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A five minute teaching presentation showing us how you would support a child with your specification of SEN and age and ability on a one-to-one daily basis.......

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Presentation on theme: "A five minute teaching presentation showing us how you would support a child with your specification of SEN and age and ability on a one-to-one daily basis......."— Presentation transcript:

1 A five minute teaching presentation showing us how you would support a child with your specification of SEN and age and ability on a one-to-one daily basis....... Susan Bennett

2 Pen portrait - Charlie  Male  10 years of age  Hyperactive  Poor attention span  Prone to outbursts  Not statemented Specific needs on IAP:  To integrate Charlie back into mainstream classroom activities  reading, writing, number work and understanding information reading/maths : KS1  expressing himself and understanding instructions  organising himself

3 Work from their interest Briefings from school and parents/carers on:  Interests  Preferred learning styles  What has worked – and what hasn’t  Flexible and adaptive approach  Making experiences relevant to their lives  Clear instructions  Building in goals and rewards  Wide range of input:  IT/TV/CD  Visual  Auditory  Practical experience

4 For example: Identify interests Approach  Charlie likes cars  Spends a lot of time on Play Station’s car racing games  Has come to hate any work which looks like ‘school’  Is very good at drawing cars and has a good collection of pictures at home  A short term integrated scheme of work around cars, without it looking like ‘school’ work  In order to expand into other areas of interest as they emerge........ And cover core skills  Reinforcing and demonstrating appropriate behaviour

5 Stimulate interest- attention span  Bring car magazines, pictures or use computer generated material  Cut/print out favourite cars  Arrange in order of: preference  Cost  Speed  Performance

6 Bring in ‘disguised’ core skills.... Cars Reading Adverts, descriptions of cars Key card words to remember Writing/ drawing For Sale advert Preferences in order My best car is... And why Thinking Which is best and why? Pros and cons of second hand and costs Maths Ordering prices biggest to smallest If you had £50,000, how much change or how much to borrow?

7 Expand parameters of interest Maths  Miles to the gallon  Speed charts  Graphs of engine capacity  Number plates and their ordering  Car deals such as 50% off  Inclusive deals with insurance, radios and assessing value for money  Trade in prices compared  Maps, routes and distances English  Vocabulary development using key car words to spell and remember  Creative writing about cars  Use of factual information to make choices through car adverts/descriptions  Research on history of famous cars such as a Porsche  More car pictures as rewards?

8 Practicalities  Start from where they are at – that day  Have more materials than will be needed across a wide range of options to pursue  Short inputs until interest is secured  Disguise ‘real’ school work  Mark progress with Charlie every session  Build in incentives around his interests  Offer genuine praise for achievement  Always deliver rewards when earned  Demonstrate consistent approach to acceptable behaviour

9 Summary  Know your pupil  Keep and encourage their interests  Be flexible and ready to change tack when new areas/skills emerge:- eg drawing  Have back up material  Demonstrate appropriate behaviour  Be ready to relate to mainstream curriculum  But only when interest is secured!

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