1 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Delivery Management In Our Current Environment Handbooks and Manuals as well as DOIS Utilization will Chart the.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Delivery Management In Our Current Environment Handbooks and Manuals as well as DOIS Utilization will Chart the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Delivery Management In Our Current Environment Handbooks and Manuals as well as DOIS Utilization will Chart the Course to Success

2 2 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Successful DOIS Scheduling

3 3 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Our Current Challenges Continuing Declines in Cased Volumes Continuing Declines in Carrier Delivered Volume Regular Scheduled Pivoting by Regular Carriers, that Minimizes Impacts to Service. MOUs Controlling Route Adjustment Timeframes and Methods.

4 4 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support It Goes Without Saying, This Needs to Be Said DOIS Utilization Compliance Accurate Route & Unit Maintenance Validated E3999/Current 3999 on DOIS Mainframe Complete & Accurate Travel Tab/ 1564A Current Comprehensive Pivot Plans Current MSP Scans/Regular Data Reviews Use DOIS Scheduler w/Accurate Budget loads Proper Utilization of the Workload Status Report Regular Review/Application of Performance Reports

5 5 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Analyze Average Office Earned Hours Office AM Office Earned by Day of Week AM Office Earned by Route/Day Divide the Current Average Office Earned for the Unit by the Average Office Scheduled Leave Time = Number of Carriers to Schedule in the AM by Day Pull DOIS RBI Report to locate Average Office Time, I.E. 2:30 minutes I.E. 72.25 hours/2.5 average Office Leave Time = 28.9 Carriers can be scheduled in AM. With 34 routes, 5 must be vacant.

6 6 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Schedule Office Carriers By Day of Week Use the previous process to determine for each day of the week how many carriers may report in the AM. Review data every 30 days and make necessary weekly scheduling adjustments. Enter Primary Carriers into DOIS Scheduler weekly On a Daily Basis adjust previously determine assignments using the Workload Status Report by balancing the Leave Time Variance Column Successful DOIS Scheduling

7 7 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support As they assign Office Pivot/Aux the Leave time Variance column will show +/-; when the column is close to 0:00 total variances, they have successfully captured the office undertime and minimized the impact on service by leaving as scheduled. In addition, to scheduling to the weekday projection averages, they must refer here for office success.

8 8 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Analyze Average e3999 Validated Street Time Street Schedule Number of Carriers by using the average validated Street Time multiplied by the number of routes = Target Street Base. Identify established PM Operational Window = Scheduled PM End Tour 16:00 minus the Previously Identified Average Leave Time of 10:00AM = 6.0 hrs minus :30 minute lunch equals 5.5 hour PM Operational Window.

9 9 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Successful DOIS Scheduling Divide the Current Average Validated Street for the Unit by the PM Operational Window = Number of Carriers to Schedule for the Street. I.E. 178.25 hours/5.5 average PM Operational Window = 32.40 Carriers can be scheduled for the Street. With 34 routes, 1.5 must be vacant.

10 10 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Successful DOIS Scheduling Schedule Street Carriers Review data every 30 days and make necessary weekly scheduling adjustments. Enter Primary Carriers into DOIS Scheduler weekly

11 11 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support SUCCESSFUL DOIS SCHEDULING PROCESS File maintenance information needs to match actual assignments and match TACS. If it does not click on the Route and Unit Maintenance Tab and select Maintain Carrier Route Assignments button. Correct any carriers that have been awarded new bids, are borrowed or have been hired to your facility. Process appropriate HRSS paperwork to accomplish your personnel actions and changes. If changes are not processed as requested contact HRSS and notify TACS via email or fax so that employee pay will be processed correctly. Retrieve all approved bid and spot leave 3971s. Extended leave can be input into eRMS as much as 30 days in advance, Annual Leave can be input as much as a year in advance. Open ERMS and minimize the screen. Click on the Planning and Scheduling Tab and select the Weekly Schedule button. Create all approved vacancies using the Create Vacancy button. Complete the right hand margin of each 3971 as the vacancies are created, record the actual NS days & hours of leave approved for each day and initial in this margin under the appropriate column.

12 12 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support SUCCESSFUL DOIS SCHEDULING PROCESS Right click on any cell within the schedule and select show on the drop down menu, then select vacant routes only. Right click in any cell once again and select show and then select carrier work status. Scroll down to your unassigned regulars, part time flexibles and casuals to see who is available. Cover any vacant assignments, unless desiring to leave vacant. To schedule a PTF or Casual for a particular day & time, right click on the cell for the day desired and click on Assignment Details, click on Schedule and use the spin box to set the time. The time scheduled will only show once you print the schedule and not on the screen. After all desired vacancies are covered, click on Print Preview button and print your schedule. Post with the PTF page to the front. Maximize ERMS and enter all approved leave slips to the appropriate 3972 if you have the Attendance Control Supervisor role in ERMS, remember to sign the Signature of Person Recording Absence and Date block of the 3971. If you do not have the access level turn in leave slips to designated Supervisor or Postmaster with this level of access. File 3971s. DO NOT ENTER LEAVE IN TACS.

13 13 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Necessary Steps to Change a Carrier Assignment or Start Time Notify HRSS of the changes in assignment, days off, pay location, start time and the effective date. In DOIS on the Route And Unit Maintenance Tab; Select the Route Base Information button. Use the drop down menu to select the desired route and click on display. Make any desired changes to the start, leave, return and end times. Do not forget to make changes on the Travel Tab in case the carrier is lunching at a different time or location, this is important to your MSP reports. Click on the Maintain Carrier Route Assignments and make any desired changes. Please Follow the Cluster SOP on Pivot Plan Maintenance. Do not forget to insert the new lunch time and or locations.

14 14 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Necessary Steps to Change a Carrier Assignment or Start Time Now go to the Street Management tab and click on the MSP Base Information Maintenance use the drop down menu to select the route you are changing and view the new times that have come over from the other entries. Make sure that the expected leave and return times are matching depart to route and return to office scheduled scan times on your Route Base Information Report. If significant amounts of time default to the last scan time your lunch is not entered correctly in the Pivot Plan. It is important to note that these steps must be followed in this order for the reports and data to be accurate. An easy way to determine if TACS has the correct start time for the carrier is to click on Daily Assignments on the Daily Workload Management tab, whatever is in TACS will be displayed here, compare it to the Route Base Information Report to ensure start time accuracy. Review MSP reports on Schedule Scan Times for significant times defaulting to the end of the day as these indicate incorrect lunch or the need to redo the pivot plan.

15 15 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Post MIARAP Requirements

16 16 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support After completion of the MIARAP Adjustment you must complete the following activities in order to establish and maintain quality reference data to successfully manage the adjustment: 1. Review and Validate the Reference Volumes, Establish the Normal Day for Each Route and Post (Cased letters, Cased flats, Parcels, Sequenced & DPS, Contact your District DOIS Coordinator for Corrections) 2. Using The MIARAP Unit Summary - Develop Carrier Leave and Return Time Groups (Use M39 Section 122 Schedule Guidelines) 3. Update DOIS RBI Schedule Using Developed Leave and Return Time groupings. 4. Complete A New 3999 (Use e3999 Validation Process). 5. Update 1564A Data In DOIS RBI. 6. Update the Pivot Plan Data 7.Update DOIS MSP Data. 8. Monitor Post MIARAP Changes / Respond To Changes MIARAP – DOIS Requirements

17 17 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Establish the Normal Day Post MIARAP Post MIARAP Base Cased Volume Post MIARAP Data Does Not Provide Total CDV (Missing DPS/Parcels/Sequence Volumes)

18 18 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Establish the Normal Day Post MIARAP Use DPS/PP/Sequence Volumes Data From MIARAP Evaluation Period To Establish Base CDV

19 19 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Establish The Post MIARAP Normal Day City Delivered Volume (CDV): CLV = 175 CLF = 675 DPS = 2800 SEQ = 450 CDV = 4100 Base Accountable Mail = 5 Base Parcels = 8 PDs 560 Daily -Manage to Post MIARAP CDV Carriers office and street is managed daily to variances in Actual Workload To Established CDV. Carriers must be managed daily to actual CDV and not to MIARAP volumes that may have significantly declined.

20 20 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Adjust final Unit Summary into Leave and Return time groups per the M39, Section 122 MIARAP – Unit Summary Report

21 21 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Carriers M-39 Sect 122 122 Scheduling Carriers 122.1 Establishing Schedules 122.11 Consider the following factors in establishing schedules: a. Schedule carriers to report before 6 a.m. only when absolutely necessary. b. Fix schedules to coincide with receipt and dispatch of mail. At least 80 percent of the carriers daily mail to be cased should be on or at their cases when they report for work. c. Schedule carriers by groups. Form groups of carriers who make the same number of delivery trips and whose office time is approximately the same. d. Generally, schedule carriers of the same group to begin, leave, return, and end at the same time. e. Schedule so that delivery to customers should be approximately the same time each day. f. Make a permanent schedule change when it is apparent that one or more days mail volume varies to where it is causing late leaving. g. Schedule carriers non-work days in accordance with the National Agreement. 122.12 Post all schedules and keep them up to date.

22 22 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Carriers M-39 Sect 122 122.2 Carriers Leaving Schedules 122.21 Establishing Leaving Schedule The leaving time for the carrier is determined by the following: a. Workload. The normal workload for the route; b. Availability of Mail. The time all the mail for the same days delivery is available; c. Necessary Office Time. Time required to case this mail, withdraw, tray or strap out mail, obtain parcel post, and complete other required office duties; and d. Business Hours. Normal community business hours.

23 23 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Carriers M-39 Sect 122 122.22 Maintaining Leaving Schedule Carriers must be trained and motivated to complete their office work so that they may leave the office on time each day. The delivery unit manager must be aware of and record the daily workload for each route, and: a. Provide assistance where necessary for carriers to meet scheduled leaving times; b. Recognize when a judicious use of curtailment of non-preferential mails is appropriate; and (not appropriate in our current environment) c. Use carrier late leaving reports to help determine performance efficiency and also to indicate possible training needs. Delivery managers at all levels must take positive steps to instill every employee with a sense of importance in the daily need to maintain schedules and perform all assigned duties within the allocated time.

24 24 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Use MIARAP Unit Summary to establish groups within 5-10 minutes of like office times. Set new Leave Times, I.E. 7:30 start :50 (:45-:55) = 8:20 (Route:22) 1:00 (:56-1:05) = 8:30 (-0-) 1:10 (1:06-1:15) = 8:40 (-0-) 1:20 (1:16-1:25) = 8:50 (Routes: 2,4,5,11,12,15,19,23,25,32,34) 1:30 (1:26-1:35) = 9:00 (Routes:1,3,7,8,9,10,13,16,17) 1:40 (1:36-1:45) = 9:10 (Routes: 6,14,20,27,28,29,33,40) 1:50 (1:46- 1:55) = 9:20 (Route: 30) Scheduling Leave Time Per M39-Section 122

25 25 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Leave Time Per M39-Section 122 In accordance with the M39 Section 122, Schedule carriers into: Leave Time Groups

26 26 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Return Time Per M39-Section 122 Add Average Street Time, Do Not Forget the Lunch to add the Leave time to set the Return Time. 5:00 (4:55-5:05) + Add Lunch: 5:30 5:10 (5:06-5:15) + Add Lunch: 5:40 5:20 (5:16-5:24) + Add Lunch: 5:50 5:30 ( 5:25-5:35) + Add Lunch: 6:00 5:40 ( 5:36-5:45) + Add Lunch: 6:10 5:50 ( 5:46-5:55) + Add Lunch: 6:20 6:00 ( 5:56-6:05) + Add Lunch: 6:30 6:10 ( 6:06-6:15) + Add Lunch: 6:40 6:20 ( 6:16-6:25) + Add Lunch: 6:50 6:30 ( 6:26-6:35) + Add Lunch: 7:00 6:40 ( 6:36-6:45) + Add Lunch: 7:10

27 27 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Scheduling Leave Time Per M39-Section 122 In accordance with the M39 Section 122, Schedule carriers into: Return Time Groups

28 28 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Route Base Information Update After Establishing Leave and Return Time Groups: Update DOIS RBI Schedule Complete a New 3999 Update DOIS 1564A / Travel Information Update Pivot Plans Update MSP

29 29 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support DOIS – Supervisor Workbench Log in to DOIS

30 30 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Route and Unit Maintenance Tab To begin click on the Route and Unit Maintenance Tab then click on the Route Base Information Maintenance Button.

31 31 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Route Base Information Maintenance Enter Established Route Group Leave and Return Times

32 32 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Carrier Completes 1564A M41 Section 25: Carriers Route Book, Instructions and Report 251.5 Lines of Travel This shows lines of travel to reach the beginning of the route, reach the lunch place, return to next delivery location, and return to unit. 251.6 Lunch Information This shows time of authorized lunch, location of authorized lunch stop(s), and location where carrier is authorized to leave route for lunch. (See instructions on Form 1564–A where this applies.) Similar information for any deviation for lunch by carrier technician is entered on the Form 1564–A. 251.7 Break Information This shows location of authorized break stop(s). (See instructions on Form 1564–A where this applies.) Similar information for any deviation for break by carrier technician T–6 carrier is entered on the Form 1564–A.

33 33 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support DOIS Lunch / Travel Information Is all your travel information correct? Location for MSP lunch should be the same has the location where authorized to leave route for lunch.

34 34 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management – Post MIARAP Addressing Compliance Is Often Easier Than Performance Monitoring Changes + Responding To Change = Success

35 35 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management – Compliance FOCUS ON COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE ON: LEAVE ON TIME / RETURN ON TIME / 1813 CDV VOLUME REFERENCE / 3996 EXTENSION OF STREET / 1564A / 1017B DISCRETIONARY EFFORT / 1838C / 3999 It is not reasonable to expect the company to provide you with individual supervision on a daily basis in order to obtain your BEST discretionary effort.

36 36 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management – Labor Relations Support 112.1 Efficient Service Provide reliable and efficient service. Federal statutes provide penalties for persons who knowingly or willfully obstruct or retard the mail. The statutes do not afford employees immunity from arrest for violations of law. 112.2 Diligence and Promptness 112.21 Obey the instructions of your manager. 112.22 Report for work promptly as scheduled. 112.23 Complete time records to accurately reflect the hours employed each day. 112.24 Display a willing attitude and put forth a conscientious effort in developing skills to perform duties assigned.

37 37 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management – Labor Relations Support 112.2 Diligence and Promptness (Continued): 112.25 Be prompt, courteous, and obliging in the performance of duties. Attend quietly and diligently to work and refrain from loud talking and the use of profane language. 112.26 Do not report at cases or racks before tour of duty is scheduled to begin or linger about cases or racks after tour has ended. 112.27 Do not move mail from place to place on or adjacent to your case. Do not engage in any time wasting practices before placing mail in the proper separation. 112.28 Do not loiter or stop to converse unnecessarily on your route. 112.29 Return to the delivery unit immediately on completion of assigned street duties and promptly clock in on arrival. A motorized carrier unloads his vehicle and then immediately records returning time. 112.32 Return all mail, money, and equipment to the post office at the end of the workday. 112.33 Do not place mail in your pockets or clothing, lockers or desks, or in parcels, hand grips, lunch containers, or other luggage.

38 38 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support M39, Section 131.213 Late Leaving / Late Returning-Analyzing Form 1813 Determine whether one or more carriers frequently left late. If so, there is indication that: a. Routes may not be adjusted properly. b. The starting or leaving time may be improper. c. There is a pattern in late leaving on the same day. d. There may be heavy (now more often, light) volume days where a pattern of late leaving is prevalent. Possible solution: Provide for possible schedule changes, staggering of mail flow, curtailment of mail, or auxiliary assistance within the office. e. Possible inefficiency exists. LOT / ROT Compliance Management

39 39 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support LOT / ROT Compliance Management

40 40 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Discuss Excessive Variances With The Employee. Is There A 1017B Entry For Unauthorized OT? LOT / ROT Compliance Management

41 41 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management-Manage To Daily CDV Evaluate The Impact: MIARAP RESULTS: CLV = 175 CLF = 675 DPS = 2800 SEQ = 450 CDV = 4100 Base Accountable Mail = 5 Base Parcels = 8 PDs 560 MIARAP Adjustment Was 8:06 POST MIARAP REALITY: CLV = 75 CLF = 400 DPS = 2550 SEQ = 450 CDV = 3725 Base Accountable Mail = 5 Base Parcels = 8 PDs 560 Current Value Of The Route Post MIARAP Due To Declining Volumes Is Now: 7:17

42 42 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Daily Management- Manage to Daily CDV REASONABLE LOGIC CLV = DOIS Computes CFV = DOIS Computes Pull Down =DOIS Computes CDL,CDF,DPS & SEQ = CDV +/- 8 min = 250 pcs Accountable = +/-2 min Parcels = +/-1 min PDs = +/-.33 min POST MIARAP REALITY: CLV = 75 CFV = 400 DPS = 2550 SEQ = 450 CDV = 3725 Base Accountable Mail = 5 Base Parcels = 8 PDs 560 Current Value Of The Route Post MIARAP Due To Declining Volumes Is Now: 7:17 @ 100% to Standard

43 43 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Post MIARAP Conference Process Decreasing volumes will require continual monitoring of variances. Performance Conferences may be required to capture variances after the MIARAP adjustment, prior to the MOU Reviews. This is critical to your success. Review conference meeting format. Review ELM section 370 (Supervision).

44 44 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Support - The ELM 370 Performance Evaluation 371 Introduction Postal Service employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects favorably upon the organization and perform their duties in the most efficient manner. Both the supervisor and employee have a mutual responsibility to achieve these goals. When properly used, performance evaluation strengthens the daily supervisor–employee relationship in working toward this end.

45 45 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Support - The ELM 372 Sound Supervision The principles of sound supervision require that supervisors evaluate employee performance daily. Supervisors should counsel and instruct their employees as necessary, giving attention to evidence of good performance, as well as to areas where the employees need improvement.

46 46 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Support - The ELM 373 Performance Evaluation Systems 373.1 Formal Evaluation Postal Service Headquarters prescribes formal evaluation systems for a variety of purposes. A formal evaluation consists of defined standards of performance, instructions for establishing a measure of where an employee fits within the standards, and a form to record information.

47 47 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Support - The ELM 373.2 Informal Evaluation Informal evaluation is based on the supervisors day–to–day observations and is characterized by the absence of forms and instructions. The supervisor should make use of available human resources and give personal encouragement and guidance as a part of his or her daily practice. These practices must be part of a continuous formal and informal process.

48 48 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Support - The ELM 374 Discussing Performance With Employees The supervisor must discuss job performance with each employee. If the employees performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor suggests constructive measures for an employee to follow to improve his or her performance to a satisfactory level.

49 49 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Performance Conference Meeting Format Carrier Consultation Meeting Format

50 50 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Explain to the carrier what the goal of the meeting is. Example: We are here today to review some information about your route. My goal is that we will come to an agreement concerning the mail volume decline from your previous MIARAP adjustment and the volume of mail you are currently receiving. Additionally, we will discuss the amount of time necessary to case and deliver your current mail volume. I am asking that you actively participate in this process, as this will improve both of our understanding about your route. Review all categories concerning base & current volumes, current office and street time being used (CDV). Review demonstrated performance from MIARAP adjustment process. Review MSP carrier report for days of the week that contain inconsistencies in scheduled times and or, scheduled times and or scheduled intervals. Review 1564-a with the carrier make necessary corrections explain the required adherence to these instructions. Discuss any inconsistencies in the carriers performance compared to volume handled. Ask the carrier to explain the causes of these anomalies. Discuss the relevance of these possible causes. Review leave and return time with the carrier to identify any interim necessary duties due to loss of caseable volume, any new deliveries added to your route, and any additional volume being handled. In order to provide consistent service, as well as capture time for lost cased volume, I am going to need you to consistently case on additional routes in the office until your MIARAP Review is completed, do you have any suggestions. Performance Conference Meeting Format

51 51 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Day to Day Management When managing in a declining cased volume environment use the Workload Status Leave Time Variance column to ensure the capture of Office Undertime. When managing in a declining delivered volume environment calculate reductions in street base CDV @ 8 to 10 minutes per 250 pieces reduced. This practice will improve your post MIARAP Adjustment Review results.

52 52 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support As they assign Office Pivot/Aux the Leave time Variance column will show +/-; when the column is close to 0:00 total variances, they have successfully captured the office undertime and minimized the impact on service by leaving as scheduled. In addition, to scheduling to the weekday projection averages, they must refer here for office success.

53 53 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support DOIS Compliance & Utilization DOIS Utilization Compliance Accurate Route & Unit Maintenance Validated E3999/Current 3999 on DOIS Mainframe Complete & Accurate Travel Tab/ 1564A Current Comprehensive Pivot Plans Current MSP Scans/Regular Data Reviews Use DOIS Scheduler w/Accurate Budget loads Proper Utilization of the Workload Status Report Regular Review/Application of Performance Reports

54 54 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Office Time Base Reduction Strategies Effective scheduling of Discretionary Workforce through DOIS Reduce Caseable Volume Increase Directs Reduce Missorts FSS Reduce Fixed Office Time Reduce Routes = 33-60 min of FOT per Route Reduce Individual FOT Line Items Eliminate All Waiting Time

55 55 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Street Time Base Reduction Strategies Reduce Allied Street Time Reduce Routes = 45-75 minutes Allied Time per Route Reduce Individual Allied Line Items Continue to Monitor/Respond CDV Declines Discuss Daily Volume CDV Losses With Carriers and Require Time Reductions Complete New Validated 3999s Validate Allied Times when each 3999 is Completed

56 56 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Post MIARAP Fall Reviews Continually Improving your Daily Management Abilities will result in Performance and Budget Success. Continual Day To Day Interaction with the Carriers Discussing Current and Specific Information About Their Routes will Serve You Well in the Final Outcome.

57 57 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Inspect to Ensure Compliance DOIS Utilization Compliance Accurate Route & Unit Maintenance Validated E3999/Current 3999 on DOIS Mainframe Complete & Accurate Travel Tab/ 1564A Current Comprehensive Pivot Plans Current MSP Scans/Regular Data Reviews Use DOIS Scheduler w/Accurate Budget loads Proper Utilization of the Workload Status Report Regular Review/Application of Performance Reports

58 58 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support PAFS Audits to Stay on Target

59 59 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support PAFS Audits to Stay on Target

60 60 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support PAFS Audits to Stay on Target

61 61 Pacific Area Delivery Programs Support Summary of Tasks Precise Scheduling Always Input and Finalize All New Data in DOIS Utilize Base Data in All Categories to Manage Carriers Discuss Performance with Carriers Daily, Weekly, Monthly &Yearly Be Specific, Use Data & Set Improvement Goals Monitor Changes in the Routes & Respond Follow Up by Inspecting Your Process Compliance

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