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ACLC Maths Trip to PARIS July 16 th -19th 2012. “OUR STUDY TOURS Maths in Paris including activities at some of Paris' most famous monuments & buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "ACLC Maths Trip to PARIS July 16 th -19th 2012. “OUR STUDY TOURS Maths in Paris including activities at some of Paris' most famous monuments & buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACLC Maths Trip to PARIS July 16 th -19th 2012

2 “OUR STUDY TOURS Maths in Paris including activities at some of Paris' most famous monuments & buildings such as the Eiffel Tower & the Arc de Triomphe. YOUR STUDENTS WILL INVESTIGATE A WIDE RANGE OF MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS IN CONTEXT & WILL USE THEM TO HIGHLIGHT KEY FACTS ABOUT THEIR HISTORY & THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH THEY LIVE.” ACLC Maths Trip to Paris 2012

3 Day 1 Monday 16 th July 2012 Meet at outside the main office at school Don’t get left behind! …and make sure to go to the toilet before you arrive at school! 5.45am We’ll be getting the ferry from Dover across to Calais, and will arrive at the hotel in time for our evening meal. Bring a packed lunch!!!

4 Day 2 Tuesday 17th July 2012 Breakfast provided by the hotel Morning: Maths exhibition in Paris Afternoon: Visit Paris landmarks, including Galina maths activities at Arc de Triomphe Eiffel Tower The Louvre Evening: Evening Meal in Paris followed by cruise on the river Seine

5 Day 3 Wednesday 18th July 2012 Breakfast provided by the hotel Disneyland Evening meal at Disneyland

6 Day 4 Thursday 19st July 2012 Breakfast provided by the hotel Travel home Trip to the hypermarket Arrive back at ACLC for 10pm

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