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The Board – Executive Partnership: Essential for Success

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1 The Board – Executive Partnership: Essential for Success
We are at a time of tremendous challenge and change. Now more than ever we need the combined talents of our volunteers and paid executive staff to create energy for solutions to insure our survival.

2 The Board – Executive Partnership: Essential for Success
Invest in the relationship with each other Setting goals with each other Communicating regularly with each other Requiring accountability of each other Coaching and feedback with one another Rewarding for job well done with each other “We will only get out of a relationship what we put into it” This is true of any human relationship or partnership. To establish trust, meaningful interpersonal understanding, we need to get to know one another and spend time with each other.

3 Invest in the relationship to build trust
Meeting regularly with executive to build a atmosphere of support and teamwork. Listening and support are important elements of trust on both parties. Establish an atmosphere of openness and sharing that results in learning. What if trust is broken? An hour or two each month for a board member to get involved in the organization would help them to better understand the programs and services. The board might even consider “rules of conduct” for the board meeting to insure that healthy dialogue takes place and the environment is safe for people to speak openly.

4 Plan together and agree upon strategic goals
Are these the goals that will make the organization stronger for the future? Are these goals measureable? Tie goals to agenda. What are the boards goals? Strategic planning is one of the three major responsibilities of the board. The board and the executive should spend significant time planning, monitoring the plan and adjusting the plan as new information because available. The board should establish it’s own goals to improve it’s performance over time.

5 Communicate and spend time together
Board should get involved to understand the program of service Executive should establish a regular short informative tool for board Packets for board should contain “knowledge” and not “data” Encourage questions and reflection In any healthy relationship, good open communication is at the core. Communication can be made difficult by too much information, so there has to be a balance between providing “analysis or knowledge” from the data.

6 Hold each other accountable
Require management to have systems of accountability for all departments Executive and Board Chair holding board members accountable for attendance, chairing task forces, fulfilling their responsibilities How do you know if you are meeting these goals: Mission Effectiveness Financial Solvency Resident Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction Building and Equipment Replacement Fund Raising Effectiveness Social Accountability While the board should hold the executive accountable for performance on timelines, and other goals the board chair should hold board members accountable for their attendance and fulfilling their responsbilities also.

7 Coaching and feedback: Don’t wait until end of year
Everyone wants and needs feedback Agree upon a coaching and feedback process with Executive Keep process focused on business goals and outcomes Feedback can be formal or informal. Reach a common agreement upon the process with the Executive. Document the process and report the process and results to the full board on a regular basis.

8 Rewarding for a job well done
Establish agreed upon salary increases or bonuses before hand Gather comparative benchmarking data regularly Make goals measureable Celebrating your achievements Document clearly the guidelines established. Share the full report with the board on an annual basis. Review with an accountant or lawyer to comply with IRS compensation guidelines for nonprofits.

9 Board should plan and evaluate self
Spend time establishing your own social capital Approve an annual set of plans and goals Reflect and evaluate your performance Establish appropriate thank you’s for board contributions. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the success of the organization and the chemistry and fellowship among the board members. The Executive should take a strong role in helping to provide the staff support for the board to encourage these activities and work with the board to find ways of recognizing board members for their contributions of time and money.

10 Check the

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