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Each student will choose a person to read and research about them. Expository Writing “Mini Pace”

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1 Each student will choose a person to read and research about them. Expository Writing “Mini Pace”

2 Requirements:  Research using a minimum of 2 sources (Book and Internet)  A finalized paper, typed in 12 pt font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced  A visual aid to use during presentation  Presentation to peers

3 Research Steps 1. Choose Person—Biography or Autobiography --- Needs to be done by 1/19/12 1. Research Person  complete source cards, complete works consulted cards ---Needs to be done by 2/10/12 3. Put all information on an outline ---Needs to be done by 2/17/12 4. Write rough draft of paper (including works consulted page) ---Needs to be done by 2/24/12 5. Go through editing  self, peer, parent ---Needs to be done by 2/24/12 6. Type final paper (including cover) ---Needs to be done by 3/9/12 7. Work on Visual Aid ---Needs to be done by 3/16/12 8. Work on Note cards  What are the important things you want to share about your paper or Visual Aid? ---Needs to be done by 3/16/10 9. Present to your peers ---Week of 3/19/12-3/22/12 10. PARTY!!!! ---3/23/12

4 Count Down Until Research is due 37 Total School Days for entire project! 8 school days Until research is complete!

5 Example of a Note Card  Introduction Paragraph  Who is the person?  What are they known for?  What are the things that they are involved in?  Is there a special quote that they are known for?   Source Card # _________________________________________________________________   Book/ Web Site: ___­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________   Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________________   Source Card # _________________________________________________________________   Book/ Web Site: ___­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________   Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________________   Source Card # _________________________________________________________________   Book/ Web Site: ___­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________   Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________________  You will need to use all both sources for each topic: IE– you will research the introduction paragraph in the book and on the internet

6 Outline  The purpose of the outline is to arrange the information so that the actual paper is easier to write.

7 Paper Requirements  5 paragraph expository paper (Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion)  At least 3 pages in length (Rough Draft)  Typed in 12 pt font  Times New Roman  Double Spaced  A cover page  A works consulted page

8 Topics to Cover  Introduction paragraph will include ○ (Topic Sentence) o What the person in known for  Body paragraphs will include ○ (Transition Words) o History of the person: o Birth date, Childhood, Death Date  if applicable o Struggles/Problems: o What did this person struggle with? Learning problems, death, bullying, Physical problems? o Accomplishments: o What success has this person had in their lifetime? o Have they won awards? Medals? Prizes?  Conclusion paragraph will include: o (Restated Topic Sentence) o Your personal opinion of the person.

9 Example of Cover Page The Wonderful Place Called Russia Student A Teacher Name Period 4 1/25/2010  Creative title to the paper  Name (First and Last)  Teacher Last Name  Period  Date

10 Example of Works Consulted Page Works Consulted  Torchinsky,Oleg, and Angela Black. Cultures of the world copyright 2005 Marshall Cavendish, New York  Grolier “Russia” World Book Q/R. 16 copyright 1999, Wikipedia March 2 2009..  S:\EMS_SHARED\PACE 8\2009-2010\LHMS Works Cited Samples.doc S:\EMS_SHARED\PACE 8\2009-2010\LHMS Works Cited Samples.doc

11 Visual Aid Choices: Please click to see requirements  Diorama Diorama  Mobile Mobile  Poster Poster  Timeline Banner Timeline Banner

12 Speech Cards  Students will be required to write and use speech cards during their presentations.  This should be information about their person and their visual aid.

13 Items that will be graded: ** Please see due dates to know when the grade will be taken. **due dates  Note Cards  Source Cards  Rough Draft  Editing  Final copy  Visual Aid  Speech Cards  Presentations

14 Presentations  Presentations will be about 3-5 minutes in length.  Students will give their presentations to small groups, as a result each person will present 4 times.  The visual aid and the speech cards are the only things that will be available to the student during presentations.

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