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Australian Identity What does it mean to be Australian?

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Presentation on theme: "Australian Identity What does it mean to be Australian?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian Identity What does it mean to be Australian?


3 Learning Intentions understand what it means to be an Australian know the characteristics of Australian identity identify and describe example of Australian identity Be able to use the persuasive, expository and imaginative forms of writing

4 Complete Citizenship Test! Lets hope you pass!

5 Terms to Learn This will become your vocabulary section of the unit and should be created in a separate word document. Identity it is who or what a person or thing is Mateship Mateship can be defined as the code of conduct, particularly between men, stressing egalitarianism, equality and friendship.egalitarianism equalityfriendship

6 Other Terms Black HumourStrewthDrover WowserOckerism Federation Self Deprecating HumourBogan WHAT OTHERS SHOULD BE INCLUDED ?

7 History DateEventPeople B4 European settlementIndigenous settlementIndigenous 1616First European to reach AustDirk Hartog Find TasmaniaAbel Tasman 1770First POM to reach AustCapt James Cook 1788First FleetConvicts

8 Consolidation of Understanding In groups decide what is means to be an Aussie - brainstorm ideas, write them down in the form of a X- mind and well share these with rest of class!!!

9 Example Canadian Love of Ice Hockey Free Health Care Friendly People Distinct Culture s from sea to sea

10 Landmarks and Monuments In the next two minutes, write down as many landmarks and monuments of.. USA Britain

11 Now provide examples for Australia!

12 Stereotype a conventional, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

13 Develop a list that contains as many stereotypes as possible!

14 Read article: Hunt continues for the elusive dinkum Aussie or is the notion just a crock Hunt continues for the elusive dinkum Aussie or is the notion just a crock

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