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SDR Transformation Initiative DoD WebSDR

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1 SDR Transformation Initiative DoD WebSDR
Information Exchange under the DLMS

2 Issue As a relatively new system, not all Component interfaces have been implemented and WebSDR is experiencing many changes that must be worked with limited programming resources.

3 Background What is an SDR? What is DoD WebSDR? WebSDR Concept
Goals of Web SDR SF 364 DLMS Supplement to Fed IC

4 What is an SDR? A Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) is a tool used to report shipping or packaging discrepancies attributable to the responsibility of the shipper, (including Government sources, contractors/ manufacturers or vendors) and to provide appropriate responses and resolution. The purpose of this exchange is to determine the cause of such discrepancies, effect corrective action, and prevent recurrence.

5 What is DoD WebSDR? SDR Transformation Initiative
Transitions current mixed-environment to interoperable DoD Standard Developed as a DLMS-compliant process, set in motion under OSD Business Initiatives Council in 2004 WebSDR architecture is based upon a DAAS hub for communication and centralized data management Eliminates the need for numerous point-to-point communications links Transaction driven process eliminates the need to re-key SDRs within separate Component systems Automatic reply to customer triggered by reply transaction eliminates action activity manual steps to print/mail/fax Move SDRs into an integrated transactional environment, thereby providing an effective means to report, resolve, and measure discrepancies related to pipeline performance approved by the OSD BIC and now under the oversight of the OSD (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) Supply Chain Integration Office

6 WebSDR Concept Phased development Benefits include:
Continuous process improvement beginning at initial operating capability (Feb 2005) Working toward full DLMS compliant information exchange Benefits include: Near real time SDR reporting for immediate identification and more speedy resolution of reported discrepancies Facilitates interoperability internal and external to DoD Supports unique item identification and other DoD initiatives Maximizes the economy, efficiency, effectiveness Future capture of perfect order fulfillment computations Move SDRs into an integrated transactional environment, thereby providing an effective means to report, resolve, and measure discrepancies related to pipeline performance approved by the OSD BIC and now under the oversight of the OSD (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) Supply Chain Integration Office

7 Goals of Web SDR Quicker Response/Less Effort
Reduces delays resulting from misrouted SDRs or mailed documents Electronic interface eliminates data entry at action activity Facilitated web-based entry available Auto-fill feature uses DAAS requisition history to populate SDR Data content targeted to specific discrepant condition May be used by Military Services/Agencies (individual Service rules may differ) Contractors may use for discrepancies related to Government Furnished Material Transaction exchange through logistics hub ILCOs (using AFSAC pilot) will interface with the DAAS/WebSDR on behalf of FMS customers DoD Component processing systems will interface with DAAS on a staggered implementation schedule

8 Business Object: DLMS 842A Derived from SF 364
Modernized systems will use business objects to transmit SDRs DLMS 842A available in X12 and XML format Includes data fields from the original SF 364 plus more DLMS codes to support transactional exchange Component-unique data requirements Place holders for future enhancements, e.g., UID

9 Business Object: DLMS 842A DLMS Supplement to Fed IC DoD 4000.25-M
Primary business object documentation is the DLMS Supplement (DS): The DS establishes the DoD standard format for an electronic equivalent of the SF 364/SDR. The DS provides specific business rules, conditions, and authorized codes necessary for appropriate use of this IC within the DLMS. Used to replace Component unique formats and paper form.

10 SDR Submittal Process Level 2 drop window identifies conditions within selected category and completes the discrepancy code You must enter the requisition document number to access DAAS historical requisition information. Notice that a unique “WebSDR Control Number” is auto-assigned. If your local procedures include use of a control number configured differently, you may also include it as your “Customer Control Number.” Both numbers will be retained for the life of the SDR. You may now select the discrepancy code(s) applicable to the report. At least one discrepancy code must be entered, and a maximum of three may be entered. Due to the long list of available discrepancy codes, the codes are grouped according to categories. Sub-groupings within in each category are used to more clearly define the discrepant condition. Drop Down Window

11 Email Distribution Confirmation copy for Web input
Business rule driven Transaction driven Customer response A successful submission will provide an action copy to DoD Components which are not yet capable of receiving SDR transactions. In addition, WebSDR-input reports will trigger return of a distribution copy to the POC address (from previously entered POC information) as a confirmation file copy of the submission. You may use these to maintain a file of soft copy SDR submissions. WebSDR will also provide copies to any distribution addresses identified.

12 Discussion Resource Constraints System Interfaces Timeline
Progress to date DLMS Changes

13 Resource Constraints WebSDR is currently funded out of the DAASC budget One lead programmer with minimal other support 77 Tasks Pending Month Backlog, causing delays and frustration among user community New Requirements added on an on-going basis Initiative Forwarded to BTA to request additional funding

14 Systems Implementation
Phased implementation beginning with initial operating capability (IOC): Ability to receive and pass SDR information using transactional exchange or Ability to create SDRs via DoD WebSDR (submission, follow-up, change, cancel, reply, request reconsideration) DoD SDR data base Limited query capability USAF, USMC,USCG, FAA Phased Implementation of System Interfaces Implemented: __________________ Development/testing:

15 Timeline BIC Project Submission September 2003 BIC Funding Received
April 2004 SDR IPT Charter Signed March 2004 DLA Integration (DSS, SAMMS, BSM) January-February 2005 AFSAC Implementation November 2005 Army Quick Fix October 2006 GSA Report Interface TBD –basic programming completed PDREP Interface TBD – initial programming completed NAVSUP Interface December 2006 Army Full Interface TBD EMALL/Warfighter Interface Unavailable due to IA interface USAF Awaiting ERP Development

16 Progress to Date Operational interfaces via transaction: DSS (842)
BSM (842) AFSAC (842) CDCS (legacy) Limited query capability Web Input routing/distribution copies

17 Related DLMS Changes ADC 158: Clarifies pre-positioned material receipt (PMR) requirements. Receiving DD required to submit SDR to ICP when new procurement material is received without prior PMR ADC 174: Enhances Item Unique Identification (IUID) capability ADC 184: Establishes new type R SDRs (properly routes discrepant Redistribution Order shipments identified at receipt to the DD that shipped the material) ADC 187: Enhances system capability to forward SDRs sent to wrong action activity back through WebSDR to correct action activity

18 Related DLMS Changes ADC 188: Establishes new Quality related discrepancy codes for DD to notify ICP regarding specific quality related issues (receipt & storage) Q11 = Returned or stock screen item, PQDR exhibit deficiency Q22 = New procurement receipt, customer return, redistribution order or stock screen item quality deficiency, contractual noncompliance Q33 = Returned, redistribution order, or stock screened item suspected material deficiency (DLA CRII items only) Q44 = New procurement receipt, customer return, redistribution order or stock screen item contracting deficiency, for specification and/or technical data deficient Q77 = New receipt, customer return, redistribution order or stock screen item identified as a Critical Safety Item (CSI) Q55 = Item under investigation Q66 = Customer return or stock screen item failed under use Q99 = New receipt item received for “First Article Test”

19 Related DLMS Changes ADC 196: Establishes new rules and WebSDR capability to route SDRs resulting from DLA-directed lateral redistribution of NAMI-owned (AJ2) material to NAMI for initial processing Phased implementation; programming in progress Programmatic recognition of LRO under TAV with routing to NAMI ADC 206: Establishes new discrepancy code for discrepant wood packaging material (WPM) Implemented September 1, 2006 ADC 207: Establishes new discrepancy codes to identify discrepant hazardous material at receipt or in storage Effective 1 October

20 Related DLMS Changes ADC 210: Enhances web-entry for specific user groups: Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS): Gives DRMS capability to distinguish different types of SDRs, e.g., sales, donations, demil National Inventory Management Strategy (NIMS): Allows NIMS sites to properly identify their submissions for DD/ICP processing Non-DSS DD: Allows storage sites to submit type 8, 9, R (depot receipt type) SDRs directly into WebSDR to be routed electronically to the owner/manger/shipper as applicable

21 Related DLMS Changes PDC 230: Establishes new discrepancy codes for discrepancies related to passive RFID tags PDC under development for DAAS edit to systemically reject SDRs with invalid document numbers back to submitter or submitting system (establishes duplicate criteria) PDC under development for new query to identify/measure DLA Customer Interaction Center input on behalf of customer (hard copy or other reporting method)

22 Next Steps for WebSDR Electronic interfaces with Service systems:
AFSAC-A operational; improvements ongoing – expand to other Service ILCOs Two-way communication with AEPS (Army) Testing DLMS X12 XML interface with NSDRS (Navy) Testing DLMS X12 interface with PDREP for DoD-wide distribution of SA quality reports Complete interface with GSA Develop management reports and ad hoc queries (better & more functionality) Associate financial view (debit/credit) with discrepancy report query Complete implementation of DLMS Changes and ongoing enhancements Support BTA submission for funding Prioritize programming requirements

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