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B4 a-d Pig (F).  Name the pores in the bottom of a leaf.

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Presentation on theme: "B4 a-d Pig (F).  Name the pores in the bottom of a leaf."— Presentation transcript:

1 B4 a-d Pig (F)

2  Name the pores in the bottom of a leaf

3  Stomata

4  What is the job of air spaces?

5  Allow gases to diffuse from palisade cell to air/air to palisade cell

6  List 3 adaptations of a leaf for efficient photosynthesis

7  Broad (large surface area)  This (short diffusion distance)  Palisade cells have many chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll)  Veins bring water/remove sugar  Stomata allow carbon dioxide in/oxygen out

8  What is osmosis

9  Diffusion of water from a high water concentration to a low water concentration across a partially permeable membrane

10  What is a partially permeable membrane?

11  A membrane that only lets certain (small) molecules, like water, through

12  What will happen to a red blood cell if you inject pure water into your veins?

13  Water will enter the cell by osmosis until it bursts

14  What do you call a plant cell that has lost a lot of water by osmosis

15  Flaccid/plasmolysed

16  Name tube Z

17 Phloem

18  What is the job of phloem?

19  Transporting sugars around the plant

20  What is this device called and what is it for?

21  Potometer  Measuring water uptake (allow transpiration) in a plant

22  What is transpiration?

23  Loss of water vapour from the leaves

24  List 2 ways of increasing the rate of transpiration

25  Increase temperature  Increase wind speed  Decrease humidity  Increase light intensity

26  List 4 minerals needed by a plant

27  Nitrate  Phosphate  Potassium  Magnesium

28  Why does a plant need magnesium?

29  To make chlorophyll (for photosynthesis)

30  What will a plant look like if it is grown with very little nitrate?

31  small

32  How do minerals enter a root hair?

33  Active transport


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