. A Visit to Copyright Bay. 22 May 2004. University of St. Francis. 6 Sept 2004.. Image of Albert Einstein. No date. Online image. Sprotts Gateway. 10 Dec 2004.. Image of Albert Einstein with tongue. No date. Online image. Rebecca L. Riester, Associate Professor of Chemistry. 10 Dec 2004.. Image of sequins. No date. Online image. Cartwrights Sequins and Vintage Buttons. 10 Dec 2004.. Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format. Dec 2003. Purdue University. 15 Dec 2004..

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