Children and Conversion Guiding Children along the Journey to Faith.

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Presentation on theme: "Children and Conversion Guiding Children along the Journey to Faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children and Conversion Guiding Children along the Journey to Faith

2 Welcome Find a friend and share the following information. – How old were you when you trusted Christ as your Savior? – Where were you at the time? – Who was instrumental in leading you to Christ? – What do you remember most vividly about your conversion experience?

3 When does one begin to lead a child to Christ? Jesus as Friend Jesus as Savior and Lord Bits and Pieces & Big Event

4 What must the child understand? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come to the earth? What did Jesus do? Why should I become a Christian? How can I accept Jesus as my Savior?

5 How does one begin to lead a child to Christ? Gods commandments should be on our hearts first. Talk about them when you... sit at home. walk along the road. lie down. get up.

6 What does the Bible teach concerning children? (Matthew 18:1-14) Childlike faith, trust, and dependence are required to become a Christian (vv. 3-4). To receive a child in Jesus name is to receive Jesus Himself (v. 5). Children are important to Jesus (v. 5).

7 We have an awesome responsibility to lead children in the right way (v. 6). We should not look down on a child (v. 10). Gods will is for children to be saved (v. 14). Children are of untold value to God (v. 14).

8 When is a child ready? (Romans 14:12) Trying to understand accountability is far more important than trying to determine a specific age at which a child may be judged lost. The age at which any one child reaches accountability may vary rather widely from the age at which another child reaches accountability.

9 Watering down Bible teaching about conversion so that any child can respond affirmatively to an invitation to accept Christ is a dangerous practice. Respect for the work of the Holy Spirit in the conversion of the individual requires one to abandon mechanical approaches to helping children become Christians.

10 In dealing with a child, one must respect his capacities, neither overrating nor underrating them.

11 While one cannot expect a child to express his inner life in adult language or in terms of adult experiences, there is a point beyond which basic truths cannot be simplified and reduced. When Can a Child Believe by Eugene Chamberlain

12 Avoid giving more information than a child needs or asks for. Ask open-ended and follow-up questions.

13 Dont jump to conclusions. Speak in clear terms. Avoid symbolic language or analogies.

14 Make a distinction between baptism and becoming a Christian. Point out that becoming a Christian comes first and then baptism.

15 Involve parents. Remain conversational.

16 Encourage the child to express his own ideas. Give time for reflection. Rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

17 Every child deserves personal counseling. In group settings allow each child to respond free of pressure.

18 Presenting the Gospel to Groups of Children Determine the ages to be involved. Keep the presentation brief. Use a Bible version children are familiar with. Use a response card or another response mechanism that lowers pressure. Make the presentation sequential.

19 Have a follow-up plan. Train counselors. Involve parents. Anchor the memory.

20 Beginning the Discussion Determine the true intent. – Why did you come forward? – How long have you been thinking about becoming a Christian? – When did you first start thinking about becoming a Christian?

21 Model Discussion God loves you and has a great plan for your life (Psalm 139:13-16). – Tell me one thing that is special about the way God made you. – Why does a person need to become a Christian?

22 Model Discussion We have all sinned (Romans 3:23). – A child must sense that He is lost before he can be saved. – Separateness – Avoid invading a childs privacy. – Horizontal and vertical effects of sin – What is sin? – Have you ever sinned? – How does sin affect our relationship with God?

23 Model Discussion Even though we choose to sin, God still loves us and offers to forgive us (Romans 5:8). – How do you think God feels when we sin?

24 Model Discussion Jesus died for us (John 3:16). – Tell me what you know about Jesus. – Why did Jesus have to die? – What happened after Jesus died?

25 Model Discussion A person becomes a Christian by confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9). – Do you know how to become a Christian? – Confess – Repent

26 Model Discussion The Decision – What about parents? – A - Admit that you are a sinner. – B - Believe that Jesus is Gods Son. – C - Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord. – Romans 10:13 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

27 Anchor the Memory Create a memory box. Take photos. Write letters. Receive letters from family and friends. Write a journal. Save bulletins and certificates. Be careful with siblings and friends.

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