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Harnessing the Power of Data: Effecting Improvement in Schools Please answer our survey at

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Presentation on theme: "Harnessing the Power of Data: Effecting Improvement in Schools Please answer our survey at"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harnessing the Power of Data: Effecting Improvement in Schools Please answer our survey at Its zeller and associates as all one word with dot com… Forward slash… And IL-TCE must be in CAPS!

2 2 Harnessing the Power of Data: Effecting Improvement in Schools Dr. Leslie R. Wilson Gerry Zeller February 2008

3 3 Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Protocols 3. Survey Report 4. Illustrative Story 5. The Process 6. Tools 7. Work 8. More Tools 9. Reflection and Evaluation

4 Protocols for this Academy

5 5 Survey Results Why are you here? Your School Improvement Involvement Your Expertise

6 6 Know and be able to do School Improvement = Problem Solving Problem Solving = Process District, School, and Classroom Levels

7 7 Story

8 8 Area of Concern

9 9 Targeted Concern There were approximately 15 students out of total student population of 1,000 that were dropping out of school when they reached their 16 th birthday.

10 10 Generate Hypotheses: Answer the Why?

11 11 Hypotheses Generated Young men leave school. Low income students do not value education. Students who get discipline referrals want out. The lower the GPA, the more likely one is to walk. Parents didnt finish high school, children wont. Single parent families and similar find it difficult to shepherd students through school. These students come to us with poor test scores. These students earn too few credits. These students are frequently tardy or leave early.

12 12 Determine and Collect Needed Data Gender SES Discipline Referrals GPA Parental Background Family Makeup Entry Test Scores Credits Attendance

13 13 Analyze Data GenderNo SES:No Discipline Referrals:Yes GPA:No Parental Background:No Family Makeup:No Entry Test Scores:No Credits:Yes Attendance:Yes

14 14 Develop Solution Criteria 1. Diploma/GED (Rigor) 2. On Campus Program (Relationships) 3. Quick Successes (Relevance) 4. Non-traditional School Day (Relevance) 5. In-depth Knowledge of/Caring for Students (Relationships)

15 15 Investigate Solutions Brainstorm: What ideas do we have? SBR: What does research suggest? Best Practice: What are other schools doing?

16 16 Select Best Match to Criteria: Late School Diploma/GED On Campus Program Quick Successes Non-traditional School Day In-depth Knowledge of/Caring for Students

17 17 Implement Solution Human Resources A Multiple Certified Person U of MO HS Extension Material/Facility Resources Classroom/Computer Lab Policies/Procedures Ineligible for Interscholastics Application and Interview

18 18 Communicate Solution Constituencies Formally Informally

19 19 Monitor Progress

20 20 Monitor Progress Method Attendance Credits Behavioral Contracts Frequency Responsibility

21 21


23 23 Holcomb, Edie L.

24 Bernhardt, Victoria

25 What Does Your DIP/SIP Model Look Like?

26 26 IIRC Access e-Plan Review District Data State Report Card Special Education Profile Multiple Measures PISA TIMMS

27 District Improvement

28 School Improvement

29 29 State Report Card

30 30 Special Educ. Profile

31 31

32 32 IIRC Review School Data Top Comparables CPS School Profile Bernhardts Perception Surveys Local School Data Summative Assessment Data Behavioral Trend Data

33 33 Interactive Illinois Report Card: School Performance Over Time By Grade Level By Subject Area By Cohort Comparison To Others Scatter Plots Compare Tool

34 34 CPS Profile

35 35 High School Perfect Resources College Board ACT

36 36 Do We Have the Whole Picture?

37 37 Generate Hypotheses Brainstorm (Bias and Consensus) Eighth graders cannot do Math. Eighth grade teachers cannot teach Math. We do not use the appropriate eighth grade textbook. The test is too hard. Correlations Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner Reading and Writing

38 38 Determine Needed Data Sources of Data Holcomb, Edie L.: Workbook, p. 5 Bernhardt, Victoria L. Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2004. ---. Using data to improve student learning in school districts. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2006.

39 39 On-line Survey Tools Survey Monkey Zoomerang Profiler Pro http://www.profilerpro.com

40 40 Bernhardt Perception Surveys Social – Emotional Measures When I am at school, I feel:

41 41 Discipline Referral Tracking System (SIS/PBIS) Student Infraction Reporter Location Day/Date Time Disposition Etc.

42 Analyze Data

43 The Five Ws 1. Whos Learning, Whos Not? 2. Why ? 3. Whats Being Learned, Whats Not? 4. Why ? 5. What Are You Going To Do About It?

44 See, Say, So What do you SEE in the data? What do you want to SAY about the data? And SO whats next? Dr. Jay Linksman

45 3 Whats What? So what? Now what? Rick Prestley

46 Your Questions

47 47 The Five Gets 1. Get Data 2. Get Them Electronic 3. Get Them Disaggregated 4. Get Them Graphical 5. Get Talking (Bias and Consensus)

48 Get It Graphical: 1869

49 Get It Graphical: 2009

50 50 SI/PS Tools

51 51 Analysis Tools Spreadsheets such as MS Excel Databases such as MS Access Inspirations InspireData Key Curriculum Press Fathom Data Warehouse

52 See Workbook Investigate Solutions

53 S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely

54 54 Six Types of Involvement 1. Parenting 2. Communicating 3. Volunteering 4. Learning at Home 5. Decision Making 6. Collaborating with the Community A Team A Plan

55 55 Bloomington H S Goals 1. Improve test scores for all 2. 80% in all populations in core classes 3. Proportionate representation in all classes and levels 4. 90% of all earn 1 years credit in 1 year As presented June 2008 at the High School Coalition Conference

56 Classroom Improvement

57 IIRC: Individual Student Data Instructional Lenses Marzano Bloom IES Practice Guide: Seven Recommendations for Improving Student Learning Cawelti Survey of Enacted Curriculum Formative Assessment Data Discipline Referral Tracking System (SIS/PBIS)

58 58 Analyze Data Interactive Illinois Report Card Individual Student Data Sorts Individual Comparisons Versus School, District, State By Standard Sets Versus Classmates Disaggregations

59 59 Caweltis Research Cawelti, Gordon. Handbook of Research on Improving Student Achievement (3 rd Ed.). Arlington, VA: Educational Research Service, 2004. Meta-analysis by Subject Area

60 60 SEC: Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development

61 61

62 62 In Summary School Improvement = Problem Solving Problem Solving = Process District, School, and Classroom Levels

63 63 Reflection Reflect Share Use

64 64 Thank-you Dr. Leslie R. Wilson Wilson Educational Consulting, Inc. 312.335.9526 Mr. Gerry Zeller Zeller and Associates gzeller@zellerandassociates. com 847.828.4606 Zeller and Associates

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