ITW America Advanced Crude Tank Cleaning Solutions Dean Webster, CEO Jim Chapin, Partner (530) 470-0107.

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Presentation on theme: "ITW America Advanced Crude Tank Cleaning Solutions Dean Webster, CEO Jim Chapin, Partner (530) 470-0107."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITW America Advanced Crude Tank Cleaning Solutions Dean Webster, CEO Jim Chapin, Partner (530) 470-0107

2 Advanced Crude Tank Cleaning  Using only our proprietary chemical and the mixers already attached to your tank, quickly reclaim 95+% of the hydrocarbons in the sludge with low BS&W  Render remaining inorganic material cleaner and more malleable to expedite final cleanup  Dramatically reduce total cleaning costs

3 Tank Cleaning Process Isolate tank Leave crude oil in tank equal to amount of sludge for cutter stock Add proprietary chemical Allow mixers to stir tank for 10 to 14 days Fill tank with crude Pump off contents with low BS&W

4 Tank shell and rivets post chemical cleaning Some tanks require virtually no additional cleaning after our process is complete.

5 Tank roof and roof drain piping post-chemical process No additional cleaning necessary for roof or piping.

6 Advantages of ITW’s Cutting-Edge Tank Cleaning Process Safer Faster Better for environment Better Economics – the valuable oil in the sludge is returned to you

7 Safer & Faster  Man hours in tank greatly reduced.  Imagine being able to pump off 95+% of sludge within 14 days.  Conventional removal of remaining material is limited, easier, and far less costly.

8 Dramatically Less Waste More effective cleaning reduces solid waste component. Significant savings in hazardous waste disposal and hauling costs

9 Better Economics Asset Recovery Oil from Sludge Dramatically reduce total cleaning costs by recovering 95+% of hydrocarbons with chemical and mixers only Reclaim valuable hydrocarbons in tank For example: 30,000 bbl sludge may contain 25,000 bbl oil (@$90 bbl = $2,250,000 asset)

10 Mixers not working, no problem! We can provide alternative circulation methods

11 Satisfied Customers hundreds of tanks successfully treated  Tesoro Refining  Sunoco Logistics  Centurion Pipeline  Plains All American Pipeline  Grand Bahama Island  YPF Terminal – Puerto Rosales, Argentina

12 Summary  Greatly reduces total cleaning costs.  Pays for itself and yields significant revenue.  Convert tank bottom liabilities to assets.  We will happily put you in touch with high- level representatives of the companies for whom we’ve cleaned.

13 Next Steps To give you a quote for our chemical cleaning process, all we need to know is the diameter of your tank and how many feet of sludge it contains. You may be surprised to learn how much we can reduce your total cleaning costs.

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