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What is Drug Demand Reduction? The Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Program is chartered with the responsibility to make the CAP an environment that promotes.

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3 What is Drug Demand Reduction? The Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Program is chartered with the responsibility to make the CAP an environment that promotes and supports education, community involvement, social responsibility and respect for individuals. The DDR Program began in 1994 to support the “Air Force Family” within 30 miles of active duty Air Force Bases, Air Force Reserve Bases or Stations, Air National Guard Bases and separate units with 100 or more personnel.

4 What is Drug Demand Reduction? The program has evolved into five areas: –Education and Training –Collaborative Efforts –Middle School Initiative –Community Outreach Activities –Drug Demand Reduction Initiatives Program (DDRIP)

5 Education and Training Promote CAP as a positive community service lifestyle Provide substance abuse information/classes Conduct CAP annual Red Ribbon Campaign DDR educational opportunities Annual Conference Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Free Environment

6 Collaborative Efforts Collaborate with our partner agencies Involve local service members, family members, and community members to promote the Air Force, CAP and local installations/communities Partnerships –Air Force DDR Program –Air Force Reserve Command DDR Program –National Guard DDR Program –Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America –Drug Enforcement Administration DDR Program –FBI Community Outreach Program

7 Community Outreach Activities Get involved with base, local, or community activities and projects Recommendations: –Red Ribbon Campaign –Drug Education for Youth (DEFY) –Community Anti-Drug Coalitions –Military Youth and Teen Programs –Family Community Centers –Community Health Fairs –Chaplain Groups –Mentoring Programs –Parent Groups –Base Sponsored Community Activities

8 DDRIP DDRIP is designed to assist squadrons, wings and regions with funding to develop new programs and assist existing programs and activities. Funding is intended as startup money for purchasing equipment, essential supplies, and defraying costs for activities that motivate and increase the desire of cadets to stay as active participants. (See CAPP 55 for details) The intent is to invest in the future. All funds should reflect long-range goals or plans to build improved programs.

9 WV Wing DDR Allocations $16,421 to Date

10 WV Wing Eligible Units 1996 - MRB & CRW 1997 - “ “ “ 1998 - MRB/CRW/BOONE 1999 - “ “ “ 2000 - MRB/CRW/BOONE MGW/CKB/WING 2001 - MRB/CRW/BOONE MGW/CKB/WING (six other non-DDR units)

11 MER FY 2001 ALLOCATIONS WING FUNDS SPENT % MER HQ $575$375 65% DE WING 4000 2999 75% MD WING 4450 3400 76% NAT CAP 5500 6111 109% NC WING 2488 2650 107% SC WING 9160 8972 98% VA WING 1989 589 30% WV WING 5986 6343106%

12 FY 2002 DDR ALLOCATIONS Martinsburg Wheeling $1690 $564 Charleston Cadet MidValley $1635 $2525 MorgantownBoone County $2381 $800 Clarksburg Wing Headquarters $1065 $1000 $11,660

13 Vision Statement Civil Air Patrol will become a leading force in America’s drug demand reduction strategy through the development of tomorrow’s leaders in volunteer community service for a drug- free universe.

14 Mission Statement The CAP DDR program assists regions, wings and squadrons in ensuring strong cadet programs through prevention, education, opportunity, and community outreach programs designed to reduce the potential illegal/ illicit drug use by Air Force military members, DoD civilians, family members, retirees, school-age children and Civil Air Patrol members. The mission is to reduce the use and abuse of illegal and illicit drugs through a comprehensive program of education, prevention and opportunity. Civil Air Patrol will: –Promote CAP as a positive community service lifestyle –Encourage youth to remain in school –Focus on drug abuse education, prevention and awareness –Provide positive activities as an alternative to drugs, gangs and violence

15 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 1: To provide cadets of the West Virginia Wing the opportunity to attend an affordable, fun, week long, summer training program, conducted at a military base, where basic cadet leadership skills, customs and courtesies, and DDR training are conducted. –A. By providing scholarships to the annual cadet summer encampment for all cadets from DDR eligible units and for as many other cadets from other units as possible, especially those that are financially in need. –B. Establish a working relationship with the West Virginia National Guard DDR Administrator.

16 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 2: Establish and maintain drug demand reduction personnel throughout the West Virginia Wing. –A. Establish a DDR Coordinator in 100% of the DDR eligible units within the Wing. –B. Establish a cadet assistant DDRA in the wing. –C. Establish a DDR Officer in 80% of other participating squadrons. –D. Establish a cadet assistant DDRO in 80% of all eligible and participating squadrons.

17 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 3: Increase awareness of substance abuse issues and its impact on the individual, community and the mission. –A. Enable cadets to appear in uniform to brief their peers and classmates about the opportunities within the CAP cadet program, while distributing recruiting and DDR materials. –B. Each DDR active unit will participate in at least one base-wide/community coalition building effort that includes DARE, youth activities, churches, schools, substance abuse programs and other agencies; Coordinate with 90% of all squadrons to participate in the annual Red Ribbon Campaign. –C. Conduct annual DDR briefings at 100% of encampments, and at 80% of appropriate cadet activities such as conferences, DDR events, etc. –D. Provide literature/videos/information to 100% of squadrons on a continuing basis and/or as needed.

18 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 4: Develop a financial plan consistent with the DDR goals and objectives. –A. 100% of reports and reimbursements submitted, per established timeline. –B. Seek Wing/Squadron match for requested DDR funds at 20%. –C. 15% CD Administration money may be used for DDR activities. Used as front money or as matching funds for the DDR program/activities.

19 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 5: Measure program effectiveness. –A. Execute 100% of the DDR Initiatives Program spend plan. –B. Statistically validate program success with retention, time invested, etc. –C. Retention percentage of cadets participating in DDR sponsored activities. –D. Document participation of senior members facilitating DDR activities. –E. Demonstrate utilization of DDR equipment through documentation of events.

20 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL 6: Educate and enable America’s youth to reject illegal drugs as well as alcohol and tobacco. A. Educate parents or other care givers, teachers, coaches, clergy, health professionals and business and community leaders to help youth reject illegal drugs and underage alcohol and tobacco use. 1) Continue Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program 2) Increase Cadet Sponsor Member Program 3) Initiate Middle School Initiative 4) Recognize Community Service Awards B. Pursue a vigorous advertising and public communications program dealing with the dangers of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco by youth. 1) Use Civil Air Patrol DDR Public Service Announcements 2) Continue use of DDR Videos, posters, brochures 3) Increase use of DDR static displays

21 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL #6 (Cont) C. Promote zero tolerance policies for youth regarding the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco within the family, school, workplace, and community. D. Provide students in grades K-12 with alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention programs and policies that are research-based.

22 WV Wing Goals and Objectives GOAL #6 (Con’t) E. Support parents and adult mentors in encouraging youth to engage in positive, healthy lifestyles and modeling behavior to be emulated by young people. –1) Continue Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program –2) Increase Civil Air Patrol cadet mentoring program –3) Continue Civil Air Patrol cadet protection program –4) Increase Civil Air Patrol encampment participation F. Encourage and assist the development of community coalitions and programs in preventing drug abuse and underage alcohol and tobacco use. –1) Work jointly with WV National Guard DDRA

23 Civil Air Patrol was born from a dream to provide service to the nation --- as was the DDR mission DDR is an Integral Part of the CAP and AF lifestyle Service to the nation

24 How do you request this support? West Virginia Wing Demand Reduction Lt Col Dennis D. Barron, CAP (304) 267-8042 (202) 616-2942 Office (202) 353-9095 FAX

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