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PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE SBC HEALTH CHALLENGE “You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

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Presentation on theme: "PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE SBC HEALTH CHALLENGE “You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE SBC HEALTH CHALLENGE “You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6 19-20

2  February 1 through April 19  Weigh-in  Prayer partners  Healthy Start Tips  Bi-Weekly Weigh-ins  Wednesday at 5:45 and 6:45  Bi-Weekly Challenges PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

3  Incentives  Meeting bi-weekly challenges  Female Winner – total spa treatment basket  Male Winner – new grill  Couple Winner – Bed and Breakfast Getaway  How do I become the top “Temple Keeper”?  Highest percentage of weight loss.  Final Weigh-in & Award Ceremony – April 19th PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

4  Bi-Weekly Challenges  Design and stick to a meal plan.  Daily prayer and bible study.  Include 5 fruits/vegetables into daily meals.  Exercise 210 minutes a week + 3 nights/week without TV  Consume 8 cups of water a day. PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

5  Lifestyle changes in diet and exercise.  May not happen overnight. Success usually doesn’t.  Be disciplined.  Pray for yourself and others.  Form your goal.  Be realistic. Preparing God’s Temple How do I start???

6  The food’s you eat.  Be a cautious consumer – read labels – compare fat/calories.  Eat a variety of foods – helps you get the nutrients you need.  Eat in right amounts – portion sizes. More carbohydrates/proteins, less fatty foods.  Consider the time of day you eat.  Do not skip meals. Include snacks.  Be cautious of dining out – difficult to control calories/tempting menus.  Clean out the pantry? PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE Thinking about…meal planning.

7  Exercise – Our bodies were “Made to Move.”  Controls energy, mental health, physical health (muscles & joints).  How much – at least 30 minutes (maintains).  Aerobic, Flexibility, Resistance.  Make it part of daily lifestyle.  Use variety.  Avoid allowing yourself to be discouraged. PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

8  Goal Setting  What is your intention? (Be realistic.)  Exercise more, change the food you eat, weight loss?  How are you going to do it?  Barriers – what is going to impair you?  How are you going to plan around barriers?  Who are you accountable to? PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

9  Saves time, saves money, prevents stress, allows you to control what you eat.  Balance calories, fatty foods, time.  Try new foods / recipes.  Practice.  Preparing God’s Temple MEAL PLANNING

10  Resources  Email  Facebook group  Weigh-ins  Lifeway –   prayer partners  Building God’s Temple

11 “With God All Things Are Possible.” Matthew 19:26. PREPARING GOD’S TEMPLE

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