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AS Level Psychology Core Studies Look at the statement and decide whether it is correct or not. NGfL Cymru.

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Presentation on theme: "AS Level Psychology Core Studies Look at the statement and decide whether it is correct or not. NGfL Cymru."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS Level Psychology Core Studies Look at the statement and decide whether it is correct or not. NGfL Cymru

2 False  Washoe the chimp was conditioned purely through the use of classical techniques.  Arbitrary movements in Washoe’s behaviour were reinforced. This is operant conditioning NGfL Cymru

3 True  Washoe the chimp was able to use combinations of words.  However, this does not mean she was able to use gammar or syntax. NGfL Cymru

4 True  Stanley Milgram worked with Solomon Asch  They worked together between 1959 and 1960 and Asch was a serious influence on Milgram’s development as a psychological researcher. NGfL Cymru

5 False  Asch only used a very small sample of 9 participants  Asch used a sample of 123 people as his study was a repeated measures design NGfL Cymru

6 True  Stanley Milgram only tested men in his original study.  This is known as gender bias because women were not tested. NGfL Cymru

7 True  80% of participants in Milgram’s study would have killed the confederate  Fortunately the confederate was not wired to the shock machine. NGfL Cymru

8 False  Marital separation ranks lower than a prison sentence in the Rahe et al study  Marital separation rates at 65 and prison rates at 63. NGfL Cymru

9 False  Men and women respond to stress in a similar fashion.  The evidence suggests that they develop different coping mechanisms for stress. NGfL Cymru

10 True  People are more likely to fear ‘slimy’ animals than furry animals.  Bennet Levy and Marteau found that animals which evoke fear are slimy, fast and suddenly move. NGfL Cymru

11 True  People’s memories of events witnessed can be affected by the nature of questions.  Loftus and Palmer found that eyewitness testimony can be distorted. NGfL Cymru

12 False  None of the babies in the Gibson and Walk experiment would climb on the deep surface.  Three of the sample of 36 were willing to attempt the deep side of the visual cliff. NGfL Cymru

13 True  Rosenhan was a participant in his own study  There were three psychologists, one psychology students and a psychiatrist among the pseudopatients NGfL Cymru

14 False  Buss found that women preferred men of the same age as themselves  In most cultures, women preferred mates who were about four years older than themselves NGfL Cymru

15 True  The method used by Langer and Rodin was a field experiment  They worked in a natural environment and not a laboratory when they worked in the old people’s home. NGfL Cymru

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