Mrs. Garcia’s Super Sleuths 2012-2013. 8:45 School Begins 8:45-9:15 Daily Review 9:15-10:15Language Arts 10:15-10:30Recess 10:30-10:45100 Mile Club 10:45-11:35Math.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Garcia’s Super Sleuths 2012-2013. 8:45 School Begins 8:45-9:15 Daily Review 9:15-10:15Language Arts 10:15-10:30Recess 10:30-10:45100 Mile Club 10:45-11:35Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Garcia’s Super Sleuths 2012-2013

2 8:45 School Begins 8:45-9:15 Daily Review 9:15-10:15Language Arts 10:15-10:30Recess 10:30-10:45100 Mile Club 10:45-11:35Math 11:35-12:20Lunch 12:20-12:50Intervention 12:50-1:35Social Studies/Science 1:35-1:50Recess 1:50-2:50Centers 2:50-2:57 Clean Up/ Dismissal Dismissal Times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:57 Wednesdays 1:57 Friday Frolics 2:05-2:20

3 Attendance daily is an important part of a student’s education. Frequent absences can often lead to gaps in their knowledge, which puts students at a disadvantage. However, if they are sick, keep them home! Students must be free from a vomiting or fever episode for 24 hours before returning to school. Be sure to call the office to let them know if your child will be out! If a student will be out for more than 5 days: please request an Independent Study at the office 2 weeks in advance.

4 Please make sure that your child knows their lunch number. Students will need to use the number when buying lunch, while in the computer lab and taking quizzes on Accelerated Reader. Student Lunch is $2.25 You can pay for lunch in advance on It is advised to place some money on the account in case of emergency.

5 Each Child Will Be Given a Homework Folder -Homework is returned every Friday. -Please return homework in homework folder with student name written on it - Please complete in pencil unless otherwise noted. Neat and complete work is expected and reviewed for grading purposes. -I expect that students should read daily. Every child should read at least 20 minutes. This can include sight word practice and reading poems.

6 Ben Franklin Folders are sent home every Thursday Return folder on Friday

7 Assertive, positive discipline system, that encourages students to be responsible for their own behavior. Every day students begin on Green! Behavior is recorded on behavior notes sent home in Monday’s homework and needs to be returned on Tuesday.

8 School Rules Use good manners and virtues Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself No gum chewing Toys and other items stay at home Classroom Rules Listen carefully Follow directions the first time Work quietly Respect others/Be kind Respect school property Work and play safely Consequences Purple= Reward/ Great Day! Green= Good day ( each student begins day on green) Yellow= Warning Orange= Lose Recess Blue= Lose recess and note home Red=Teacher note or phone call home

9 \ Stars Verbal Praise Fun Friday Stickers Whole-class reward Positive notes home /Phone calls home Participation in special activities Many more fun things

10 What is a Standard? Each grade level has a set of expectations that each teacher is expected to teach. The California Standards in Reading/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies & Science drive our teaching. Standards were developed by the California Department of Education.

11 Math Place value to the thousands 2 and 3 digit addition Multiplication (0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s+) Fractions Money Measurement Language Arts Letter patterns, phonemic awareness, syllabication, word parts, fluency, vocabulary development Reading Comprehension Sight Word Recognition Spelling Writing clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea. Progress through the stages of writing (pre- write, draft, revise, edit, publish) Social Studies Long Ago vs. Today Map skills Governmental Institutions Economy/reasoning skills Heroes in History Science Life Science—Plant and animal life cycles Physical Science—Motion Earth Science—Earth’s materials/resources Listening and Speaking Listen critically and respond appropriately to oral communication Give brief recitations and oral presentations

12 Step Up to Writing Students will be assessed based upon the rubrics included. *Students are expected to be proficient writers by May 1 st 2 nd grade : Narrative writing, friendly letters, expository writing

13 Students will be assessed in the following areas regularly: Spelling Vocabulary Comprehension Oral Language Math Science or Social Studies Writing Formal Assessments: CNUSD Assessment STAR Test Informal Assessments: Ongoing & Frequent

14 GradePercentage O95-100 O-90-94 S+85-89 S75-84 S-70-74 N0-69

15 Feel free to contact me at: 739-5645 -or-

16 I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! for taking the time to attend P.I.N. Night!

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