An innovative asthma program for children and their parents a new and exciting, interactive, learning adventure designed to promote better understanding,

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Presentation on theme: "An innovative asthma program for children and their parents a new and exciting, interactive, learning adventure designed to promote better understanding,"— Presentation transcript:

1 An innovative asthma program for children and their parents a new and exciting, interactive, learning adventure designed to promote better understanding, prevention and control of the physical and emotional symptoms and challenges of asthma

2 Asthma Statistics According to the 1998 CDC report: –asthma rates in our nation have increased 75% since 1980. –Among very young children, the incidence has risen 160%. –More than 17 million Americans - 6 million children under 18 have asthma. –In 1995, asthma resulted in an estimated 10.4 million doctors office visits, 1.8 million emergency room visits and 446,000 hospitalizations. –Health care costs for asthmatics will likely reach $14.5 billion this year. –Asthma often results in 10-30 missed school days each year. –Loss in productivity by working parents is estimated at $1 billion a year.

3 Our program is based upon the 1997 guidelines and recommendations of: the National Institutes of Health (NIH) the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP)

4 Goals (as presented to the parents) To provide practical, understandable and personalized asthma Education in an interactive and enjoyable manner To develop an effective asthma Management plan that meets your childs specific needs To create a supportive Partnership with all individuals; healthcare providers, teachers and family members involved in your childs asthma care To Optimize your childs asthma treatment strategies, while minimizing untoward side effects, hospitalizations and emergency room visits To promote whole person Wellness through a combination of state-of-the-art medical care, healthy nutrition, exercise and coping skills techniques To Encourage your active role in creating a healthy, trigger- free home environment To help Recreate happiness and quality of life for your child, while building a sense of balance and harmony for your family

5 Working With Your Childs Physician Physicians Referrals are required for all children. Asthma Actions Plans are based upon a cooperative effort between the childs physician and the asthma team. Optimal Communications among team members is essential for ensuring each childs success.

6 Format 6 total sessions over 6 weeks 2 individual sessions 4 group sessions

7 Session I Week 1 - Individual Session White Belt Orientation Sorting Things Out Breathing Evaluation I Whats Ahead

8 Session II Week 2 - Group Session Yellow Belt Getting Started... first things first Setting Goals Asthma 101: getting down to the basics Self Defense - Recognizing Symptoms Self Defense - Using My Imagination to Its Fullest!

9 Session III Week 3 - Group Session Green Belt The Stuff that Makes Me Wheeze Self Defense - stopping attacks before they start Self Defense - learning about medications Toot My Own Horn I

10 Session IV Week 4 - Group Session Red Belt My Personal Toolbox... the nuts & bolts of asthma Music Makes the World Go Round

11 Session V Week 5 - Group Session Brown Belt Self Defense - Eating the Right Stuff Self Defense - Healthy Choices for Tough Times Toolbox Review A Special Lesson!

12 Session VI Week 6 - Individual Session Black Belt My Asthma Medications... how they make me feel Turning My Skills Into Action My Breathing Team... working together Creating My Action Plan Breathing Evaluation II

13 Outcome Based Research We are tracking: –breathing measures –medication use –quality of life –healthcare utilization –absences from school –lost productivity by parents

14 Physician Interaction Upon receiving a referral from your physician, we will proceed to: –Send you a confidential medical assessment –Call you to schedule an appointment –Contact your referring physician regarding management decisions –Provide ongoing communication with your doctor during the program as needed –Release all medical information/documentation to your doctor at the conclusion of program

15 Program Cost Our pilot project is presently offered at no charge. It is supported by grants from: Yamaha, Remo Drums, Mallinckrodt, Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer Ingelheim


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