DBMS TOOL part, Kevin.Wang. 1.HA host setting 2.Create/Delete database 3.Add/Delete slave host Add slave host Delete selected host Add existed DB Create.

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Presentation on theme: "DBMS TOOL part, Kevin.Wang. 1.HA host setting 2.Create/Delete database 3.Add/Delete slave host Add slave host Delete selected host Add existed DB Create."— Presentation transcript:

1 DBMS TOOL part, Kevin.Wang

2 1.HA host setting 2.Create/Delete database 3.Add/Delete slave host Add slave host Delete selected host Add existed DB Create new DB Delete from list Master Host

3 1.Edit cubrid.conf parameters. 2.We can give the purpose for every parameter and give the proposed value. Copy all parameter to anthers Edit cubrid.conf parameters

4 1.Edit cubrid_ha.conf parameters 2.We can give the purpose for every parameter and give the proposed value. Edit cubrid_ha.conf

5 1. Edit broker.conf parameters. 2.We can give the purpose for every parameter and give the proposed value. Edit cubrid_broker.conf

6 1.Setting confirm information. 2.Click “FINISH” button modify the config file. 3.Open the dialog that start HA service manually.

7 1.Help modify the file and start HA service 2.If Step1 and Step2 is not finished, can’t close this dialog.

8 1.After finish the wizard, the user should modify the /etc/hosts file. 2.Modify the parameters, mush restart the service. 3.The user must start ha service manually. 4.Now, we can’t check which server is master server in CM.(Need CMS support) 5.The HA utility can’t use in CM.(Need CMS support) 6.HA only run on Linux platform.(It would best on same OS and same CUBRID server). 7.It has risk modify the config file.


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