Kansas City 511 Kansas City ITS Symposium May 6, 2009 Presented by: Barb Blue, ATIS/511 Program Manager Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas City 511 Kansas City ITS Symposium May 6, 2009 Presented by: Barb Blue, ATIS/511 Program Manager Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas City 511 Kansas City ITS Symposium May 6, 2009 Presented by: Barb Blue, ATIS/511 Program Manager Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)

2  Traveler Information (ATIS) What is ATIS? 511 Background 511 Background Kansas Kansas City 511 Update Steve – Big Picture of ATIS for the 21 st Century  Steve – Big Picture of ATIS for the 21 st Century 2

3 3  Advanced Traveler Information System  ATIS  ATIS: The means to disseminate information, both broadcast and personalized, from ITS infrastructure to the traveling public via telephone, website, vehicles, dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio and other devices.   An integrated extension of ITS – the “face of ITS”

4 4

5  In July 2000, FCC granted 511 as the national travel information number in response to US DOT’s petition for an N11 number for travel information  National Rationale Simplify access to information—one easy-to- remember nationwide number Improve Information and User experience Overcome Obstacles for providing travel information 5

6  KDOT began planning for 511 in Kansas in 2000  KDOT’s original 511 work plan called for the statewide 511 system to include the greater Kansas City metro area  After further assessment, the plan was revised to add the KC metro later  Began research/planning for KC in 2007 6

7  Deployed in January 2004  Outsourced system hosted by Meridian (ASP)  Covers Kansas State Highway System (Turnpike and Interstate, US, State highways)  Route/segment-specific info  Accessible 24/7/365 from landline or cellular phones from anywhere in the U.S.  Free to callers (cell minutes may apply)  Interactive User Menu easy to use by voice or keypad commands  Ongoing enhancements – a work in progress 7

8  Primary Stakeholder Meetings  Preliminary Information/Assessment Who are we serving? Why: Benefits of a Kansas City 511 System Goals Priorities Needs Issues System Deployment options 8

9  Who Are We Serving? Local, resident travelers Interstate (through) Travelers Stakeholder needs (esp. funders) 9

10  Benefits of A Kansas City System Easy access to information across state lines Provide information travelers need/want to make informed decisions Metro traveler needs are different than rural Increased customer service/satisfaction Accurate, reliable information can provide opportunity for changed traveler behaviors Stakeholder Public Relations 10

11  Easy access and use from both states  Timely, accurate information  Increased detail and types of information  Easy, reliable user access (no dropped calls)  Reliable system operations  Cost-effective system operations/maintenance  No /minimal staff additions  Public relations for Stakeholder sponsors 11

12  Near real time information  Low operating costs  System reliability  Content: Weather-related road conditions Roadway information (traffic, work zone, incidents, etc) Weather 12

13  System “ownership”  System Support (in-house or outsourced)  Content (data and information dissemination)  Operations/Maintenance Requirements & Support  Interoperability  System Type  User Interface (menu, content, structure)  System capacity (average and peak usage)  Costs  Funding  Companion Web site? 13

14  Regional Stakeholders identified  Stakeholder Meetings/Feedback: Want/support 511 for the metro region Provided input for preliminary information Priority content identified: Road Conditions Weather Road Closures Work Zone Information Traffic/Congestion (travel times) Incidents Transit Airport Events (transportation impact) Ride Share Parking/Park & Ride Disaster/Evacuation AMBER Alert 14

15  Stakeholder Feedback Other Content Ozone Alerts Safety Campaign Information Tourism 15

16  Meridian Hosted Solutions Integrate within the existing Kansas 511 system, with interoperability for MO Separate KC system within shared infrastructure Separate KC system without shared infrastructure  Traffic.com Solution  Other Solutions Separate KC system – hosted by “owner” Separate KC system – VoIP Separate KC system – pay-per-minute 16

17  Requirements Extensible Locally maintained menu and content No dropped calls Accommodate multiple modes Seamless across state line Unattended operation Adhere to National 511 Guidelines 17

18  Developed high level Concept of Operations  Address potential System “owners”  Considerations for each option Benefits (pros) Disadvantages (cons) Goals/Needs and Priorities Estimated Costs and Cost/benefit Issues Time-line (include Phases if proposed) 18

19  Separate outsourced regional System  Primary Stakeholders : KDOT, MoDOT, MARC, KC Scout and KCATA  System needs/requirements are beyond the scope of KC Scout  Request for MARC to lead the administration of the system  KDOT 511 Program Manager assigned to lead the technical project management and implementation  KDOT and MoDOT have committed to participation of other staff needed to assist 19

20  Confirm MARC as system administrator  Develop agreements with primary stakeholders  Finalize system functional requirements  RFP – Select system host  Begin system deployment process 20

21 For more information, contact: Barb Blue ATIS /511 Project Manager Bureau of Transportation Information, KDOT bblue@ksdot.org 785-291-3818 21

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