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The EU context for future funding in Wales Rona Michie Funding the EU and EU Funding in Wales European Parliament Seminar Novotel, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff,

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Presentation on theme: "The EU context for future funding in Wales Rona Michie Funding the EU and EU Funding in Wales European Parliament Seminar Novotel, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The EU context for future funding in Wales Rona Michie Funding the EU and EU Funding in Wales European Parliament Seminar Novotel, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, 19 April 2013

2 2 EU context for future funding in Wales Budgetary context: how much money? o Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), 2014-2020 o Implications for Cohesion policy Regulatory context: what is expected? o strategic coherence o thematic concentration o better performance

3 3 MFF commitment appropriations

4 4 MFF change in appropriations: 2007-13 to 2014-2020

5 5 MFF: implications for Cohesion policy

6 6 MFF: implications for Member State allocations

7 7 Regulatory context Member States expected to “improve the quality of spending” through: more strategic coherence – with Europe 2020 thematic concentration – on key EU priorities better performance – make results visible

8 8 Strategic coherence Focus is on ensuring a more strategic and coordinated (even integrated) use of the Funds e.g. through: coordinating committees for different Funds joint managing authorities for different programmes single programmes for all Funds simplifying access for applicants to all EU funding (Structural Funds, Horizon 2020 etc) o single application points o harmonising eligibility rules

9 9 Thematic concentration Focus of spending on a limited number of objectives to: maximise the contribution of Cohesion policy to Europe 2020 achieve a critical mass of support Programming preparations indicate more spending on: energy-related themes (energy efficiency, renewables and low-carbon economy) research, technological development and innovation; ICT education/human capital social inclusion and health Less support for 'hard' infrastructure, such as transport

10 10 Thematic concentration Themes ATDKUKNLFIIESELUDEBEESFRSICZGRHUITLTLVPLPTROSK 1. RTDI xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2. ICT xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 3. SME comp. xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4. Low-carbon economy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5. Climate change xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6. Enviro protection xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7. Sust transport xx xxxxxxxxxxx 8. Employment and mobility xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9. Social inclusion xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10. Education, skills xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11. Inst. capacity xxxxxxxxxxxx No. of priorities 77778888910 11

11 Better performance Need for clearly specified objectives, results and the new intervention logic to: support programming, monitoring, assessment of achievements emphasis on the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions Managing authorities are making some efforts to: improve coherence of programme objectives with indicators and targets use fewer monitoring indicators ensure better comparability across regions, programmes However, there appears to be a major gap between Commission expectations and action at programme level

12 12 Thank you for your attention.

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