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¡HOLA! WALT: meet and greet people in Spanish WILF:

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Presentation on theme: "¡HOLA! WALT: meet and greet people in Spanish WILF:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡HOLA! WALT: meet and greet people in Spanish WILF:
To be able to write & understand greetings – level 1 To be able to meet and greet people , saying your name using short sentences- level 2

2 Write these levels on the Front of your book
Level 1 – words Level 2 – Sentences Level 3 – Level 2 + plus opinions Level 4 – Level 3 + justifications Level 5 – Level 4 + future tense

3 !Hola! !Adios! Hello! Goodbye!

4 Buenos días Buenas tardes Buenas noches Hasta luego = see you soon
Good morning Buenas tardes Good afternoon Buenas noches TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK! Good night More! Hasta luego = see you soon Hasta la vista = see you soon Hasta mañana = see you tomorrow

5 What greeting would you use in the following situations?
10am A B C 6pm 8am D E 2pm 2pm G Lesson 1 F H tomorrow I soon

6 + - ¿Qué tal? How are you? ASKING SOMEONE HOW THEY ARE ¡Estupendo!
GREAT! How are you? ¡Muy bien! VERY WELL! ¡bien! WELL! TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK! Mal NOT WELL! - ¡Fatal! AWFUL!

7 Don’t forget to say… Thank you!

8 What are they saying to each other in this conversation?

9 Challenge 1! Go around the classroom and ask at least 3 different people how they are. Level 1 – use of words Level 2 – use short sentences

10 Challenge 2! In your book write a conversation, or create a mini-cartoon as seen previously Level 1 – use of words with correct spelling Level 2 – use short sentences

11 Asking for someone’s name & saying your name
EXTENSION! Asking for someone’s name & saying your name ¿Como te llamas? What’s your name? Me llamo Bob I am called Bob

12 Challenge Plus! Go around the classroom and ask at least 3 different people you don’t know their name and how they are. Level 1 – use of words Level 2 – use short sentences

13 Listening extension – Listos 1

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