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Willamette Education Service District SexualHarassmentPresentation.

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1 Willamette Education Service District SexualHarassmentPresentation

2 Sexual Harassment a serious problem Nationally the fastest growing area of employment discrimination  Nationally the fastest growing area of employment discrimination 1990: 6,127 complaints filed with EEOC  1990: 6,127 complaints filed with EEOC 1997: 15,889 complaints filed with EEOC  1997: 15,889 complaints filed with EEOC 1/2 to 2/3 of all working women, and some working men have experienced sexual harassment  1/2 to 2/3 of all working women, and some working men have experienced sexual harassment

3 What Is Sexual Harassment? -A violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended -The Federal Agency charged with enforcing Title VII is the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC)

4 Two Types of Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo (this for that) Submission to or rejection of conduct of a sexual nature is used as the basis for employment decisions or is made a term or condition of employment. Unwelcome sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with job performance or creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment. Hostile Environment Unwelcome sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with job performance or creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment.

5 Students Quid Pro Quo Examples Offer of a better grade in exchange for sex Offer of making a team in exchange for sex Offer of help with homework for sex

6 Hostile Environment Examples Teasing Inappropriate pictures Comments on body parts Note: Most harassment occurs in the hallways and the gym Students


8 DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT Negatively impacts school or work performance Creates fear, discouragement, and a sense of powerlessness Individual learns to dislike school or work, becomes depressed, unable to concentrate, etc. THE INDIVIDUAL THE INDIVIDUAL

9 DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT Physical Symptoms: Loss of appetite, tension, headaches, stomach aches, sleeplessness Emotional Symptoms: Anger, fear, anxiety, depression, self-blame, feelings of lowered self-worth THE INDIVIDUAL THE INDIVIDUAL


11 1.Prompt action (stop it – report it) 2.Investigation 3.Prompt corrective action is required – keep matters confidential 4.Communication 5.Watch for retaliation 6.Leave a paper trail

12 Guidance and Good Advice  Exercise common sense  Be familiar with our district’s policy  Conduct yourself in a business-like manner  Dress appropriately for the job  Treat others in a respectful manner  Be sensitive to and respect others’ feelings and reactions  Speak up if someone offends you

13 WHAT TO DO IF HARASSED Immediately report the incident  Immediately report the incident Be prepared to share specifics  Be prepared to share specifics Maintain confidentiality  Maintain confidentiality Immediately report any reprisals  Immediately report any reprisals Contact a higher level administrator if the matter is not handled promptly  Contact a higher level administrator if the matter is not handled promptly

14 Q u e s t i o n s ? Contact Dr. Dave Novotney, Deputy Superintendent, at

15 Willamette Education Service District Sexual Harassment PresentationEnd

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