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The NDPC-SD Intervention Framework National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities Clemson University © 2007 NDPC-SD – All rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "The NDPC-SD Intervention Framework National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities Clemson University © 2007 NDPC-SD – All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NDPC-SD Intervention Framework National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities Clemson University © 2007 NDPC-SD – All rights reserved

2 Implementing the School Intervention Framework Step 1: Data collection & analysis Step 2: Identification of target areas & interventions Step 3: Intervention framework & plan development Step 4: Intervention implementation, monitoring & evaluation 1.Training 2.Coaching 3.Consultation/performance feedback 4.Evaluation

3 © 2007 National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities at Clemson University – All rights reserved

4 Phase 1: Analyze Data District and school demographics Student performance (graduation, dropout, course completion, AYP) District/school infrastructure Assessment, curriculum, and instructional systems Current initiatives and partnerships Professional development Parent/family engagement

5 Data Analysis  Essential Questions:  Is your examination of relevant data complete?  If yes, are you able to identify which factors are influencing dropout in your district?  If not, what additional data will you need to make this determination  Is the data available to you – or will you need to collect the data?

6 Data Analysis  Essential Questions:  Did your data analysis include interviews with a cohort of youth who dropped out of school or post-hoc examination of educational records?  If yes, what additional information did learn?  Does the information support your conclusions from the data?

7 Data Analysis  Essential Questions:  What strategies/tools were used to examine the following:  School climate  Parental involvement  Community factors

8 Phase 2: Identify Target Areas for Intervention Academic content and instruction (reading, math, science, writing) Behavior (classroom management, behavior support) Attendance and truancy prevention School climate Self management (self determination, problem solving) Mentoring (employment, service learning) Family engagement

9 Identifying Targets for Intervention  Essential Questions:  After your team completed examination of relevant data, what are the top four major factors associated with dropout/ school completion in your school?  How did your team prioritize these factors?  What initiatives and partnerships are in place within the district or region to address priorities?

10 Phase 3: Develop Improvement Plan Select evidence-based practices (e.g., Check & Connect, Positive Behavior Support, Cognitive Behavior Interventions, Content Enhancements) Determine level of intensity (Universal, Selected, Targeted) Contextualize to setting Establish timelines Deliver initial staff training (Training Modules 1 – 6)

11 Phase 3: Develop Improvement Plan Select evidence-based practices List one evidence-based strategy for each factor you prioritized. Determine level of intensity (Universal, Selected, Targeted) for each strategy. Who are the recipients ? What criteria was used for selection

12 Phase 3: Develop Improvement Plan Contextualize to setting  Essential Questions:  What will I need to do to make these practices work in my school?  What are my strategies for but in of other staff?  How do I communicate this information?

13 Professional development  Essential Questions:  What training is needed?  Who needs to be trained?  What is your strategy for training?  What additional information and/or support will you need to move forward?

14 Are you Ready to Make A Plan?  Homework  Group Examples  Team Practice

15 Phase 4: Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Conduct baseline measures Implement strategies: on-site coaching, consultation & feedback, progress monitoring, fidelity checks Measure results Evaluate outcomes Celebrate success! Disseminate


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