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Overall Planning Process Strategic Goals - Long-range planning - Balanced Scorecard - Performance Targets Analysis - Mgmt Systems - Program Tradeoffs -

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Presentation on theme: "Overall Planning Process Strategic Goals - Long-range planning - Balanced Scorecard - Performance Targets Analysis - Mgmt Systems - Program Tradeoffs -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overall Planning Process Strategic Goals - Long-range planning - Balanced Scorecard - Performance Targets Analysis - Mgmt Systems - Program Tradeoffs - Final Optimization - Reality checks Programming - Less than 10 yrs - Fiscally constrained - STIP Approval Work Gets Done - Projects completed - Conditions monitored - Plan vs. Actual Results - Feedback to Planning


3 Network Allowances -- Treatment Types (Results from Management Systems) $30 million 1Rs 6 mi Chip_ _18 mi Micro__ __8 mi O/L_ ___ _14 mi Chip 7 mi Crack 6 mi O/L 11 mi Micro__ $40 million 2Rs _20 mi Mill/Fill__ _15 mi O/L__ __7 mi Trench O/L_ ___ 17 mi O/L___ _13 mi Mill/Fill__ _12 mi O/L__ 10 mi Trench O/L___ $30 million 3Rs 3 mi concrete___ 6 mi asphalt___ 5 mi asphalt___ ___ 6 mi asphalt___ 4 mi concrete___ 5 mi asphalt___ 3 mi concrete___ ”Present Need” Priority #1 Projects (for years 7 – 10) e.g. Pavement Spending Constraint Prioritized Project Candidates During “Project Optimization” this information is formulated, years 5&6 are firmed up, and these “constrained” lists of projects can move into the STIP Average Annual Budgets

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