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What are the challenges to making a truly sustainable home? A Website Design Project for the Willy Environmental Neighbourhood ICT for visualising thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the challenges to making a truly sustainable home? A Website Design Project for the Willy Environmental Neighbourhood ICT for visualising thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the challenges to making a truly sustainable home? A Website Design Project for the Willy Environmental Neighbourhood ICT for visualising thinking ICT for creating ICT communicating Williamstown Primary, August 13 & 14, 2007

2 Focus Question: What are the challenges to making a truly sustainable home? ・ How can we keep development of new home as sustainable as possible? ・ Can current homes be retro fitted with new technologies to make them green? ・ What is the importance of green building materials? ・ What strategies and new technologies can be used in the home to save water, waste and energy? ・ What future technologies could be used to in home to allow for more efficient water and energy use? ・ Can you design a completely sustainable home from the bottom up?

3 That’s a very big question !! So how can we get our brain organised to think about it??? We can use a graphic organiser to help us visualise our thinking…..

4 How can we keep development of new home as sustainable as possible?..... How can we keep development of new home as sustainable as possible? ……

5 What future technologies could be used to in home to allow for more efficient water and energy use?..... … … What future technologies could be used to in home to allow for more efficient water and energy use?

6 What is the importance of green building materials?..... … … … … … … … … … … … … … … What is the importance of green building materials?

7 Can you design a completely sustainable home from the bottom up? YES..... NO Can you design a completely sustainable home from the bottom up?

8 Can current homes be retro fitted with new technologies to make them green?..... Yes Maybe No

9 What strategies and new technologies can be used in the home to save water, waste and energy?

10 Our Task: To make a website on What are the challenges to making a truly sustainable home? Students will answer part of the focus question using one of the following forms of multimedia [students will be in groups of 2 or 3]. The website will be published and linked to the Cluster’s website

11 Website Design Activities _1 Website [iWeb] Developing a website which encourages on sustainable housing [including home page and maybe facts page, photo gallery and blog and pages to hold the comic/posters and podcast.] Comic or posters [Comic Life] Making a comic or poster about sustainable housing

12 Website Design Activities _2 Podcast [GarageBand 3] Plan and conduct a podcast on sustainable housing issues Wiki Add content about project to cluster wiki Short Movie [Using iMovie HD] to make a promotional video on sustainable housing Digital photography for the website / Comic Life

13 Day 1. Monday August 13th 9.00am Welcome – Overview of program, outline of expectations & housekeeping. Visual thinking activity. Answering the question. Groups organised with mentors. Content collection / planners 11.00 – Recess 11.30 – Software/skills workshops 1.00 – Lunch break 2.00 – Workshop time 1 3.20 - Close of program for Day 1

14 Day 2. Tuesday August 14th 9.00am – Workshop time 2 11.00 – Recess 11.30 – Workshop time 3 1.00 – Lunch break 2.00 – Presentation of final products to Cluster network 3.15 – Close of program for Day 2

15 Designed by Mark Richardson, ICT Coordinator, Williamstown Primary School, & Kara Spence, Environmental Educator, Environmental Neighbourhood Cluster August 2007, For the Williamstown Environmental Neighbourhood. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

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